Saturday, August 27, 2011

Al-Walaja Demonstration August 27, 2011

Al-Walaja Demonstration August 27, 2011 - YouTube:

justicewheels on Aug 27, 2011

This is the demonstration on Saturday August 27, 2011 after the Israeli court ruling legitimizes the theft of Al-Walaja land. The Israeli apartheid soldiers tried to stop the demonstrators with an outdated military order in Hebrew dated August 7, 2011. After this act of deceit was caught, the soldiers quickly pruduced an updated military order. However, the demonstrators discovered that the new military order is still no good because the effective date is August 28, 2011, a day after the demonstration. Even though the Israeli apartheid soldiers have no right to stop the demonstration, the soldiers continued preventing the demonstrators to proceed. But demonstrators persisted and managed to advance toward the entrance of the illegal colony Har Gilo. Scores of Israeli human rights activists joined Palestinians and internationals at the demonstration.

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