Friday, August 19, 2011

Nabi Salih Condemns Israeli Occupation Attacks on Gaza 19-8-11

Nabi Saleh protest 19-8-2011.wmv:

planxtysumoud on Aug 19, 2011

After the ferocious violence visited on Nabi Saleh on 29th July and a subsequent lull in the severe repression in the tiny village, today, saw the occupation forces returning to form when the notorious Border Police attacked the peaceful demonstrators from three strategic positions outside the village and from the village itself when five soldiers with backup invaded the area around the village square and fired gun fired high velocity tear gas projectiles at the protesters below. Despite the villagers strength being depleted through Ramadan fasting, the shabab and children responded fiercely with stone throwing.

An-Nabi-Salih 19-8-11:

yisraelpnm on Aug 19, 2011

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