PressTV - Interim Palestinian government to be formed:
Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:16PM
Ashraf Shannon, Press TV, Gaza
"Renewed hope for Palestinians after Hamas and Fatah reached an initial agreement to set up a unity government.
The breakthrough came on Wednesday in the Egyptian capital, Cairo following intensive dialogue.
The initial understanding paves the way for the formation of a transitional unity government. The move also means fresh elections will be held within months. An exact date for the polls has yet to be set.
The reconciliation ends more than four years of division within the Palestinian political landscape. Negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority have been another source of friction.
On Friday, Hamas called on the Palestine Liberation Organization to rescind its recognition of Israel.
The division between the factions emerged in June 2007, some18 months after Hamas was democratically elected and beat Fatah in parliamentary elections in 2006.
Following some differences, Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip.
Palestinians here say unity is indispensable, no matter how serious the division between the factions may seem.
Analysts believe that the road to reconciliation and true unity has been laden with obstacles, while Israel and the United States haven't made things any easier.
Palestinians have seen enough division and disagreement. In the end, it's up to the Palestinian people to determine their destiny, and now they are sure what they want, and that is unity.
Many here believe that Palestinian national unity and the strategic changes in the region are the best opportunities for the ultimate liberation of Palestine.
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Saturday, April 30, 2011
Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories aimed at plundering their natural wealth
PressTV - 'Palestine, a possible mini-Dubai of ME':
Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:52AM
"Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories and its aggressions against the Palestinians are aimed at plundering their natural wealth, says a Middle East expert.
“People don't understand that this conflict is also to do with natural resources because in the offshore Gaza area is vast reserves of natural gas,” Peter Eyre, a Middle East consultant in London, told Press TV on Thursday.
“... Given the opportunity, this small nucleus of two separate entities [Gaza Strip and the West Bank], if they come together, has got enough wealth to become what I call the mini-Dubai of the eastern Mediterranean --that is perfectly possible,” Eyre said.
“Palestinian people have got tremendous wealth at their fingertips,” he added.
Eyre also expressed pleasure over a pact made recently between Palestinian factions to form a transitional unity government and hold future elections.
“I'm quite happy with the way things have gone on; for the first time we have two factions that have come together and that's a wonderful achievement,” the Middle East consultant said.
He also lauded the fact that the agreement was achieved without external interference.
“It's all been organized within the Arab states...They don't the West to resolve this issue,” Eyre said.
Eyre further pointed out that the West has always sided with Israel and that has been a longstanding “obstacle” on the way to achieve peace in the Middle East.
Delegations representing Hamas and Fatah came to an understanding on Wednesday in the Egyptian capital of Cairo, where they resumed unity talks.
Hamas and Fatah have been at odds since the former won the Palestinian parliamentary elections in January 2006.
Fatah set up headquarters in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, with Hamas arguing that the faction works in cahoots with Tel Aviv.
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Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:52AM
"Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories and its aggressions against the Palestinians are aimed at plundering their natural wealth, says a Middle East expert.
“People don't understand that this conflict is also to do with natural resources because in the offshore Gaza area is vast reserves of natural gas,” Peter Eyre, a Middle East consultant in London, told Press TV on Thursday.
“... Given the opportunity, this small nucleus of two separate entities [Gaza Strip and the West Bank], if they come together, has got enough wealth to become what I call the mini-Dubai of the eastern Mediterranean --that is perfectly possible,” Eyre said.
“Palestinian people have got tremendous wealth at their fingertips,” he added.
Eyre also expressed pleasure over a pact made recently between Palestinian factions to form a transitional unity government and hold future elections.
“I'm quite happy with the way things have gone on; for the first time we have two factions that have come together and that's a wonderful achievement,” the Middle East consultant said.
He also lauded the fact that the agreement was achieved without external interference.
“It's all been organized within the Arab states...They don't the West to resolve this issue,” Eyre said.
Eyre further pointed out that the West has always sided with Israel and that has been a longstanding “obstacle” on the way to achieve peace in the Middle East.
Delegations representing Hamas and Fatah came to an understanding on Wednesday in the Egyptian capital of Cairo, where they resumed unity talks.
Hamas and Fatah have been at odds since the former won the Palestinian parliamentary elections in January 2006.
Fatah set up headquarters in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, with Hamas arguing that the faction works in cahoots with Tel Aviv.
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Palestine Video
The 1948 Palestinian Nakba [and more of the same]
The 1948 Palestinian Nakba:
"Taytaba2 on Apr 29, 2011
May 15, 2010 - Marking 62 years of dispossesion and ethinc cleansing that continue today in Palestina since 1948
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"Taytaba2 on Apr 29, 2011
May 15, 2010 - Marking 62 years of dispossesion and ethinc cleansing that continue today in Palestina since 1948
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Palestine Video
Friday, April 29, 2011
Roger Waters - We Shall Overcome
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Roger Waters - We Shall Overcome:
"rogerwaterschannel on Apr 29, 2011
'Over the new year 2009-2010, an international group of 1500 men and women from 42 nations went to Egypt to join a Freedom March to Gaza. They did this to protest the current blockade of Gaza. To protest the fact that the people of Gaza live in a virtual prison. To protest the fact that a year after the terror attack by Israeli armed forces destroyed most of their homes, hospitals, schools, and other public buildings, they have no possibility to rebuild because their borders are closed. The would be Freedom Marchers wanted to peacefully draw attention to the predicament of the Palestinian population of Gaza. The Egyptian government, (funded to the tune of $2.1 billion a year, by us, the US tax payers), would not allow the marchers to approach Gaza. How lame is that? And how predictable! I live in the USA and during this time Dec 25th 2009-Jan3rd 2010 I saw no reference to Gaza or the Freedom March or the multi national protesters gathered there. Anyway I was moved, in the circumstances, to record a new version of ' We shall overcome'. It seems appropriate.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Roger Waters - We Shall Overcome:
"rogerwaterschannel on Apr 29, 2011
'Over the new year 2009-2010, an international group of 1500 men and women from 42 nations went to Egypt to join a Freedom March to Gaza. They did this to protest the current blockade of Gaza. To protest the fact that the people of Gaza live in a virtual prison. To protest the fact that a year after the terror attack by Israeli armed forces destroyed most of their homes, hospitals, schools, and other public buildings, they have no possibility to rebuild because their borders are closed. The would be Freedom Marchers wanted to peacefully draw attention to the predicament of the Palestinian population of Gaza. The Egyptian government, (funded to the tune of $2.1 billion a year, by us, the US tax payers), would not allow the marchers to approach Gaza. How lame is that? And how predictable! I live in the USA and during this time Dec 25th 2009-Jan3rd 2010 I saw no reference to Gaza or the Freedom March or the multi national protesters gathered there. Anyway I was moved, in the circumstances, to record a new version of ' We shall overcome'. It seems appropriate.
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Palestine Video
Heavy Clashes reported in Silwan - مواجهات عنيفة في سلوان
Heavy clashes were reported in Silwan this afternoon after Israeli forces closed the entrances to the village and reinforced its presence in various points there especially near settlement areas. Confrontations took place after Friday prayers. Israeli forces heavily fired teargas, sound grenades, and rubber bullets and detained various youths.
Dozens were suffocated from teargas in the residential areas and at least four persons were injured by rubber bullets. One Israeli settler fired his machine gun (See photos at the link below)
مواجهات عنيفة في سلوان والقوات الإسرائيلية تستخدم الـ أم 16 وتقتحم خيمة البستان وأسطح المنازل
اندلعت المواجهات العنيفة في بلدة سلوان جنوب المسجد الأقصى ظهر اليوم، وذلك بعد أن أغلقت القوات الإسرائيلية مداخل القرية الرئيسة في وادي الربابة وكثفت من تواجدها في نقاط مختلفة من القرية حيث نصبت بؤراً عسكرية في معظم أحياء القرية وخصوصاً على مداخل البؤر الاستيطانية في وادي حلوة وعين سلوان وبطن الهوى ووادي الربابة وغيرها. وقد اندلعت المواجهات بعد صلاة الجمعة والتي أمَها الخطيب موسى عودة بعد أن ألقى بالخطبة التي تركز موضوعها حول صمود الأهالي ضد المخططات الاستيطانية ومخطط البلدية الإسرائيلية في هدم المنازل، كما دعا المواطنين لأخذ الحيطة والحذر من ما أسماه بالطابور الخامس. وقد وصفت حدة المواجهات بالعنيفة جداً حيث استخدمت القوات الإسرائيلية خلالها قنابل الغاز والصوت والرصاص المطاطي بشكل كثيف، كما عملت على احتجاز بعض الشبان وتفتيشهم بشكل مهين بحسب ما وصف شهود العيان. ومن جهة أخرى قام الشبان الفلسطينيين برشق القوات الإسرائيلية بالحجارة.
وقد أصيب عشرات المواطنين باختناقات حادة جراء استخدام الغاز المسيل للدموع بكثافة وسط الأحياء السكنية المكتظة، وبُلغ عن وقوع أربعة إصابات بالمطاطي على أقل تقدير. كما قام أحد المستوطنين الإسرائيليين بإطلاق النار فعلياً باستخدام سلاح أم 16.
كما عملت القوات الإسرائيلية على اقتحام خيمة الاعتصام في حي البستان خلال المواجهات، كذلك احتلت بعض من منازل المواطنين في القرية مستخدمةً إياها كنقاط عسكرية تطلق منها المزيد من قنابل الغاز في كافة الاتجاهات.
مواجهات عنيفة في سلوان 29-4-2011.mp4:
"silwannet on Apr 29, 2011
أصيب العشرات من الشبان والأطفال والنساء بالإختناق في المواجهات التي اندلعت بعد صلاة الجمعة اليوم بين قوات الإحتلال الإسرائيلي وشبان مقدسيون كانت هي الأعنف منذ أسابيع أطلقت خلالها قوات الإحتلال الغاز بشكل كثيف وعشوائي على منازل المواطنين وبين أزقة الأحياء وعلى أسطح المنازل والرصاص المطاطي وقنابل الصوت بشكل غير مسبوق مما أدى إلى اصابة ثلاثة شبان اصابة طفيفة، كما اقتحمت قوات الإحتلال خيمة اعتصام سلوان واعتلت أسطح لمنازل مواطنين واطلقت منها الغاز وتركزت المواجهات في منطقة بئر أيوب أمام خيمة الإعتصام وانتقلت بشكل محدود الى حي الثوري وما زالت أصوات قنابل الغاز وأصوات التكبير تسمع بين الحين والآخر
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Dozens were suffocated from teargas in the residential areas and at least four persons were injured by rubber bullets. One Israeli settler fired his machine gun (See photos at the link below)
مواجهات عنيفة في سلوان والقوات الإسرائيلية تستخدم الـ أم 16 وتقتحم خيمة البستان وأسطح المنازل
اندلعت المواجهات العنيفة في بلدة سلوان جنوب المسجد الأقصى ظهر اليوم، وذلك بعد أن أغلقت القوات الإسرائيلية مداخل القرية الرئيسة في وادي الربابة وكثفت من تواجدها في نقاط مختلفة من القرية حيث نصبت بؤراً عسكرية في معظم أحياء القرية وخصوصاً على مداخل البؤر الاستيطانية في وادي حلوة وعين سلوان وبطن الهوى ووادي الربابة وغيرها. وقد اندلعت المواجهات بعد صلاة الجمعة والتي أمَها الخطيب موسى عودة بعد أن ألقى بالخطبة التي تركز موضوعها حول صمود الأهالي ضد المخططات الاستيطانية ومخطط البلدية الإسرائيلية في هدم المنازل، كما دعا المواطنين لأخذ الحيطة والحذر من ما أسماه بالطابور الخامس. وقد وصفت حدة المواجهات بالعنيفة جداً حيث استخدمت القوات الإسرائيلية خلالها قنابل الغاز والصوت والرصاص المطاطي بشكل كثيف، كما عملت على احتجاز بعض الشبان وتفتيشهم بشكل مهين بحسب ما وصف شهود العيان. ومن جهة أخرى قام الشبان الفلسطينيين برشق القوات الإسرائيلية بالحجارة.
وقد أصيب عشرات المواطنين باختناقات حادة جراء استخدام الغاز المسيل للدموع بكثافة وسط الأحياء السكنية المكتظة، وبُلغ عن وقوع أربعة إصابات بالمطاطي على أقل تقدير. كما قام أحد المستوطنين الإسرائيليين بإطلاق النار فعلياً باستخدام سلاح أم 16.
كما عملت القوات الإسرائيلية على اقتحام خيمة الاعتصام في حي البستان خلال المواجهات، كذلك احتلت بعض من منازل المواطنين في القرية مستخدمةً إياها كنقاط عسكرية تطلق منها المزيد من قنابل الغاز في كافة الاتجاهات.
مواجهات عنيفة في سلوان 29-4-2011.mp4:
"silwannet on Apr 29, 2011
أصيب العشرات من الشبان والأطفال والنساء بالإختناق في المواجهات التي اندلعت بعد صلاة الجمعة اليوم بين قوات الإحتلال الإسرائيلي وشبان مقدسيون كانت هي الأعنف منذ أسابيع أطلقت خلالها قوات الإحتلال الغاز بشكل كثيف وعشوائي على منازل المواطنين وبين أزقة الأحياء وعلى أسطح المنازل والرصاص المطاطي وقنابل الصوت بشكل غير مسبوق مما أدى إلى اصابة ثلاثة شبان اصابة طفيفة، كما اقتحمت قوات الإحتلال خيمة اعتصام سلوان واعتلت أسطح لمنازل مواطنين واطلقت منها الغاز وتركزت المواجهات في منطقة بئر أيوب أمام خيمة الإعتصام وانتقلت بشكل محدود الى حي الثوري وما زالت أصوات قنابل الغاز وأصوات التكبير تسمع بين الحين والآخر
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Palestine Video
المصالحة الفلسطينية - جزء من المؤتمر الصحفي + لقاءات وتحليلات
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
YouTube - النشرة المسائية 20110427 ج1:
"paltodaytv on Apr 28, 2011
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YouTube - النشرة المسائية 20110427 ج1:
"paltodaytv on Apr 28, 2011
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Palestine Video
Thursday, April 28, 2011
PressTV - Hamas, Fatah sign Palestinian unity accord
PressTV - Hamas, Fatah sign Palestinian unity accord:
Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:19PM
Ehab Zahriyeh, Press TV, Cairo
"Following a series of meetings mediated by Egyptian hosts, Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah have reached an 'understanding' to set up a transitional unity government and hold elections.
