Monday, August 8, 2011

Palestinian artist use sands to show cultural heritage

PressTV - Palestinian artist use sands to show cultural heritage:

Mon Aug 8, 2011 5:43PM GMT
Yousef al-Helou, Press TV, Gaza

"Sand art has become more popular in recent years but in Gaza artists use this unique art to decorate houses.

Bassam is Gaza's only sand artist, most of his sand pieces are part of the Palestinian cultural heritage, that tell the story of the indigenous Palestinians' who were living in peace in their land in historic Palestine before they were expelled from their homes and towns during Nakbah or the catastrophe in 1948.

Since a very young age, Bassam was fond of this kind of art, he drew tens of sand pieces to decorate not only houses but also tourist places across Gaza

Merging historic, Islamic and cultural traditions with modern art, Bassam has proved that creativity is boundless

Art knows no limit, sand was the only substance used to make this extraordinary piece.

‪PressTV - Palestinian artist use sands to show cultural heritage‬‏:

"Palgaz on Aug 8, 2011

News and Reports August 8, 2011

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