Saturday, December 11, 2010

Palestinian-Jordanians clamor for justice -

I have always held that sport in the Arab world (and elsewhere) has been deceitfully converted into and used as a divisive tool, dragging the masses into direct or indirect confrontations that only serve the corrupt rulers. Regardless of the identity of the victims on this occasion or any other, sane voices must pay serious attention to this madness and interfere to stop the ruling classes from further dividing the Arab world along fictitious borders, established by the colonial powers and enforced by their servants.

Palestinian-Jordanians clamor for justice:

"AlJazeeraEnglish | December 11, 2010

Investigators in Jordan want to know what triggered the clashes that saw at least 250 football fans injured in a stadium in Amman.

The unrest broke out Friday night after a football match between rival teams supported by Palestinian-Jordanians and native Bedouin Jordanians.

Nisreen El-Shamayleh reports from Amman New camp, known locally as Al Wahdat.

Jordan soccer brawl injures hundreds | Video |

"Jordan soccer brawl injures hundreds (1:17)

Dec 11 - Clashes at a Jordanian soccer game between supporters of rival teams send over 200 fans to hospital with injuries.

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