Of significant importance is the move by the two factions to set a date for elections after years of political disagreement.
Since Hamas swept parliamentary elections in early 2006, and took over control of Gaza in 2007, the two rivals have been at complete odds.
Currently Hamas still controls the besieged Gaza Strip while Fateh is in control of the West Bank.
Hamas officials say uniting with Fateh would not take away the avenue of resistance.
The unity agreement is not going down well in Israel. Tel Aviv says they won't recognize any government that includes Hamas.
The two factions may differ on dealing with Israel, but they have stressed that these talks are about Palestinian unity, not Israel.
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Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:19PM
Ehab Zahriyeh, Press TV, Cairo
"Following a series of meetings mediated by Egyptian hosts, Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah have reached an 'understanding' to set up a transitional unity government and hold elections.
Of significant importance is the move by the two factions to set a date for elections after years of political disagreement.
Since Hamas swept parliamentary elections in early 2006, and took over control of Gaza in 2007, the two rivals have been at complete odds.
Currently Hamas still controls the besieged Gaza Strip while Fateh is in control of the West Bank.
Hamas officials say uniting with Fateh would not take away the avenue of resistance.
The unity agreement is not going down well in Israel. Tel Aviv says they won't recognize any government that includes Hamas.
The two factions may differ on dealing with Israel, but they have stressed that these talks are about Palestinian unity, not Israel.
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Palestine Video
Daily life in Gaza: 6 hours of power supply before the 12 hour power cut
PressTV - Gazans suffering from frequent power cuts:
Thu Apr 28, 2011 7:55PM
Ashraf Shannon, Press TV, Gaza
"Blackouts of up to twelve hours have once again become part of life in Gaza since Tuesday night, as Israel doesn't allow power lines to be repaired.
Residents have access to electricity for only six hours before a twelve-hour power outage.
This has disrupted life in the coastal enclave in a big way.
Blackouts of twelve hours a day in many parts of the impoverished territory, are affecting the provision of essential services, including water supplies, medical treatment and even sewage disposal.
In residential buildings, electrical water pumps cannot provide enough water, so people have no choice but to buy water from vendors.
Israel says the presence of repair crews poses a security risk. Human rights groups have dismissed the claim as a lame excuse.
Power outages have made life more difficult under the blockade, and supplies of cooking gas, diesel and gasoline are unpredictable even at the best of times.
Gazans are now highly dependent on small and noisy electric generators to go on with their daily lives. Israel used to supply about 70 percent of Gaza's power and Egypt provided only five percent, with the remainder from Gaza' power plant.
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Thu Apr 28, 2011 7:55PM
Ashraf Shannon, Press TV, Gaza
"Blackouts of up to twelve hours have once again become part of life in Gaza since Tuesday night, as Israel doesn't allow power lines to be repaired.
Residents have access to electricity for only six hours before a twelve-hour power outage.
This has disrupted life in the coastal enclave in a big way.
Blackouts of twelve hours a day in many parts of the impoverished territory, are affecting the provision of essential services, including water supplies, medical treatment and even sewage disposal.
In residential buildings, electrical water pumps cannot provide enough water, so people have no choice but to buy water from vendors.
Israel says the presence of repair crews poses a security risk. Human rights groups have dismissed the claim as a lame excuse.
Power outages have made life more difficult under the blockade, and supplies of cooking gas, diesel and gasoline are unpredictable even at the best of times.
Gazans are now highly dependent on small and noisy electric generators to go on with their daily lives. Israel used to supply about 70 percent of Gaza's power and Egypt provided only five percent, with the remainder from Gaza' power plant.
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Palestine Video
Trauma film - Giving Back Stolen Childhood
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Trauma film:
"MedicalAidPalestine on Nov 23, 2010
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Trauma film:
"MedicalAidPalestine on Nov 23, 2010
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Palestine Video
MAP: Safeguarding Childbirth in Gaza
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Safeguarding Childbirth in Gaza:
"MedicalAidPalestine on Apr 13, 2011
April 2011: At least 19 Palestinians have died in Gaza over the last week, in the deadliest series of Israeli attacks since the end of the assault on Gaza two years ago. Due to this increased level of violence in the Gaza Strip, the Ministry of Health declared a state of emergency, concerned that the situation may deteriorate further.
In response, MAP this week released 52 primary trauma kits, which contain essential medical equipment for life saving treatment. The kits will be distributed to support health professionals who have been trained in primary trauma care over the last year. In this dangerous environment, MAP's safe childbirth programme is more important than ever.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Safeguarding Childbirth in Gaza:
"MedicalAidPalestine on Apr 13, 2011
April 2011: At least 19 Palestinians have died in Gaza over the last week, in the deadliest series of Israeli attacks since the end of the assault on Gaza two years ago. Due to this increased level of violence in the Gaza Strip, the Ministry of Health declared a state of emergency, concerned that the situation may deteriorate further.
In response, MAP this week released 52 primary trauma kits, which contain essential medical equipment for life saving treatment. The kits will be distributed to support health professionals who have been trained in primary trauma care over the last year. In this dangerous environment, MAP's safe childbirth programme is more important than ever.
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Palestine Video
Birth In the Shadows: Protecting Mothers and Newborns in the Palestinian Refugee Camps
Birth In the Shadows : Protecting Mothers and Newborns in the Palestinian Refugee Camps:
"MedicalAidPalestine on Apr 28, 2011
Pregnancy and childbirth are vulnerable times for mothers and newborns across the world. But in the Palestinian refugee camps of Lebanon this vulnerability is magnified by poverty and neglect.
The dark, overcrowded camps set a precarious backdrop for pregnant women and their newborn infants. With no government, and few rights in Lebanon, MAP's Maternal and Child Health works provides an opportunity for change and empowerment, and the protection of mothers and babies.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"MedicalAidPalestine on Apr 28, 2011
Pregnancy and childbirth are vulnerable times for mothers and newborns across the world. But in the Palestinian refugee camps of Lebanon this vulnerability is magnified by poverty and neglect.
The dark, overcrowded camps set a precarious backdrop for pregnant women and their newborn infants. With no government, and few rights in Lebanon, MAP's Maternal and Child Health works provides an opportunity for change and empowerment, and the protection of mothers and babies.
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Palestine Video
Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi discusses Palestinian unity following Cairo deal
Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi discusses Palestinian unity following Cairo deal:
"PalestineMonitor on Apr 28, 2011
Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi speaks about yesterday's reunification of Palestine's Hamas and Fateh governments and condemns Israel's anti-democratic reaction.
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"PalestineMonitor on Apr 28, 2011
Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi speaks about yesterday's reunification of Palestine's Hamas and Fateh governments and condemns Israel's anti-democratic reaction.
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Palestine Video
Vittorio Arrigoni - Ultimo saluto d/madre EGIDIA BERETTA ai funerali - Bulciago 24 aprile 2011
Vittorio Arrigoni - Ultimo saluto d/madre EGIDIA BERETTA ai funerali - Bulciago 24 aprile 2011 wmv:
"marco25659 on Apr 25, 2011
'Vittorio non e' ne' un eroe ne' un martire ma solo un ragazzo che ha voluto riaffermare con una vita speciale che i diritti umani vanno sempre rispettati e difesi''. Lo ha detto, con la voce rotta dall'emozione, la mamma di Vittorio Arrigoni, Egidia Beretta, chiudendo a Bulciago (Lecco) il lungo addio al figlio, ucciso il 14 aprile a Gaza. Egidia Beretta e' anche sindaco del paese e ha voluto ringraziare tutti per la partecipazione al dolore.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"marco25659 on Apr 25, 2011
'Vittorio non e' ne' un eroe ne' un martire ma solo un ragazzo che ha voluto riaffermare con una vita speciale che i diritti umani vanno sempre rispettati e difesi''. Lo ha detto, con la voce rotta dall'emozione, la mamma di Vittorio Arrigoni, Egidia Beretta, chiudendo a Bulciago (Lecco) il lungo addio al figlio, ucciso il 14 aprile a Gaza. Egidia Beretta e' anche sindaco del paese e ha voluto ringraziare tutti per la partecipazione al dolore.
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Palestine Video
Free Gaza Movement & the ISM at Vittorio Arrigoni's funeral in Bulciago, april 24 2011
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
(2/2) Free Gaza Movement & the ISM at Vittorio Arrigoni's funeral in Bulciago, april 24 2011 .wmv:
"marco25659 on Apr 27, 2011
2 / 2 part - (ENG / ITA translated) Two activists of the ISM International Solidarity Movement and the Free Gaza have commemorated Vittorio Arrigoni during the funeral ceremony in Bulciago (LC - Italy). --- Stay Human - Human remains - كن إنسانا
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(2/2) Free Gaza Movement & the ISM at Vittorio Arrigoni's funeral in Bulciago, april 24 2011 .wmv:
"marco25659 on Apr 27, 2011
2 / 2 part - (ENG / ITA translated) Two activists of the ISM International Solidarity Movement and the Free Gaza have commemorated Vittorio Arrigoni during the funeral ceremony in Bulciago (LC - Italy). --- Stay Human - Human remains - كن إنسانا
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
5 Years After U.S.-Backed Clashes, Palestinian Factions Fatah, Hamas Reach Unity Deal
[I think Saree Makdisi is jumping the gun and totally avoiding the agreed upon issue of reform in the PLO. He probably doesn't know the extent of said reforms just like the rest of us. I believe such reforms will allow, among other things, more representations of civil society and independents, which representations were present in the past in the form of institutions, unions etc. albeit controlled and manipulated by Arafat and the leadership in Fatah.
I'm waiting to see the full context of the draft of the agreement to judge for myself. Meanwhile, like the majority of the Palestinians and despite my feelings and position on the Ramallah PA, I will not criticize an agreement I don't know much about, yet.
Overall, I think it is a positive development in our struggle and hope to see it implemented and further improved upon.]
5 Years After U.S.-Backed Clashes, Palestinian Factions Fatah, Hamas Reach Unity Deal:
"The rival Palestinian political organizations, Fatah and Hamas, have reached an agreement to end a nearly five-year internal schism, form an interim government, and hold a general election within a year. The two sides have been locked in a bitter conflict since Fatah and the Bush administration tried to overthrow Gaza’s Hamas-led government in 2006 after Hamas won Palestinian national elections. Israel and the United States say they’ll reject any peace talks with a Palestinian government that includes Hamas. We speak with Saree Makdisi, Professor of English and Comparative Literature at UCLA and the author of several books including 'Palestine Inside Out: An Everyday Occupation.'
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
I'm waiting to see the full context of the draft of the agreement to judge for myself. Meanwhile, like the majority of the Palestinians and despite my feelings and position on the Ramallah PA, I will not criticize an agreement I don't know much about, yet.
Overall, I think it is a positive development in our struggle and hope to see it implemented and further improved upon.]
5 Years After U.S.-Backed Clashes, Palestinian Factions Fatah, Hamas Reach Unity Deal:
"The rival Palestinian political organizations, Fatah and Hamas, have reached an agreement to end a nearly five-year internal schism, form an interim government, and hold a general election within a year. The two sides have been locked in a bitter conflict since Fatah and the Bush administration tried to overthrow Gaza’s Hamas-led government in 2006 after Hamas won Palestinian national elections. Israel and the United States say they’ll reject any peace talks with a Palestinian government that includes Hamas. We speak with Saree Makdisi, Professor of English and Comparative Literature at UCLA and the author of several books including 'Palestine Inside Out: An Everyday Occupation.'
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Egypt questions ex-ministers on Israel gas deal
Egypt questions ex-ministers on Israel gas deal:
"PressTVGlobalNews on Apr 28, 2011
Two former Egyptian ministers are to face trial for selling natural gas to Israel at a low price. Sameh Fahmi and Mahmud Latif along with some others, are accused of costing the North African nation over 700 million dollars in losses because of exporting gas to Israel at a price lower than international rates, jeopardizing their own nation's interests.
Press TV's Ehab Zahriyeh reports from Cairo.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"PressTVGlobalNews on Apr 28, 2011
Two former Egyptian ministers are to face trial for selling natural gas to Israel at a low price. Sameh Fahmi and Mahmud Latif along with some others, are accused of costing the North African nation over 700 million dollars in losses because of exporting gas to Israel at a price lower than international rates, jeopardizing their own nation's interests.
Press TV's Ehab Zahriyeh reports from Cairo.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
الحملة الوطنية للحفاظ على الهوية الفلسطينية/ انتماء 2011
الحملة الوطنية للحفاظ على الهوية الفلسطينية/ انتماء2011:
"PalestineReturn on Apr 27, 2011
الحملة الوطنية للحفاظ على الهوية الفلسطينية/ انتماء
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"PalestineReturn on Apr 27, 2011
الحملة الوطنية للحفاظ على الهوية الفلسطينية/ انتماء
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Palestine, as I see it [An American in Palestine: Impressions]
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine, as I see it:
AlternateFocus on Apr 26, 2011
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine, as I see it:
AlternateFocus on Apr 26, 2011
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
حكاية بلد - مدينة عكا
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"حكاية بلد"قرية عكا الجزء الاول اخراج رقية صباح:
"2010alarz on Jan 28, 2011
برنامج 'حكاية بلد' يحكي قصة بلد او موقع او مكان من الداخل (مناطق 48)، بلغة سلسة، قريبة الى الناس، تأتي من عالمهم هم، من مفهومهم الجمالي المبسط للحياة، لكن بكلمات وجمل لافتة تحاول نقل الأجواء والحياة العادية والتحدث عن الأمكنة وتاريخها باعتبارها الشاهد للوجود العربي في البلاد....وهو برنامج ينحاز، بطبيعته، الى الحياة وفرح الحياة، الى جمالية المكان وتحسس الأشياء واكتشافها، من خلال مناخ خاص، يتوفّر في البلدة القديمة في الناصرة، أو في المقاهي والمطاعم في الناصرة وحيفا، أو في ميناء عكا والأسوار وحكايات الصيادين، او يافا والبرتقال، او طبريا المواقع السياحية والأثرية والبحيرة، او حيفا والكرمل ومحمود درويش، او القرى المهجرة وصفورية والبروة وحكايات وذكريات الأهل مع الدار والنبعة والبير!.
هنا نتحسس الأجواء ونخاطب الذاكرة الجماعية ونحاول إنعاشها، أو بالأصح دغدغتها، وبالمقابل التعريف بالحضارة والتراث ونقل الطابع الشرقي الأصيل وجمالية المكان بما يحمله من شواهد تاريخية وتعابير سياحية، أثرية وحضارية تتعايش مع الانسان عبر أزمنة مختلفة، تجعل من المتلقي \ المشاهد يشعربانه يريد محاكاة الحجر والبحر في آن واحد.
منتج الارز للأنتاج فلسطين 48
الجزء الاول
الجزء الثاني
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"حكاية بلد"قرية عكا الجزء الاول اخراج رقية صباح:
"2010alarz on Jan 28, 2011
برنامج 'حكاية بلد' يحكي قصة بلد او موقع او مكان من الداخل (مناطق 48)، بلغة سلسة، قريبة الى الناس، تأتي من عالمهم هم، من مفهومهم الجمالي المبسط للحياة، لكن بكلمات وجمل لافتة تحاول نقل الأجواء والحياة العادية والتحدث عن الأمكنة وتاريخها باعتبارها الشاهد للوجود العربي في البلاد....وهو برنامج ينحاز، بطبيعته، الى الحياة وفرح الحياة، الى جمالية المكان وتحسس الأشياء واكتشافها، من خلال مناخ خاص، يتوفّر في البلدة القديمة في الناصرة، أو في المقاهي والمطاعم في الناصرة وحيفا، أو في ميناء عكا والأسوار وحكايات الصيادين، او يافا والبرتقال، او طبريا المواقع السياحية والأثرية والبحيرة، او حيفا والكرمل ومحمود درويش، او القرى المهجرة وصفورية والبروة وحكايات وذكريات الأهل مع الدار والنبعة والبير!.
هنا نتحسس الأجواء ونخاطب الذاكرة الجماعية ونحاول إنعاشها، أو بالأصح دغدغتها، وبالمقابل التعريف بالحضارة والتراث ونقل الطابع الشرقي الأصيل وجمالية المكان بما يحمله من شواهد تاريخية وتعابير سياحية، أثرية وحضارية تتعايش مع الانسان عبر أزمنة مختلفة، تجعل من المتلقي \ المشاهد يشعربانه يريد محاكاة الحجر والبحر في آن واحد.
منتج الارز للأنتاج فلسطين 48
الجزء الاول
الجزء الثاني
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
حكاية بلد - مدينة حيفا
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
حكاية بلد مدينة حيفا الجزء الاول:
alarz on Apr 26, 2011
Al-Arz' productions in Nazareth, the first & largest Arab owned and operated broadcast production facility in Israel. Since its founding in 1990
الجزء الاول
الجزء الثاني
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
حكاية بلد مدينة حيفا الجزء الاول:
alarz on Apr 26, 2011
Al-Arz' productions in Nazareth, the first & largest Arab owned and operated broadcast production facility in Israel. Since its founding in 1990
الجزء الاول
الجزء الثاني
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Abeer, a child victim of Zionist cruelty.wmv
Abeer, a child victim of Zionist cruelty.wmv:
"Tunsol on Apr 26, 2011
AbdelRaheem, Abeer's grandfather described the moments that caused her nervous breakdown that led to her death:
'The Zionists prison guards forbade her from entering to hug her father during her visit. Her accumulated feelings made her scream and cry while pounding on the glass that separated her from her father, and from his side, her dad was doing the same thing' Then he added 'After that visit, Abeer started having involuntary movements in her right shoulder, and then her nerves deteriorated gradually'
Suliman Khader, the doctor in Hebron state hospital said:
'Abeer was suffering from nervous convulsions that reached its peak through time and led to stress'
Abeer's mother said:
'Abeer was like a flower, she'd never been sick before. There were no alarming signs what so ever for what would happen to her. It was a strange reaction'
Abeer's tragedy was a very emotional moment for all of the Palestinian prisoners. There is so much suffering for the prisoners' families who have their loved ones in the Zionists prisons, because they cannot see them and even if they can, they surely cannot embrace them.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"Tunsol on Apr 26, 2011
AbdelRaheem, Abeer's grandfather described the moments that caused her nervous breakdown that led to her death:
'The Zionists prison guards forbade her from entering to hug her father during her visit. Her accumulated feelings made her scream and cry while pounding on the glass that separated her from her father, and from his side, her dad was doing the same thing' Then he added 'After that visit, Abeer started having involuntary movements in her right shoulder, and then her nerves deteriorated gradually'
Suliman Khader, the doctor in Hebron state hospital said:
'Abeer was suffering from nervous convulsions that reached its peak through time and led to stress'
Abeer's mother said:
'Abeer was like a flower, she'd never been sick before. There were no alarming signs what so ever for what would happen to her. It was a strange reaction'
Abeer's tragedy was a very emotional moment for all of the Palestinian prisoners. There is so much suffering for the prisoners' families who have their loved ones in the Zionists prisons, because they cannot see them and even if they can, they surely cannot embrace them.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Gaza art exhibit highlights prisoner plight
PressTV - Gaza art exhibit highlights prisoner plight:
Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:12PM
Ashraf Shannon, Press TV, Gaza
"An exhibition displaying artwork and handicrafts of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails was held in Gaza in their honor.
Thousand of Palestinians are currently being held in Israeli jails including women and children. Many of them suffer from chronic illnesses.
Many believe there is a double standard, because worldwide publicity surrounds Gilaad Schalit, the sole Israeli prisoner that is currently held in a Palestinian prison, while the world remains largely silent about thousands of Palestinians that are incarcerated in Israel.
Despite Israeli claims that torture and the abuse of prisoners have been outlawed and no longer occur, Human rights groups and prisoners continue to report cases of maltreatment and torture in Israeli detention facilities and that almost half of those arrested before the so-called 1993 Oslo peace Agreement have been in Israeli jails for more than 20 years.
To this day, over 200 Palestinian prisoners have died inside Israeli prisons. According to Palestinian officials, the deaths were the result of torture, medical negligence and shooting.
Many here say these prisoners are the symbols of resistance to Israeli occupation. According to prisoner advocacy groups currently, there are at least 7000 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, many without being charged or facing trial.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:12PM
Ashraf Shannon, Press TV, Gaza
"An exhibition displaying artwork and handicrafts of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails was held in Gaza in their honor.
Thousand of Palestinians are currently being held in Israeli jails including women and children. Many of them suffer from chronic illnesses.
Many believe there is a double standard, because worldwide publicity surrounds Gilaad Schalit, the sole Israeli prisoner that is currently held in a Palestinian prison, while the world remains largely silent about thousands of Palestinians that are incarcerated in Israel.
Despite Israeli claims that torture and the abuse of prisoners have been outlawed and no longer occur, Human rights groups and prisoners continue to report cases of maltreatment and torture in Israeli detention facilities and that almost half of those arrested before the so-called 1993 Oslo peace Agreement have been in Israeli jails for more than 20 years.
To this day, over 200 Palestinian prisoners have died inside Israeli prisons. According to Palestinian officials, the deaths were the result of torture, medical negligence and shooting.
Many here say these prisoners are the symbols of resistance to Israeli occupation. According to prisoner advocacy groups currently, there are at least 7000 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, many without being charged or facing trial.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Illegal Israeli settlers break into Palestinian site
PressTV - Illegal Israeli settlers break into Palestinian site:
Sun Apr 24, 2011 5:43PM
Ibrahim Husseini, Press TV, al-Quds
"Clashes erupted Sunday morning between armed Israeli settlers and Palestinian security officers when dozens of armed ultra-Orthodox settlers broke into a Palestinian checkpoint near the Joseph tomb site in the city of Nablus, without coordinating with the Palestinian side and without the required escort of Israeli forces, violating a protocol agreed upon between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
Sources say the Palestinian officers informed the Israeli settlers that they're not allowed to be there without coordination, but the settlers did not obey orders, and instead, drew their guns toward Palestinian officers.
In response Palestinians security officers first fired warning shots into the air before shooting erupted between both sides.
One Israeli settler died of his wounds and three others were injured.
The incident sparked angry reactions from within the Israeli right who called for complete Israeli control on the religious site.
In retaliation, dozens of masked Israeli settlers attacked the Palestinian village of Hawara, by throwing stones at Palestinian vehicles, and torching a car. A Palestinian child was wounded in the incident.
Palestinians say settlers' attacks against them are frequent and inflict tremendous damage to their property and endanger their lives.
Over 500,000 Israeli settlers live in settlements in the Palestinian territories. Palestinians insist that the Israeli settlements constitute a major stumbling block to the peace process and to the creation of a viable Palestinian state.
Observers say ongoing settlement activity by Israel is becoming a friction point between Israelis and Palestinians, and while the Israeli right remains firmly behind the settlers' movement, talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians, becomes more and more distant.
Violence between Israeli settlers and Palestinians has been on the rise in recent months. Analysts believe that this incident will only serve to fuel arguments that will lead to more conflicts.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Sun Apr 24, 2011 5:43PM
Ibrahim Husseini, Press TV, al-Quds
"Clashes erupted Sunday morning between armed Israeli settlers and Palestinian security officers when dozens of armed ultra-Orthodox settlers broke into a Palestinian checkpoint near the Joseph tomb site in the city of Nablus, without coordinating with the Palestinian side and without the required escort of Israeli forces, violating a protocol agreed upon between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
Sources say the Palestinian officers informed the Israeli settlers that they're not allowed to be there without coordination, but the settlers did not obey orders, and instead, drew their guns toward Palestinian officers.
In response Palestinians security officers first fired warning shots into the air before shooting erupted between both sides.
One Israeli settler died of his wounds and three others were injured.
The incident sparked angry reactions from within the Israeli right who called for complete Israeli control on the religious site.
In retaliation, dozens of masked Israeli settlers attacked the Palestinian village of Hawara, by throwing stones at Palestinian vehicles, and torching a car. A Palestinian child was wounded in the incident.
Palestinians say settlers' attacks against them are frequent and inflict tremendous damage to their property and endanger their lives.
Over 500,000 Israeli settlers live in settlements in the Palestinian territories. Palestinians insist that the Israeli settlements constitute a major stumbling block to the peace process and to the creation of a viable Palestinian state.
Observers say ongoing settlement activity by Israel is becoming a friction point between Israelis and Palestinians, and while the Israeli right remains firmly behind the settlers' movement, talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians, becomes more and more distant.
Violence between Israeli settlers and Palestinians has been on the rise in recent months. Analysts believe that this incident will only serve to fuel arguments that will lead to more conflicts.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Dar ElHanun - an Unrecognised Palestinian Village
Dar ElHanun - an Unrecognised Village.:
"abuaviv on Apr 22, 2011
In this movie, shot in Nov. 2007 we document the history and current affairs of Dar ElHanun. What is it to live in an unrecognised village? Why are there villages that are unrecognised?
Hebrew with English subtitles.
Work done by Isadora COHEN, Gilad LIBERMAN, Adi SHECHTER & Uri ZACKHEM. Thank you!
Nitza Productions SA.
Language editing: Isadora COHEN
Subtitle imprinting: Gilad LIBERMAN
Spotting: Adi SHECHTER
Cinematography & Interviewing: Uri ZACKHEM
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"abuaviv on Apr 22, 2011
In this movie, shot in Nov. 2007 we document the history and current affairs of Dar ElHanun. What is it to live in an unrecognised village? Why are there villages that are unrecognised?
Hebrew with English subtitles.
Work done by Isadora COHEN, Gilad LIBERMAN, Adi SHECHTER & Uri ZACKHEM. Thank you!
Nitza Productions SA.
Language editing: Isadora COHEN
Subtitle imprinting: Gilad LIBERMAN
Spotting: Adi SHECHTER
Cinematography & Interviewing: Uri ZACKHEM
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
NOT ON ANY MAP - The Plight of the Unrecognized Villages
"abuaviv on Apr 22, 2011
The plight of the unrecognized Arab villages in Israel. What does it mean to live in an unrecognized village? Filmed in the mid-1990s, the situation has not changed a lot. The struggle of the villagers and the establishment of the Association of Forty.
Curtsy the Association of Forty.
Teknews Media
Directors & Writers: Yitzhak Rubin & Michal Conford
Editor: Michal Conford
Camera: Ron Katzenelson
Sound & Lighting: Ofer Hayun
Assistant Camera: Zvi Lieberman
Assistant Editor: Bob Paris
On-Line Editor: Israel Sasson
Nitzan Israeli: Production Coordinator
Lahcim Drofnoc: Narrator
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"abuaviv on Apr 22, 2011
The plight of the unrecognized Arab villages in Israel. What does it mean to live in an unrecognized village? Filmed in the mid-1990s, the situation has not changed a lot. The struggle of the villagers and the establishment of the Association of Forty.
Curtsy the Association of Forty.
Teknews Media
Directors & Writers: Yitzhak Rubin & Michal Conford
Editor: Michal Conford
Camera: Ron Katzenelson
Sound & Lighting: Ofer Hayun
Assistant Camera: Zvi Lieberman
Assistant Editor: Bob Paris
On-Line Editor: Israel Sasson
Nitzan Israeli: Production Coordinator
Lahcim Drofnoc: Narrator
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Let Gaza Live! [End US aid to Israel]
Let Gaza Live!:
"PHubb on Apr 25, 2011
Let Gaza live! Washington DC 1-10-2009
Protest Israeli occupation of Palestine and war on Gaza
filmed by Paul Hubbard
Paul Hubbard
producer: Paul Hubbard
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"PHubb on Apr 25, 2011
Let Gaza live! Washington DC 1-10-2009
Protest Israeli occupation of Palestine and war on Gaza
filmed by Paul Hubbard
Paul Hubbard
producer: Paul Hubbard
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Death Without Mercy: Israeli Attack on Gaza 2009
To give the video the needed background, I would have started it with statements explaining why the desperate homemade rockets where fired in the first place, or better yet, replacing the name Hamas by dispossessed Palestinian refugees. That is what Hamas really is in fact, the people who have been waiting to get back to their homes, villages and cities in occupied Palestine for over 60 long years while the world turned a blind eye to their suffering and leaders compete to please the aggressor by denying them their most basic rights.
Don't misunderstand me, I appreciate the video and think it's good.
YouTube - Death Without Mercy: Israeli Attack on Gaza 2009:
"SalemNews on Apr 26, 2011
The violence that Israel delivered in Gaza City is worse than many people have imagined. The images in the video accompanying this article, offers a story that no words can express. Hamas rocket attacks brought a reprisal that killed hundreds of children in Gaza City indiscriminately, and literally left the streets filled with blood.
People in western countries who have supported the operation because they believe Israel was strictly acting in self-defense, will be well served to watch the report. It contains extremely graphic scenes and parental discretion is advised.
Editor: Tim King
Songs: Call to Prayer and Angel of War: Yosef Islam
We will not go down (Song for Gaza): Michael Heart
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Don't misunderstand me, I appreciate the video and think it's good.
YouTube - Death Without Mercy: Israeli Attack on Gaza 2009:
"SalemNews on Apr 26, 2011
The violence that Israel delivered in Gaza City is worse than many people have imagined. The images in the video accompanying this article, offers a story that no words can express. Hamas rocket attacks brought a reprisal that killed hundreds of children in Gaza City indiscriminately, and literally left the streets filled with blood.
People in western countries who have supported the operation because they believe Israel was strictly acting in self-defense, will be well served to watch the report. It contains extremely graphic scenes and parental discretion is advised.
Editor: Tim King
Songs: Call to Prayer and Angel of War: Yosef Islam
We will not go down (Song for Gaza): Michael Heart
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Palestine News [Arabic- 4 videos] - النشرة الاخبارية الفلسطينيه 22/04/2011
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
النشرة الفلسطينيه 20110422 ج1:
"paltodaytv on Apr 23, 2011
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
النشرة الفلسطينيه 20110422 ج1:
"paltodaytv on Apr 23, 2011
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Arrests, Injuries, Bullets, Sound Grenades, and Teargas at the NABI SALEH Demo 22-4-2011 النبي صالح.
See related news below the video
NABI SALEH 22-4-2011 النبي صالح.mpg: "tamimi1966 on Apr 23, 2011
المسير السلمية المناهضة للاسنيطان التي جرب في النبي صالح بتاريخ 22-4-2011
Israeli troops attack 4 separate anti-Wall protests, injuring 16 civilians - International Middle East Media Center:
Source: IMEMC
Saturday April 23
"On Friday, 16 civilians were injured and four abducted as Israeli troops attacked the weekly anti-wall protests in the villages of Bil’in, Nil’in and al-Nabi Saleh, in central West Bank as well as the village of al-Ma’sara, in the south.
In Bil’in, 15 protesters were injured when troops attacked the weekly march. This week’s protest in Bil’in ended a three day conference on nonviolent resistance in Palestine. The Conference began on Wednesday in Bil'in, and attracted hundreds of supporters from around the world, including Italian parliamentarian Luisa Morgantini and the parents of Rachel Corrie, who was killed by the Israeli military in 2003.
Dubbed the Sixth International Conference on the Palestinian Popular Struggle, the annual conference was dedicated this year to Italian activist Vittorio Arrigoni, who was killed last Friday allegedly by a Salafist (right-wing political Islamist) group in Gaza.
The conference was aimed at building and strengthening ties between Palestinian, Israeli and international activists working against the Israeli military occupation in Palestine. The conference was attended by a number of Palestinian officials in addition to members of the European Parliament, and hundreds of international and local peace and human rights activists.
On Friday midday, international and Israeli activists joined the villagers and marched toward the wall built on farmers' lands by the Israeli army. Israeli soldiers stopped protesters before they reach the wall and fired tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets at them to force them back. 15 civilians were injured including a journalist and three international supporters. The marchers continued forward and reached the gate of the wall, as they have done on every Friday since early 2005.
Soldiers then forced the non-violent demonstrators back into the village, then stormed the village, firing tear gas at houses. Many were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation.
In 2009 the Israeli High Court of Justice ruled in favor of Bil’in residents and ordered the military to reroute the wall giving back the village half of the land originally expropriated to build the wall. The military has still not adhered to the court order.
In the nearby village of Nil’in, many were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation also on Friday during the anti wall protest. Troops attack the villagers using tear gas as soon as they reached the gate of the wall which separates the farmers from their agricultural lands.
Also Friday, two locals and two internationals were abduced when troops attacked the weekly protest against the wall and settlements in the village of an-Nabi Saleh. Palestinians, together with international and Israeli supporters, marched to their lands, where Israel is presently trying to build a new settlement. Troops fired tear gas at them to force them back into the village.
In the southern West Bank, the villagers of al-Ma’ssara, along with their international and Israeli supporters, protested the Israeli wall being built on local farmers' lands. Israeli soldiers attacked the protesters using tear gas, preventing the march from reaching the construction site of the Wall; many participants in the non-violent demonstration were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
NABI SALEH 22-4-2011 النبي صالح.mpg: "tamimi1966 on Apr 23, 2011
المسير السلمية المناهضة للاسنيطان التي جرب في النبي صالح بتاريخ 22-4-2011
Israeli troops attack 4 separate anti-Wall protests, injuring 16 civilians - International Middle East Media Center:
Source: IMEMC
Saturday April 23
"On Friday, 16 civilians were injured and four abducted as Israeli troops attacked the weekly anti-wall protests in the villages of Bil’in, Nil’in and al-Nabi Saleh, in central West Bank as well as the village of al-Ma’sara, in the south.
In Bil’in, 15 protesters were injured when troops attacked the weekly march. This week’s protest in Bil’in ended a three day conference on nonviolent resistance in Palestine. The Conference began on Wednesday in Bil'in, and attracted hundreds of supporters from around the world, including Italian parliamentarian Luisa Morgantini and the parents of Rachel Corrie, who was killed by the Israeli military in 2003.
Dubbed the Sixth International Conference on the Palestinian Popular Struggle, the annual conference was dedicated this year to Italian activist Vittorio Arrigoni, who was killed last Friday allegedly by a Salafist (right-wing political Islamist) group in Gaza.
The conference was aimed at building and strengthening ties between Palestinian, Israeli and international activists working against the Israeli military occupation in Palestine. The conference was attended by a number of Palestinian officials in addition to members of the European Parliament, and hundreds of international and local peace and human rights activists.
On Friday midday, international and Israeli activists joined the villagers and marched toward the wall built on farmers' lands by the Israeli army. Israeli soldiers stopped protesters before they reach the wall and fired tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets at them to force them back. 15 civilians were injured including a journalist and three international supporters. The marchers continued forward and reached the gate of the wall, as they have done on every Friday since early 2005.
Soldiers then forced the non-violent demonstrators back into the village, then stormed the village, firing tear gas at houses. Many were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation.
In 2009 the Israeli High Court of Justice ruled in favor of Bil’in residents and ordered the military to reroute the wall giving back the village half of the land originally expropriated to build the wall. The military has still not adhered to the court order.
In the nearby village of Nil’in, many were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation also on Friday during the anti wall protest. Troops attack the villagers using tear gas as soon as they reached the gate of the wall which separates the farmers from their agricultural lands.
Also Friday, two locals and two internationals were abduced when troops attacked the weekly protest against the wall and settlements in the village of an-Nabi Saleh. Palestinians, together with international and Israeli supporters, marched to their lands, where Israel is presently trying to build a new settlement. Troops fired tear gas at them to force them back into the village.
In the southern West Bank, the villagers of al-Ma’ssara, along with their international and Israeli supporters, protested the Israeli wall being built on local farmers' lands. Israeli soldiers attacked the protesters using tear gas, preventing the march from reaching the construction site of the Wall; many participants in the non-violent demonstration were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation.
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Palestine Video
Daily Life in Hebron: home from school through the rooftops for 5 y.o. child
Yusuf’s way home
by Stuck with the Truth
Apr 21, 2011
Yusuf is five years old. He attends the kindergarten just across the landing from our women’s apartment. He’s a bright little boy, who interprets in sign language for his mother, who is deaf. He has congenital physical difficulties: he has no left arm and one leg is significantly shorter than another.
Yesterday morning a friend and I happened to meet up with Yusuf and his kindergarten teacher as she took him home after class. They unsuccessfully tried to get through two gates before going through the ladder lady’s house.
Think of any five-year-old boy you know. Think of all you wish for him. Then watch this video and wish it for Yusuf too.
A long walk home from school:
"CPTHebron on Apr 21, 2011
Yusuf tried to walk home from school on the first day of Passover (4/20/2011) when Israeli military presence in Hebron was heightened. The checkpoints he usually passes through were closed, so he tried a few alternate routes before making him home. Watch this video to see a glimpse of daily life for school kids in Hebron, West Bank.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
by Stuck with the Truth
Apr 21, 2011
Yusuf is five years old. He attends the kindergarten just across the landing from our women’s apartment. He’s a bright little boy, who interprets in sign language for his mother, who is deaf. He has congenital physical difficulties: he has no left arm and one leg is significantly shorter than another.
Yesterday morning a friend and I happened to meet up with Yusuf and his kindergarten teacher as she took him home after class. They unsuccessfully tried to get through two gates before going through the ladder lady’s house.
Think of any five-year-old boy you know. Think of all you wish for him. Then watch this video and wish it for Yusuf too.
A long walk home from school:
"CPTHebron on Apr 21, 2011
Yusuf tried to walk home from school on the first day of Passover (4/20/2011) when Israeli military presence in Hebron was heightened. The checkpoints he usually passes through were closed, so he tried a few alternate routes before making him home. Watch this video to see a glimpse of daily life for school kids in Hebron, West Bank.
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Palestine Video
Where are all the villages: Ethnically cleansed & destroyed Manshiyya (visited 20-04-11)
Manshiyya visited 20-04-11:
"abuaviv on Apr 21, 2011
Al-Manshiyya (Arabic: المنشية) was a Palestinian village with a Muslim orphanage and a mosque known as the mosque of Abu 'Atiyya, which is still standing. The village was close to the shrine of Baha'u'llah, who was the founder of the Baha'i Faith, which is also still standing.
Manshiyya was captured by on 14 May 1948 during Operation Ben-Ami. One villager recalled that the dawn attack came from the hill overlooking the village. The villagers, 'with bullets whizzing over their heads', ran towards the east 'because all other sides were surrounded by the Jews'. When they returned to remove the dead bodies, they found the village strewn with mines. One former villager recounted that her father returned to Al-Manshiyya about 10 days after the attack and found it completely razed. On the 16 June 1948, Ben-Gurion mentioned Manshiyya as one of the villages Israel had destroyed.
from wikipedia
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"abuaviv on Apr 21, 2011
Al-Manshiyya (Arabic: المنشية) was a Palestinian village with a Muslim orphanage and a mosque known as the mosque of Abu 'Atiyya, which is still standing. The village was close to the shrine of Baha'u'llah, who was the founder of the Baha'i Faith, which is also still standing.
Manshiyya was captured by on 14 May 1948 during Operation Ben-Ami. One villager recalled that the dawn attack came from the hill overlooking the village. The villagers, 'with bullets whizzing over their heads', ran towards the east 'because all other sides were surrounded by the Jews'. When they returned to remove the dead bodies, they found the village strewn with mines. One former villager recounted that her father returned to Al-Manshiyya about 10 days after the attack and found it completely razed. On the 16 June 1948, Ben-Gurion mentioned Manshiyya as one of the villages Israel had destroyed.
from wikipedia
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Palestine Video
Palfest 2011 Day 1 & 2
Palfest 2011 Day 1:
"Palfest on Apr 16, 2011
The 2011 Palestine Festival of Literature opens in Jerusalem's African Community Centre.
An oud performance by Madar Moghraby was followed by a discussion between Najwan Darwish, Mohammed Hanif, Richard Price, Bidisha and Gary Younge on the topic of 'Speaking with two voices: Writing for a Globalized Audience'
Palfest 2011 Day 2:
"Palfest on Apr 17, 2011
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"Palfest on Apr 16, 2011
The 2011 Palestine Festival of Literature opens in Jerusalem's African Community Centre.
An oud performance by Madar Moghraby was followed by a discussion between Najwan Darwish, Mohammed Hanif, Richard Price, Bidisha and Gary Younge on the topic of 'Speaking with two voices: Writing for a Globalized Audience'
Palfest 2011 Day 2:
"Palfest on Apr 17, 2011
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Palestine Video
PalFest 2011 - Closing Night | Silwan.
Filmed & edited by Murat Gökmen (@muratyg)
PalFest 2011 - Closing Night | Silwan: "Palfest on Apr 21, 2011
The Israeli Army attempts to prevent the closing night of PalFest 2011 from taking place but fails.
Filmed & edited by Murat Gökmen (@muratyg)
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
PalFest 2011 - Closing Night | Silwan: "Palfest on Apr 21, 2011
The Israeli Army attempts to prevent the closing night of PalFest 2011 from taking place but fails.
Filmed & edited by Murat Gökmen (@muratyg)
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Palestine Video
Friday, April 22, 2011
4 videos - النشرة الفلسطينية 21 04 2011
النشرة الفلسطينية 21 04 2011 ج1:
"paltodaytv on Apr 22, 2011
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"paltodaytv on Apr 22, 2011
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Palestine Video
Bilin Demo Honors The Martyrs, One Woman Seriously Injured
Bilin Demo Honors The Martyrs Of The Popular Resistance 22.04.2011 By "haithmkatib on Apr 22, 2011
Friday 04/22/2011
On the second anniversary of the martyrdom of Bassem Abu Rahma .
One citizen of the village of Bil'in was seriously injured as well as five demonstrators and four others who were injured as a result of abuse by the occupying forces, in addition to dozens of other cases of people choking on poison gas.
Today a woman of Bil'in was seriously injured whilst five demonstrators and four citizens received dozens of bruises, there were also many cases of severe asphyxia as a result of inhalation of tear gas, many people suffered due to the waste water and chemicals fired by the Israeli Army. This was due to the clashes that took place after the suppression of the Israeli occupation forces with the creation of the wall and settlements. On the second anniversary of the martyrdom of Bassem Abu Rahma there was a march organized by the Popular Committee Against the Wall in Bil'in and the National and Islamic Forces. It began after Friday prayers from the center of the village and was attended by the people of Bil'in, dozens of Palestinians and internationals. Palestinian factions,
The Participants of the march waved many Palestinian flags, flags of Palestinian factions and pictures of martyrs Jawaher and Bassem Abu Rahma. There were also yellow banners with a picture of the leader Marwan Barghouti who is a prisoner of the occupation. This started the participants chanting national anthems calling for unity and rejection of differences, to unite in the face of the occupation and its plans and to end the division and occupation as quickly as possible.
The march headed towards the wall, where Israeli forces intercepted the march by storming the village from the west side. They fired bursts of gas, sound bombs, rubber bullets, lead Toto and live bullets toward the participants in an attempt to prevent the demonstration from getting to the area. This resulted in a injury to citizen Isra' Bornat, 20 years old. He received serious injuries as a result of inhaled poison gas and was transferred to a Palestinian hospital in Ramallah. Mohamed Hesham Bornat 28 years old was hit by a soldier's baton in the head, Jasser Ash'al, 22 years old was hit by a tear gas canister in the hand, Ahmed Ibrahim Abu Rahma, 38 years old was hit by a tear gas canister in the leg, Mohammed Shawkat, 18 years old was shot with a rubber bullet in the leg, and Simon Krieger 22 years old was hit with a tear gas canister in the arm. The occupation forces severely beat all of Iyad Bornat, 38, and Mohammad Al Khatib, 36, as well as two people from London showing solidarity with the Palestinian people, all of whom were severely bruised.
After the Israeli soldiers broke out with such violence the protestors managed to make the army of occupation retreat to the back wall.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Friday 04/22/2011
On the second anniversary of the martyrdom of Bassem Abu Rahma .
One citizen of the village of Bil'in was seriously injured as well as five demonstrators and four others who were injured as a result of abuse by the occupying forces, in addition to dozens of other cases of people choking on poison gas.
Today a woman of Bil'in was seriously injured whilst five demonstrators and four citizens received dozens of bruises, there were also many cases of severe asphyxia as a result of inhalation of tear gas, many people suffered due to the waste water and chemicals fired by the Israeli Army. This was due to the clashes that took place after the suppression of the Israeli occupation forces with the creation of the wall and settlements. On the second anniversary of the martyrdom of Bassem Abu Rahma there was a march organized by the Popular Committee Against the Wall in Bil'in and the National and Islamic Forces. It began after Friday prayers from the center of the village and was attended by the people of Bil'in, dozens of Palestinians and internationals. Palestinian factions,
The Participants of the march waved many Palestinian flags, flags of Palestinian factions and pictures of martyrs Jawaher and Bassem Abu Rahma. There were also yellow banners with a picture of the leader Marwan Barghouti who is a prisoner of the occupation. This started the participants chanting national anthems calling for unity and rejection of differences, to unite in the face of the occupation and its plans and to end the division and occupation as quickly as possible.
The march headed towards the wall, where Israeli forces intercepted the march by storming the village from the west side. They fired bursts of gas, sound bombs, rubber bullets, lead Toto and live bullets toward the participants in an attempt to prevent the demonstration from getting to the area. This resulted in a injury to citizen Isra' Bornat, 20 years old. He received serious injuries as a result of inhaled poison gas and was transferred to a Palestinian hospital in Ramallah. Mohamed Hesham Bornat 28 years old was hit by a soldier's baton in the head, Jasser Ash'al, 22 years old was hit by a tear gas canister in the hand, Ahmed Ibrahim Abu Rahma, 38 years old was hit by a tear gas canister in the leg, Mohammed Shawkat, 18 years old was shot with a rubber bullet in the leg, and Simon Krieger 22 years old was hit with a tear gas canister in the arm. The occupation forces severely beat all of Iyad Bornat, 38, and Mohammad Al Khatib, 36, as well as two people from London showing solidarity with the Palestinian people, all of whom were severely bruised.
After the Israeli soldiers broke out with such violence the protestors managed to make the army of occupation retreat to the back wall.
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Palestine Video
Antony Loewenstein at Marrickville council on Palestine and BDS
Antony Loewenstein speech at Marrickville council, Sydney, 19/4/11, on Palestine and BDS:
"AntonyLoewenstein on Apr 22, 2011
Marrickville council in Sydney, Australia endorsed BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) as a policy in December 2010. Months of furious debate, Zionist lobby smearing, mainstream media ridicule and major party attack saw the council rescind its decision in April 2011. Independent journalist and author Antony Loewenstein spoke at a heated council meeting to support BDS and explain why BDS is a moral and sound idea to pressure Israel to abide by international law.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"AntonyLoewenstein on Apr 22, 2011
Marrickville council in Sydney, Australia endorsed BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) as a policy in December 2010. Months of furious debate, Zionist lobby smearing, mainstream media ridicule and major party attack saw the council rescind its decision in April 2011. Independent journalist and author Antony Loewenstein spoke at a heated council meeting to support BDS and explain why BDS is a moral and sound idea to pressure Israel to abide by international law.
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Palestine Video
Father Dave at Marrickville Council BDS (Boycotts, Divestment, Sanctions) Speech 2
Marrickville Council BDS (Boycotts, Divestment, Sanctions) Speech 2:
"fatherdave on Apr 22, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011: Father Dave is the second speaker in favour of maintaining the BDS (Boycotts, Divestment, Sanctions) program at Marrickville Council's general meeting. Father Dave spoke in front of a crowd that filled not only the gallery but two floors of the council building outside.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"fatherdave on Apr 22, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011: Father Dave is the second speaker in favour of maintaining the BDS (Boycotts, Divestment, Sanctions) program at Marrickville Council's general meeting. Father Dave spoke in front of a crowd that filled not only the gallery but two floors of the council building outside.
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Palestine Video
Solidarity is not a crime! - Minneapolis Anti-War Committee Chalks Up FBI
From Colombia to Palestine, solidarity is not a crime!
Minneapolis Anti-War Committee Chalks Up FBI:
"UpTakeVideo on Apr 20, 2011
The Anti-War Committee and a number of their allies staged a protest rally on chalked sidewalks in front of the Minneapolis FBI office yesterday. The FBI has issued 23 subpoenas for the Chicago Grand Jury including nine from Minnesota. The Minnesotans' homes were raided last September 24. Repeat subpoenas were issued to three of the Minnesota groups but they, like the rest of the targets, have refused to appear before the Grand Jury. There was a brief disagreement with representatives of the city about chalk messages. The protest group had checked with the Minneapolis Police and were assured that chalk messaging was acceptable on public sidewalks. Building management requested no chalk on their space and that request was honored. The threat of continued action hangs over the heads of the entire group. Patrick Fitzgerald, US Attorney in Chicago, has told them that each targeted person must have their own attorney, no attorney may represent a group of them. This has increased legal costs, so rallies are also fund-raising events. There was a brief disagreement with representatives of the city about chalk messages. The protest group had checked with the Minneapolis Police and were assured that chalk messaging was acceptable on public sidewalks. Building management requested no chalk on their space and that request was honored. The threat of continued action over the heads of the The entire group. Patrick Fitzgerald, US Attorney in Chicago, has told them that each target person must have their own attorney, no attorney may represent a group of them. This has increased legal costs so rallies are also fund raising events.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Minneapolis Anti-War Committee Chalks Up FBI:
"UpTakeVideo on Apr 20, 2011
The Anti-War Committee and a number of their allies staged a protest rally on chalked sidewalks in front of the Minneapolis FBI office yesterday. The FBI has issued 23 subpoenas for the Chicago Grand Jury including nine from Minnesota. The Minnesotans' homes were raided last September 24. Repeat subpoenas were issued to three of the Minnesota groups but they, like the rest of the targets, have refused to appear before the Grand Jury. There was a brief disagreement with representatives of the city about chalk messages. The protest group had checked with the Minneapolis Police and were assured that chalk messaging was acceptable on public sidewalks. Building management requested no chalk on their space and that request was honored. The threat of continued action hangs over the heads of the entire group. Patrick Fitzgerald, US Attorney in Chicago, has told them that each targeted person must have their own attorney, no attorney may represent a group of them. This has increased legal costs, so rallies are also fund-raising events. There was a brief disagreement with representatives of the city about chalk messages. The protest group had checked with the Minneapolis Police and were assured that chalk messaging was acceptable on public sidewalks. Building management requested no chalk on their space and that request was honored. The threat of continued action over the heads of the The entire group. Patrick Fitzgerald, US Attorney in Chicago, has told them that each target person must have their own attorney, no attorney may represent a group of them. This has increased legal costs so rallies are also fund raising events.
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Palestine Video
Protected by the Israeli army, settlers attack village of Assira Alqblia
Settlers attack Assira Alqblia1.MPG:
"ISMPalestine on Apr 21, 2011
Settlers from the illegal settlement of Yitzah attack the village of Assira Alqblia in the presence of the Israeli army
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"ISMPalestine on Apr 21, 2011
Settlers from the illegal settlement of Yitzah attack the village of Assira Alqblia in the presence of the Israeli army
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Palestine Video
"CPSGAZA" Actvists Launch Oliva to Escort Gaza Fishermen & Document Israeli Aggression
The white boat, Oliva, is sponsored by activists from Spain, the United States, Italy and Belgium and some Palestinian activists, all of whom are members of the Civil Peace Service Gaza (CPSGAZA).
CPSGAZA said it will deploy 10 trained professional international observers in Gaza territorial water to monitor the Israeli violations and make it known to the world.
'Oliva' carries Palestinian flag and another ensign with the CPSGAZA organization logo.
Dailymotion - International Protesters Escort Gazan Fishermen:
"A ship sponsored by the International Solidarity Movement is set to escort Gazan fishermen during their work and document any Israeli aggression they encounter. A no-fishing zone off the Gaza coast has made it difficult for Palestinian fishermen to work. Powered by Producer : Xinhua News Agency
International Protesters Escort Gazan Fishermen tvnportal
And another video from YouTube by anafreea on Apr 21, 2011
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
CPSGAZA said it will deploy 10 trained professional international observers in Gaza territorial water to monitor the Israeli violations and make it known to the world.
'Oliva' carries Palestinian flag and another ensign with the CPSGAZA organization logo.
Dailymotion - International Protesters Escort Gazan Fishermen:
"A ship sponsored by the International Solidarity Movement is set to escort Gazan fishermen during their work and document any Israeli aggression they encounter. A no-fishing zone off the Gaza coast has made it difficult for Palestinian fishermen to work. Powered by Producer : Xinhua News Agency
International Protesters Escort Gazan Fishermen tvnportal
And another video from YouTube by anafreea on Apr 21, 2011
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Palestine Video
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Israel steps up demolitions in Gaza, destroy factory buildings and storage facilities
PressTV - Israel steps up demolitions in Gaza:
Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:59PM
Ashraf Shannon, Press TV
"Israeli tanks and bulldozers entered the Gaza industrial zone which has not been in operation since 2007 near the Karni crossing in Eastern Gaza and destroyed factory buildings and storage facilities.
The Karni Industrial Zone came to a standstill when Israel heavily restricted the passageways into and out of Gaza as part of its blockade of the territory.
The buildings that were destroyed by Israel contained a variety of useful equipment, and many types of goods which have now been damaged.
The Karni crossing which was one of two commercial crossings between Israel and the Gaza Strip was closed permanently in March leaving Kerem Shalom crossing as the only commercial crossing operating in Gaza.
The industrial zone is located near a no-go zone that was enforced by Israel in 2008, and anyone who ventures inside risks being shot by the Israeli army.
But business owners in the area say there was no firing of rockets by Palestinian activists in the area.
Many here say that by destroying factories and storage facilities on the border with Gaza, Israel aims to expand the so-called buffer zone to further tighten the siege on Gaza.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:59PM
Ashraf Shannon, Press TV
"Israeli tanks and bulldozers entered the Gaza industrial zone which has not been in operation since 2007 near the Karni crossing in Eastern Gaza and destroyed factory buildings and storage facilities.
The Karni Industrial Zone came to a standstill when Israel heavily restricted the passageways into and out of Gaza as part of its blockade of the territory.
The buildings that were destroyed by Israel contained a variety of useful equipment, and many types of goods which have now been damaged.
The Karni crossing which was one of two commercial crossings between Israel and the Gaza Strip was closed permanently in March leaving Kerem Shalom crossing as the only commercial crossing operating in Gaza.
The industrial zone is located near a no-go zone that was enforced by Israel in 2008, and anyone who ventures inside risks being shot by the Israeli army.
But business owners in the area say there was no firing of rockets by Palestinian activists in the area.
Many here say that by destroying factories and storage facilities on the border with Gaza, Israel aims to expand the so-called buffer zone to further tighten the siege on Gaza.
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Palestine Video
Cindy Corrie & Luisa Morgantini - Bilin Sixth Annual Conference on the Palestinian Popular Resistance - 20.04.2011
Bilin-20.04.2011Sixth Annual Conference on the Palestinian Popular Resistance:
"haithmkatib on Apr 20, 2011
Luisa Morgantini Bilin 20.04.2011 Sixth Annual Conference on the Palestinian Popular Resistance:
"haithmkatib on Apr 20, 2011
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"haithmkatib on Apr 20, 2011
Luisa Morgantini Bilin 20.04.2011 Sixth Annual Conference on the Palestinian Popular Resistance:
"haithmkatib on Apr 20, 2011
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Palestine Video
UN vote on Palestinian statehood in the offing
A good half-way step forward towards the real solution of the one democratic state on all of mandate Palestine, unless the lame Ramallah P.A. empties it of this significance by having already made promises on refugees return to their original homes, towns and cities. You really never know what to expect from that bunch in Ramallah, so I'm taking the news with a whole load, not just a grain, of salt!
UN vote on Palestinian statehood in the offing:
"PressTVGlobalNews on Apr 21, 2011
Palestinian Observer Ambassador Riyad Monsour says that destiny is on the side of the Palestinian people as September approaches. He told the nations of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, as he argued for support for Palestinian statehood -- which he says is nearing reality. The Palestinian Authority has been busy drumming up support for it's bid for statehood. Uruguay reinforced its supportive stance -- which means that every South American state stands in support of Palestine -- except for Columbia -- which has sworn it won't recognize the Palestinian effort. Monsour used every tool at his disposal -- especially the recent UN report that states Palestinian functions are sufficient for statehood -- and that Israel should roll back its 'measures of occupation.'
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
UN vote on Palestinian statehood in the offing:
"PressTVGlobalNews on Apr 21, 2011
Palestinian Observer Ambassador Riyad Monsour says that destiny is on the side of the Palestinian people as September approaches. He told the nations of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, as he argued for support for Palestinian statehood -- which he says is nearing reality. The Palestinian Authority has been busy drumming up support for it's bid for statehood. Uruguay reinforced its supportive stance -- which means that every South American state stands in support of Palestine -- except for Columbia -- which has sworn it won't recognize the Palestinian effort. Monsour used every tool at his disposal -- especially the recent UN report that states Palestinian functions are sufficient for statehood -- and that Israel should roll back its 'measures of occupation.'
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Palestine Video
Jonathan Cook - Insight on colonialist tactics in Palestine
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Nazareth Complicates Israeli Narrative on Vimeo:
"British journalist Jonathan Cook explains how Nazareth’s religious mix doesn’t fit in with the common perception that all things Israel can be understood as Jewish vs. Muslim.
Cook, a former reporter for The Guardian and The Observer, now writes for Abu Dhabi’s The National as the only foreign correspondent based in Nazareth, where he’s lived for almost a decade.
Cook’s position in the Arab heartland of Israel puts a different perspective on his reporting: namely that the post-1967 conflict over the occupied territories is best understood as a reflection and continuation of the larger conflict begun in 1948.
Nazareth Complicates Israeli Narrative from Jon Dillingham on Vimeo.
The Underlying Philosophy of Upper Nazareth on Vimeo:
"Nazerat Illit, or Upper Nazareth, is a Jewish enclave built above the Palestinian Arab city of Nazareth in the Galilee, northern Israel. The “illit” city (the Hebrew word illit means both higher physically, but also “elite”, or better, in a moral and philosophical sense) was built on confiscated Palestinian land and, according to British journalist Jonathan Cook, serves two purposes: to stop the expansion of the “Arab capital” of Israel and to act as a mitzpe (“lookout”) to literally watch over Nazareth’s Palestinians (the municipal government building overlook the city).
The Underlying Philosophy of Upper Nazareth from Jon Dillingham on Vimeo.
Israeli Inequality Sustained By Citizenship Laws on Vimeo:
"Israel uses the rule of law, namely two separate citizenship laws for Jews and non-Jews, to divide and oppress its minorities, says British journalist Jonathan Cook.
Arabic: Israel's Silent Official Language on Vimeo:
"Though Arabic is one of Israel’s two official languages, it’s virtually non-existent in official Israeli life, and even met by contempt within Jewish Israeli society, explains British journalist Jonathan Cook.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Nazareth Complicates Israeli Narrative on Vimeo:
"British journalist Jonathan Cook explains how Nazareth’s religious mix doesn’t fit in with the common perception that all things Israel can be understood as Jewish vs. Muslim.
Cook, a former reporter for The Guardian and The Observer, now writes for Abu Dhabi’s The National as the only foreign correspondent based in Nazareth, where he’s lived for almost a decade.
Cook’s position in the Arab heartland of Israel puts a different perspective on his reporting: namely that the post-1967 conflict over the occupied territories is best understood as a reflection and continuation of the larger conflict begun in 1948.
Nazareth Complicates Israeli Narrative from Jon Dillingham on Vimeo.
The Underlying Philosophy of Upper Nazareth on Vimeo:
"Nazerat Illit, or Upper Nazareth, is a Jewish enclave built above the Palestinian Arab city of Nazareth in the Galilee, northern Israel. The “illit” city (the Hebrew word illit means both higher physically, but also “elite”, or better, in a moral and philosophical sense) was built on confiscated Palestinian land and, according to British journalist Jonathan Cook, serves two purposes: to stop the expansion of the “Arab capital” of Israel and to act as a mitzpe (“lookout”) to literally watch over Nazareth’s Palestinians (the municipal government building overlook the city).
The Underlying Philosophy of Upper Nazareth from Jon Dillingham on Vimeo.
Israeli Inequality Sustained By Citizenship Laws on Vimeo:
"Israel uses the rule of law, namely two separate citizenship laws for Jews and non-Jews, to divide and oppress its minorities, says British journalist Jonathan Cook.
Israeli Inequality Sustained By Citizenship Laws from Jon Dillingham on Vimeo.
Arabic: Israel's Silent Official Language on Vimeo:
"Though Arabic is one of Israel’s two official languages, it’s virtually non-existent in official Israeli life, and even met by contempt within Jewish Israeli society, explains British journalist Jonathan Cook.
Arabic: Israel's Silent Official Language from Jon Dillingham on Vimeo.
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Palestine Video
Journalist Yousef Al Helou speaks at Palestinian Prisoners' Day - Dublin 17th April 2011
Journalist Yousef Al Helou speaks at Palestinian Prisoners' Day - Dublin 17th April 2011:
"IrelandPSC on Apr 17, 2011
On Sunday April 17th at 2pm the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) marked Palestinian Prisoners Day with a demonstration at the Spire in O'Connell St, Dublin.
The demonstration called for the release of all Palestinian political prisoners imprisoned by the Israeli State - those 'convicted' in Israeli Military courts and those interned without trial under the 'Administrative Detention' regime. This year there was a special focus on the issue of child prisoners - of which there are currently 216 (45 under the age of 16) being held in Israeli jails.[1]
The IPSC called this demonstration - as part of the international activities taking place on Palestinian Prisoners Day 2010 - as we believe that all Palestinian political prisoners are victims of Israeli colonialism and apartheid. We therefore demand the release of all political prisoners held by the Israeli state.
Some facts from 'Defence For Children International - Palestine'
* Israel currently hold 216 Palestinian children in prison. Of these, 45 are under the age of 16.
* Each year, approx 700 Palestinian children (some as young as 12) are arrested, interrogated and prosecuted by Israeli military courts
* Children are frequently threatened and physically assaulted during interrogation often resulting in coerced confessions. According to Amnesty, 'torture and other ill-treatment continue to be [widely] carried out' in Israeli prisons.
*Child prisoners are held in inhumane conditions of detention either made to live in overcrowded and filthy cells or placed in small solitary confinement cells
* Since 2000, some 7,000 Palestinian children have been detained and prosecuted by Israel
* In the past decade, 1,452 Palestinian children have been killed by Israeli occupation forces.
Palestinian Prisoners - The Grim Reality
According to ADDAMEER, the Palestinian Prisoners' Rights NGO, at present over 5,770 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by the Israeli state for resisting Israeli colonialism, Apartheid and oppression. Of those, 216 are children, 37 are women, 12 are elected Palestinian representatives and over 200 are 'Administrative Detainees' - that is they have been interned without trial not having been charged with any crime or seeing the secret evidence against them. Those 'convicted' prisoners were jailed by non-jury Israeli Military Courts (all Palestinians in the Occupied Territories are subject to Israeli military law, while Israel's colonial settlers are ruled by Israeli civil law - yet another example Israel's Apartheid system). These courts, biased from the outset, do not meet international fair trial standards.[2]
Over four decades of illegal Israeli military occupation, Palestinians from all walks of life have been illegally detained by Israel. Since the beginning of the occupation in 1967, over 650,000 Palestinians have been detained by Israel. This forms approximately 20% of the total Palestinian population in the OPT. Considering the fact that the majority of those detained are male, the number of Palestinians detained forms approximately 40% of the total male Palestinian population in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"IrelandPSC on Apr 17, 2011
On Sunday April 17th at 2pm the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) marked Palestinian Prisoners Day with a demonstration at the Spire in O'Connell St, Dublin.
The demonstration called for the release of all Palestinian political prisoners imprisoned by the Israeli State - those 'convicted' in Israeli Military courts and those interned without trial under the 'Administrative Detention' regime. This year there was a special focus on the issue of child prisoners - of which there are currently 216 (45 under the age of 16) being held in Israeli jails.[1]
The IPSC called this demonstration - as part of the international activities taking place on Palestinian Prisoners Day 2010 - as we believe that all Palestinian political prisoners are victims of Israeli colonialism and apartheid. We therefore demand the release of all political prisoners held by the Israeli state.
Some facts from 'Defence For Children International - Palestine'
* Israel currently hold 216 Palestinian children in prison. Of these, 45 are under the age of 16.
* Each year, approx 700 Palestinian children (some as young as 12) are arrested, interrogated and prosecuted by Israeli military courts
* Children are frequently threatened and physically assaulted during interrogation often resulting in coerced confessions. According to Amnesty, 'torture and other ill-treatment continue to be [widely] carried out' in Israeli prisons.
*Child prisoners are held in inhumane conditions of detention either made to live in overcrowded and filthy cells or placed in small solitary confinement cells
* Since 2000, some 7,000 Palestinian children have been detained and prosecuted by Israel
* In the past decade, 1,452 Palestinian children have been killed by Israeli occupation forces.
Palestinian Prisoners - The Grim Reality
According to ADDAMEER, the Palestinian Prisoners' Rights NGO, at present over 5,770 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by the Israeli state for resisting Israeli colonialism, Apartheid and oppression. Of those, 216 are children, 37 are women, 12 are elected Palestinian representatives and over 200 are 'Administrative Detainees' - that is they have been interned without trial not having been charged with any crime or seeing the secret evidence against them. Those 'convicted' prisoners were jailed by non-jury Israeli Military Courts (all Palestinians in the Occupied Territories are subject to Israeli military law, while Israel's colonial settlers are ruled by Israeli civil law - yet another example Israel's Apartheid system). These courts, biased from the outset, do not meet international fair trial standards.[2]
Over four decades of illegal Israeli military occupation, Palestinians from all walks of life have been illegally detained by Israel. Since the beginning of the occupation in 1967, over 650,000 Palestinians have been detained by Israel. This forms approximately 20% of the total Palestinian population in the OPT. Considering the fact that the majority of those detained are male, the number of Palestinians detained forms approximately 40% of the total male Palestinian population in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
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Palestine Video
"Omar Barghouti en France - "Je vous souhaite l'Égypte !" - 9 Mars 2011"
"Omar Barghouti en France - 9 Mars 2011":
"bdsfrance on Apr 16, 2011
Omar BARGHOUTI : Je vous souhaite l'Égypte !
Chorégraphe et philosophe, Omar Barghouti est membre fondateur de la campagne palestinienne BDS (Boycott, Désinvestissement, Sanctions). Il vit et travaille à Ramallah.
... Je vous souhaite d'avoir la force de résister ; de combattre pour la justice sociale et économique ; de gagner votre véritable liberté, votre véritable égalité des droits.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"bdsfrance on Apr 16, 2011
Omar BARGHOUTI : Je vous souhaite l'Égypte !
Chorégraphe et philosophe, Omar Barghouti est membre fondateur de la campagne palestinienne BDS (Boycott, Désinvestissement, Sanctions). Il vit et travaille à Ramallah.
... Je vous souhaite d'avoir la force de résister ; de combattre pour la justice sociale et économique ; de gagner votre véritable liberté, votre véritable égalité des droits.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Posted by Vittorio November 9, 2010 - A revolutionary Palestinian song: UNADIKUM
A revolutionary Palestinian song: UNADIKUM!:
"freepalestinalivre | November 09, 2010
Here is a rough translation of 'Unadikum': 'I call to you all:
I take your hand and hold it tightly.
I kiss the ground on which you place your feet.
I know that for you I would give my life.
My life I would give for you.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"freepalestinalivre | November 09, 2010
Here is a rough translation of 'Unadikum': 'I call to you all:
I take your hand and hold it tightly.
I kiss the ground on which you place your feet.
I know that for you I would give my life.
My life I would give for you.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Ramzy Baroud: My Father Was A Freedom Fighter - Gaza's Untold Story
Ramzy Baroud: My Father Was A Freedom Fighter - Gaza's Untold Story []:
"inminds on Mar 28, 2011
On 25th March 2011, Palestinian activist Maha Rahwanji hosted a mesmerising evening in conversation with Ramzy Baroud, the editor-in-chief of the Palestine Chronicle, about his recent book 'My Father Was A Freedom Fighter - Gaza's Untold Story'. The book can be described as a 'peoples history' of Palestine - by following the lives of one family - the authors, the heart-rending history of the Palestinian people from the ethnic cleansing of the Nakba, to growing up as refugees under Israeli occupation, and living and dying under siege in Gaza is laid bare in a very accessible form. The 85 minutes of riveting conversation was followed by 35 minutes of questions and answers. Full video of the event is provided.
Full report see:
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"inminds on Mar 28, 2011
On 25th March 2011, Palestinian activist Maha Rahwanji hosted a mesmerising evening in conversation with Ramzy Baroud, the editor-in-chief of the Palestine Chronicle, about his recent book 'My Father Was A Freedom Fighter - Gaza's Untold Story'. The book can be described as a 'peoples history' of Palestine - by following the lives of one family - the authors, the heart-rending history of the Palestinian people from the ethnic cleansing of the Nakba, to growing up as refugees under Israeli occupation, and living and dying under siege in Gaza is laid bare in a very accessible form. The 85 minutes of riveting conversation was followed by 35 minutes of questions and answers. Full video of the event is provided.
Full report see:
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Israel demuele Al Aqaba PALESTINA
En el primer video podra ver una de las casas destruidas en la parte superior del mismo. Podra ademas ver el reporte de ayer (en Ingles) sobre la destruccion en Al Aqaba (aqui)
Israel demuele Al Aqaba PALESTINA:
"mariastango on Apr 9, 2011
A 7km de Tubas en el Valle del Jordan, Palestina. Israel demolio el 7 de abril de 2011, 2 km de la llamada Calle de la Paz, desmantelo el tendido electrico, demolio 2 hogares y corrales de animales. El mismo dia fueron demolidos hogares y corrales en Khirbet Samra, Valle del Jordan y otros a pocos km de Jerico. Al Aqaba es una villa de 400 habitantes, de la cual 700 fueron forzados a partir en 2006. Actualmente toda la villa, excepto 6 casas, tienen aviso de demolicion, incluyendo escuelas, jardin de infantes, hospital, clinica, mezquita, viviendas, corrales, veredas, calles y todo lo que haya sido construido por la mano del hombre.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Israel demuele Al Aqaba PALESTINA:
"mariastango on Apr 9, 2011
A 7km de Tubas en el Valle del Jordan, Palestina. Israel demolio el 7 de abril de 2011, 2 km de la llamada Calle de la Paz, desmantelo el tendido electrico, demolio 2 hogares y corrales de animales. El mismo dia fueron demolidos hogares y corrales en Khirbet Samra, Valle del Jordan y otros a pocos km de Jerico. Al Aqaba es una villa de 400 habitantes, de la cual 700 fueron forzados a partir en 2006. Actualmente toda la villa, excepto 6 casas, tienen aviso de demolicion, incluyendo escuelas, jardin de infantes, hospital, clinica, mezquita, viviendas, corrales, veredas, calles y todo lo que haya sido construido por la mano del hombre.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Dr. Patch Adams and Medea Benjamin: It's time to Move Over AIPAC!
Dr. Patch Adams and Medea Benjamin: It's time to Move Over AIPAC!:
"codepinkaction on Apr 7, 2011
Famous clown-doctor Patch Adams and CODEPINK cofounder Medea Benjamin are calling on YOU to come to DC May 21-24 for Move Over AIPAC - a conference, workshops, creative actions, cultural events, lobbying, and more, all happening during AIPAC's annual policy conference. Sign up today at!
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"codepinkaction on Apr 7, 2011
Famous clown-doctor Patch Adams and CODEPINK cofounder Medea Benjamin are calling on YOU to come to DC May 21-24 for Move Over AIPAC - a conference, workshops, creative actions, cultural events, lobbying, and more, all happening during AIPAC's annual policy conference. Sign up today at!
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
An-Nabi Saleh Weekly Demo 8-4-11 مسيرة النبي صالح الاسبوعية
"yisraelpnm on Apr 8, 2011
Eight arrested in Nabi Saleh demonstration: Six Palestinians and two Israeli supporters
April 8, 2011
This Friday Nabi Saleh demonstration against the settlements and occupation was joined by a group of West Bank March 15 activists and was larger than usual. Some 80 people marched through the village's main street and then crossed into the fields to reach the spring and land being stolen and threatened by settlers. This turn to the fields also helped the protesters avoiding being fired at by the Israeli soldiers who awaited them down the street. Even before the marchers could reach the village's main road, Israeli soldiers came to stop them, throwing stun and tear gas grenades and shooting rubber-coated metal bullets at a non-violent protest. This, however, did not deter the protesters, who kept standing in front of the soldiers in defiance. The soldiers than turned to violently arresting two Palestinian protesters and attempting to arrest a third one.
After the soldiers left the fields with the arrested, protesters regathered and managed to cross the main road and into the hill that overlooks the village's spring. The army was too slow to respond but when it did, it attacked the protesters, shooting tear gas canisters at them, as they moved further away. The protesters than marched back through the village and into its center. During this time the army had already swarmed the village, taking over roofs, throwing tear gas and stun grenades, and arresting four Palestinian by-standers. When the peaceful march reached the village's center, two Israeli supporters -- who, according to the army, have violated a closed military zone order -- were also arrested. A third was detained shortly.
Three of the Palestinian arrestees have already been released. The two Israelis are also likely to be released this evening. The three other Palestinians may be taken to Ofer military prison, where they will be subjected to a harsh military legal system, specifically designated for a prolonged imprisonment of Palestinians without a viable trial.
NABI SALEH 8-4-2011 النبي صالح: "tamimi1966 on Apr 8, 2011
مواجهات مسيرة النبي صالح الاسبوعية في مقاومة الاستيطان على اراضيها
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"yisraelpnm on Apr 8, 2011
Eight arrested in Nabi Saleh demonstration: Six Palestinians and two Israeli supporters
April 8, 2011
This Friday Nabi Saleh demonstration against the settlements and occupation was joined by a group of West Bank March 15 activists and was larger than usual. Some 80 people marched through the village's main street and then crossed into the fields to reach the spring and land being stolen and threatened by settlers. This turn to the fields also helped the protesters avoiding being fired at by the Israeli soldiers who awaited them down the street. Even before the marchers could reach the village's main road, Israeli soldiers came to stop them, throwing stun and tear gas grenades and shooting rubber-coated metal bullets at a non-violent protest. This, however, did not deter the protesters, who kept standing in front of the soldiers in defiance. The soldiers than turned to violently arresting two Palestinian protesters and attempting to arrest a third one.
After the soldiers left the fields with the arrested, protesters regathered and managed to cross the main road and into the hill that overlooks the village's spring. The army was too slow to respond but when it did, it attacked the protesters, shooting tear gas canisters at them, as they moved further away. The protesters than marched back through the village and into its center. During this time the army had already swarmed the village, taking over roofs, throwing tear gas and stun grenades, and arresting four Palestinian by-standers. When the peaceful march reached the village's center, two Israeli supporters -- who, according to the army, have violated a closed military zone order -- were also arrested. A third was detained shortly.
Three of the Palestinian arrestees have already been released. The two Israelis are also likely to be released this evening. The three other Palestinians may be taken to Ofer military prison, where they will be subjected to a harsh military legal system, specifically designated for a prolonged imprisonment of Palestinians without a viable trial.
NABI SALEH 8-4-2011 النبي صالح: "tamimi1966 on Apr 8, 2011
مواجهات مسيرة النبي صالح الاسبوعية في مقاومة الاستيطان على اراضيها
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Palestine Video
Friday, April 8, 2011
بين السطور 20110407 تسريع مخططات الاسثيطان وتهويد القدس
بين السطور 20110407 ج1:
"paltodaytv on Apr 8, 2011
بين السطور 20110407 ج2:
"paltodaytv on Apr 8, 2011
بين السطور 20110407 ج3: "paltodaytv on Apr 8, 2011
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"paltodaytv on Apr 8, 2011
بين السطور 20110407 ج2:
"paltodaytv on Apr 8, 2011
بين السطور 20110407 ج3: "paltodaytv on Apr 8, 2011
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Children woken by Israeli army
Children woken by Israeli army:
"DCIPS on Apr 7, 2011
The village of An Nabi Saleh is located 30 kilometers northeast of Ramallah along highway 465. Weekly demonstrations protest the illegal seizure of Palestinian land by the illegal Israeli settlement of Hallamish (Neve Zuf), located opposite An Nabi Saleh. The footage shows a new Israeli military method to intimidate the children of Nabi Saleh: soldiers enter homes in the middle of the night, wake the children over the age of 10, photograph them and leave.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"DCIPS on Apr 7, 2011
The village of An Nabi Saleh is located 30 kilometers northeast of Ramallah along highway 465. Weekly demonstrations protest the illegal seizure of Palestinian land by the illegal Israeli settlement of Hallamish (Neve Zuf), located opposite An Nabi Saleh. The footage shows a new Israeli military method to intimidate the children of Nabi Saleh: soldiers enter homes in the middle of the night, wake the children over the age of 10, photograph them and leave.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Israeli strikes kill Palestinians in Gaza
PressTV - Israeli strikes kill Palestinians in Gaza:
Fri Apr 8, 2011 10:16PM
Safa Joudeh, Press TV, Gaza
"On Friday morning, the Gaza Strip woke up to Israeli air strikes that targeted the southern city of Rafah. Throughout the day a barrage of mortar fire and missiles over the territory led to the death of six people, bringing the total number of Palestinians killed in less than 48 hours to 11. Over 45 were also wounded, many of them children.
The Ministry of Health's Ambulance and Emergency Committee held a press conference in Gaza's Shifa hospital on Friday afternoon
Gazans took to the streets after the Friday prayer in a mass funeral procession carrying the dead to the cemetery. As they laid them to rest family members were eager for people to know that their loved ones were unarmed when targeted by Israel.
On Thursday evening the Hamas Government called on all factions in Gaza to declare a unilateral ceasefire with Israel, to prevent further attacks on the unarmed civilian population of Gaza.
The series of Israeli strikes come on the same day as talks between acting Palestinian Authority Chief Mahmoud Abbas and Egyptian officials, paving the way for direct reconciliation talks between Fatah and Hamas. Israel has previously expressed its opposition to Palestinian unity.
Palestinian factions have called on international organizations to urge Israel to halt attacks on Gaza.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Fri Apr 8, 2011 10:16PM
Safa Joudeh, Press TV, Gaza
"On Friday morning, the Gaza Strip woke up to Israeli air strikes that targeted the southern city of Rafah. Throughout the day a barrage of mortar fire and missiles over the territory led to the death of six people, bringing the total number of Palestinians killed in less than 48 hours to 11. Over 45 were also wounded, many of them children.
The Ministry of Health's Ambulance and Emergency Committee held a press conference in Gaza's Shifa hospital on Friday afternoon
Gazans took to the streets after the Friday prayer in a mass funeral procession carrying the dead to the cemetery. As they laid them to rest family members were eager for people to know that their loved ones were unarmed when targeted by Israel.
On Thursday evening the Hamas Government called on all factions in Gaza to declare a unilateral ceasefire with Israel, to prevent further attacks on the unarmed civilian population of Gaza.
The series of Israeli strikes come on the same day as talks between acting Palestinian Authority Chief Mahmoud Abbas and Egyptian officials, paving the way for direct reconciliation talks between Fatah and Hamas. Israel has previously expressed its opposition to Palestinian unity.
Palestinian factions have called on international organizations to urge Israel to halt attacks on Gaza.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Presentation: U. S. & Israel: Settler Colonialism, Militarism and Empire
Presentation: U. S. & Israel: Settler Colonialism, Militarism and Empire:
"peaceedcenter on Apr 4, 2011
Jimmy Johnson Neged Neshek ('Without Arms' in Hebrew) gave this talk at Michigan State University on March 28, 2011. Johnson's website http://www.negedneshek, is a product of his work and research primarily conducted while part of Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions As described by the event organizers - MSU Students for Social & Economic Justice, Johnson's presentation touches on the following: (1) the United States and Israel share histories as European settler-colonial societies as well as having heavily militarized societies and economies; (2) the existing structures that continue to inform policies through the present including the role Israel plays in U.S. empire; and (3) a special focus on how the Palestinian-Israeli 'non-border' and the Mexico-U.S. 'hyperborder' produce tools towards the militarization and securitization of each other.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"peaceedcenter on Apr 4, 2011
Jimmy Johnson Neged Neshek ('Without Arms' in Hebrew) gave this talk at Michigan State University on March 28, 2011. Johnson's website http://www.negedneshek, is a product of his work and research primarily conducted while part of Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions As described by the event organizers - MSU Students for Social & Economic Justice, Johnson's presentation touches on the following: (1) the United States and Israel share histories as European settler-colonial societies as well as having heavily militarized societies and economies; (2) the existing structures that continue to inform policies through the present including the role Israel plays in U.S. empire; and (3) a special focus on how the Palestinian-Israeli 'non-border' and the Mexico-U.S. 'hyperborder' produce tools towards the militarization and securitization of each other.
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Palestine Video
غزة تودع شهدائها والتصعيد الإسرائيلي متواصل + تجدد الغارات الإسرائيلية 8 4 2011
غزة تودع شهدائها والتصعيد الإسرائيلي متواصل:
"alqudsnewspaper on Apr 8, 2011
غزة تودع شهدائها والتصعيد الإسرائيلي متواصل
تقرير لمراسل المنار بغزة عماد عيد حول تجددت الغارات الإسرائيلية على قطاع غزة واستشهد مواطنين وأصيب عشرة 8 4 2011:
"almanargaza on Apr 8, 2011
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"alqudsnewspaper on Apr 8, 2011
غزة تودع شهدائها والتصعيد الإسرائيلي متواصل
تقرير لمراسل المنار بغزة عماد عيد حول تجددت الغارات الإسرائيلية على قطاع غزة واستشهد مواطنين وأصيب عشرة 8 4 2011:
"almanargaza on Apr 8, 2011
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Israeli forces demolish more Palestinian homes
PressTV - Israeli forces demolish more Palestinian homes:
Thu Apr 7, 2011 7:37PM
Sari al-Khalili, Press TV, al-Aqaba
"Amid an intensifying Israeli targeting of Palestinian houses in the West Bank, two houses and three cattle shelters were razed down by Israeli military bulldozers in the village of Al-Aqaba.
Sami Sadeq, head of the village's council explained that 95% of Al-Aqaba's families have received demolition warnings from the Israeli civil administration.
Israel considers the area a military closed zone where no building is allowed.
Three stray bullets penetrated Mr. Sadeq's back forty years ago during Israeli military drills in the area, which paralyzed him.
Figures from the UN agency for Palestinian refugees recorded 76 demolitions of Palestinian buildings in March, forcibly displacing 158 Palestinians including 64 children.
On the same day, Israeli troops stormed the village of Awarta near the West Bank city of Nablus and abducted over 100 Palestinian women. Israeli officials said the arrests are part of the ongoing investigation into the murder of five settlers in March.
Israel also demolishes Palestinian homes for expansion of its settlements in the WB and other cities. These settlements are deemed illegal by international laws and the international community. Palestinians have been urging the international community to step in and stop the demolitions and the settlement building in the region.
The ongoing Israeli military activities in the West Bank are perceived by the Palestinians as a clear reminder of the need to resist against the occupation and draw strength from the current Arab uprisings.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Thu Apr 7, 2011 7:37PM
Sari al-Khalili, Press TV, al-Aqaba
"Amid an intensifying Israeli targeting of Palestinian houses in the West Bank, two houses and three cattle shelters were razed down by Israeli military bulldozers in the village of Al-Aqaba.
Sami Sadeq, head of the village's council explained that 95% of Al-Aqaba's families have received demolition warnings from the Israeli civil administration.
Israel considers the area a military closed zone where no building is allowed.
Three stray bullets penetrated Mr. Sadeq's back forty years ago during Israeli military drills in the area, which paralyzed him.
Figures from the UN agency for Palestinian refugees recorded 76 demolitions of Palestinian buildings in March, forcibly displacing 158 Palestinians including 64 children.
On the same day, Israeli troops stormed the village of Awarta near the West Bank city of Nablus and abducted over 100 Palestinian women. Israeli officials said the arrests are part of the ongoing investigation into the murder of five settlers in March.
Israel also demolishes Palestinian homes for expansion of its settlements in the WB and other cities. These settlements are deemed illegal by international laws and the international community. Palestinians have been urging the international community to step in and stop the demolitions and the settlement building in the region.
The ongoing Israeli military activities in the West Bank are perceived by the Palestinians as a clear reminder of the need to resist against the occupation and draw strength from the current Arab uprisings.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Demonstration at U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv [Eng Sub]
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Demonstration against U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv:
"SocialTV on Apr 6, 2011
Together we will call upon the world: Ban Israeli planes from bombarding the besieged Gaza. Together we will demand: US and EU -- end your support of Israeli crimes.
U.S. Embassy, Tel Aviv 3-4-2011.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Demonstration against U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv:
"SocialTV on Apr 6, 2011
Together we will call upon the world: Ban Israeli planes from bombarding the besieged Gaza. Together we will demand: US and EU -- end your support of Israeli crimes.
U.S. Embassy, Tel Aviv 3-4-2011.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Egypt releases 13 Gazan prisoners (April 6)
PressTV - Egypt releases 13 Gazan prisoners:
Wed Apr 6, 2011 1:54AM
Ashraf Shannon, Press TV, Gaza
"Families of 13 Palestinians from Gaza were finally reunited with their loved ones at the Rafah crossing, on the border with Egypt. They had to wait three days to see their sons.
On Sunday, Egyptian security sources announced the release of fourteen Palestinians. But only thirteen of them made it to the Gaza Strip.
At least twenty five Palestinians ar estill in Egyptian prisons.
A woman whose three sons and husband are still in Egyptian custody had this to say.
The government of Hamas has welcomed the move by Egypt, expressing appreciation for the Egyptian military council.
Senior Hamas officials who met with Egyptian officials last week, requested the release of the detainees.
The political prisoners hada been in prison without charges or trial.
Since former Egyptian president Husni Mubarak's ouster more than 20 Palestinian detainees in Egypt have returned to the Gaza Strip, some of whom escaped during the uprising in the country and others were released
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Wed Apr 6, 2011 1:54AM
Ashraf Shannon, Press TV, Gaza
"Families of 13 Palestinians from Gaza were finally reunited with their loved ones at the Rafah crossing, on the border with Egypt. They had to wait three days to see their sons.
On Sunday, Egyptian security sources announced the release of fourteen Palestinians. But only thirteen of them made it to the Gaza Strip.
At least twenty five Palestinians ar estill in Egyptian prisons.
A woman whose three sons and husband are still in Egyptian custody had this to say.
The government of Hamas has welcomed the move by Egypt, expressing appreciation for the Egyptian military council.
Senior Hamas officials who met with Egyptian officials last week, requested the release of the detainees.
The political prisoners hada been in prison without charges or trial.
Since former Egyptian president Husni Mubarak's ouster more than 20 Palestinian detainees in Egypt have returned to the Gaza Strip, some of whom escaped during the uprising in the country and others were released
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Palestinian Child Day marked in Gaza (April 5)
PressTV - Palestinian Child Day marked in Gaza:
Tue Apr 5, 2011 9:48PM
Ashraf Shannon, Press TV, Gaza
"Hundreds of Gazan children and their families attended a celebration marking Palestinian Child Day.
It was a day of fun and activities away from the stress that the children are usually subjected to. Gazan children are deprived of living a normal life because of the Israeli blockade that often prevents children from receiving medicine, school books and certain foods.
Organizers of the event stressed the need for the international community to protect Palestinian children.
Children have been killed, injured, forced to leave their homes, separated from their families, arrested, beaten up, humiliated and harassed on a daily basis by Israel in it's forty plus years of occupation.
Just during the Israeli war on Gaza in late 2008, hundreds of children were either killed or injured.
Children say they are still trying to overcome the trauma of the war.
Gazan mothers who attended the celebration with their children recounted their fears during the war.
Experts say that Gazan children have lost their sense of security because they are constantly exposed to violence due to the ongoing Israeli aggressions.
Two years on from Operation Cast Lead the children of Gaza are still facing enormous challenges as their families struggle to rebuild their lives.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Tue Apr 5, 2011 9:48PM
Ashraf Shannon, Press TV, Gaza
"Hundreds of Gazan children and their families attended a celebration marking Palestinian Child Day.
It was a day of fun and activities away from the stress that the children are usually subjected to. Gazan children are deprived of living a normal life because of the Israeli blockade that often prevents children from receiving medicine, school books and certain foods.
Organizers of the event stressed the need for the international community to protect Palestinian children.
Children have been killed, injured, forced to leave their homes, separated from their families, arrested, beaten up, humiliated and harassed on a daily basis by Israel in it's forty plus years of occupation.
Just during the Israeli war on Gaza in late 2008, hundreds of children were either killed or injured.
Children say they are still trying to overcome the trauma of the war.
Gazan mothers who attended the celebration with their children recounted their fears during the war.
Experts say that Gazan children have lost their sense of security because they are constantly exposed to violence due to the ongoing Israeli aggressions.
Two years on from Operation Cast Lead the children of Gaza are still facing enormous challenges as their families struggle to rebuild their lives.
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של מי המשטרה הזאת לעזאזל? SHEIKH JARRAH DEMO April 1st
של מי המשטרה הזאת לעזאזל? SHEIKH JARRAH April 1st Nissim Mossek:
"TaayushHebron on Apr 3, 2011
היס'מ נעלם. רעולי הפנים במדים לא מגיעים. כבר אין מעצרים. חשבנו שבתי המשפט לימדו את המשטרה על זכות האזרח למחאה. אבל מסתבר שהמשטרה לא השתנתה, היא רק שינתה את הטקטיקה. עינו של האח הגדול תמיד פקוחה, לא רק דרך הטלסקופים שעל הגגות והבלשים בלבוש האזרחי. עכשיו המשטרה גם מוצאת מחבוא בבתי המתנחלים
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"TaayushHebron on Apr 3, 2011
היס'מ נעלם. רעולי הפנים במדים לא מגיעים. כבר אין מעצרים. חשבנו שבתי המשפט לימדו את המשטרה על זכות האזרח למחאה. אבל מסתבר שהמשטרה לא השתנתה, היא רק שינתה את הטקטיקה. עינו של האח הגדול תמיד פקוחה, לא רק דרך הטלסקופים שעל הגגות והבלשים בלבוש האזרחי. עכשיו המשטרה גם מוצאת מחבוא בבתי המתנחלים
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Israeli Soldiers beat and curse protestors (beit ummar April 2, 2011)
Soldiers beat and curse protestors (beit ummar April 2, 2011):
"JustJerusalem on Apr 2, 2011
The Palestinian town, Beit Ummar, has been under closure for 2 weeks following the shooting of two Palestinians by a settler. On April 2, Ta'ayush and Solidarity activists protested this collective punishment by chanting slogans of peace and against the occupation. The occupation forces did not react favorably.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
"JustJerusalem on Apr 2, 2011
The Palestinian town, Beit Ummar, has been under closure for 2 weeks following the shooting of two Palestinians by a settler. On April 2, Ta'ayush and Solidarity activists protested this collective punishment by chanting slogans of peace and against the occupation. The occupation forces did not react favorably.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Egypt stops building materials into Gaza
PressTV - Egypt stops building materials into Gaza:
Fri Apr 1, 2011 11:38PM
Hassan Alkatib, Press TV, Cairo
"A week has passed since the 15-member Egyptian delegation touched down from Cairo to the Rafah border hoping to take through 10 tons of cement into Gaza. But after a series of delays and no definitive answer from the Egyptian authorities, the Egyptian military decided to confiscate the cement and urge the members to pack up and go.
the cement did not go through. Observers say this is perhaps a clear indication that Mubarak's strict and cruel policies towards Palestine is still present within the Egyptian authorities. And for that to change there must be a major shift from the old regime.
Activists here believe the Egyptian Government delayed procedures in the hope that they could derail the mission and discourage the delegation.
But the delegation is not giving up. They camped outside the Rafah border for seven nights and are determined to come again. They feel that if they apply enough pressure, the Egyptian government has no choice but to listen to the will of the people.
on Friday there was a massive protest in cairo. People called for the cleansing of the old regime. Analysts say this is probably the only way to bring about change to Egypt's foreign policy towards
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Fri Apr 1, 2011 11:38PM
Hassan Alkatib, Press TV, Cairo
"A week has passed since the 15-member Egyptian delegation touched down from Cairo to the Rafah border hoping to take through 10 tons of cement into Gaza. But after a series of delays and no definitive answer from the Egyptian authorities, the Egyptian military decided to confiscate the cement and urge the members to pack up and go.
the cement did not go through. Observers say this is perhaps a clear indication that Mubarak's strict and cruel policies towards Palestine is still present within the Egyptian authorities. And for that to change there must be a major shift from the old regime.
Activists here believe the Egyptian Government delayed procedures in the hope that they could derail the mission and discourage the delegation.
But the delegation is not giving up. They camped outside the Rafah border for seven nights and are determined to come again. They feel that if they apply enough pressure, the Egyptian government has no choice but to listen to the will of the people.
on Friday there was a massive protest in cairo. People called for the cleansing of the old regime. Analysts say this is probably the only way to bring about change to Egypt's foreign policy towards
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Palestine Video
BDS - University of Johannesburg cuts ties with Israeli college
PressTV - University of Johannesburg cuts ties with Israeli college:
Fri Apr 1, 2011 10:48PM
Hassen Seria, Press TV, Cape Town
"Away from the traditional means of expressing condemnation of Israel's occupation of Palestine, the University of Johannesburg has now moved to sever its relationship with Israeli Ben-Gurion University.
The decision follows a call by members of the South African university's senate, which included Jewish academics.
The university says the matter was put to the vote after a 'spirited' debate by its senate...
The cooperative agreement with Ben Gurion University was established during South Africa's apartheid era and so was inherited by the University of Johannesburg.
A further investigation by the local institution found 'significant' evidence that the Israeli university has programmes which actively support the Zionist military, in particular in its occupation of Gaza.
house campaigning for the boycott say it's a landmark moment.
Ben-Gurion University, however, threatened that it's only South Africans who will be hurt by the decision. But the University of Johannesburg described this as scare-mongering and said the move would not debilitate its research agenda.
While the University of Johannesburg says its decision is not based on politics but what is in the institution's best interest, over 400 South African academics, including anti-Apartheid veteran Desmond Tutu have already signed a petition condemning the Zionist entity.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Fri Apr 1, 2011 10:48PM
Hassen Seria, Press TV, Cape Town
"Away from the traditional means of expressing condemnation of Israel's occupation of Palestine, the University of Johannesburg has now moved to sever its relationship with Israeli Ben-Gurion University.
The decision follows a call by members of the South African university's senate, which included Jewish academics.
The university says the matter was put to the vote after a 'spirited' debate by its senate...
The cooperative agreement with Ben Gurion University was established during South Africa's apartheid era and so was inherited by the University of Johannesburg.
A further investigation by the local institution found 'significant' evidence that the Israeli university has programmes which actively support the Zionist military, in particular in its occupation of Gaza.
house campaigning for the boycott say it's a landmark moment.
Ben-Gurion University, however, threatened that it's only South Africans who will be hurt by the decision. But the University of Johannesburg described this as scare-mongering and said the move would not debilitate its research agenda.
While the University of Johannesburg says its decision is not based on politics but what is in the institution's best interest, over 400 South African academics, including anti-Apartheid veteran Desmond Tutu have already signed a petition condemning the Zionist entity.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Palestine Video
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