Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Na'alin 16.6.2008

YouTube - Na'alin 16.6.2008:

"Video of protest on lands belonging to the village of Na'alin, June 16 2008"

Also read this Article describing what happened in full details:

Israeli Military Escalates Violence against Peaceful Protestors in Ni’lin

Soldiers fire live and rubber-coated bullets at demonstrators and employ new tear gas battery that can fire up to 80 tear gas canisters at once

Palestinian National Initiative
16 June 2008

Ramallah, 16-06-08: The Israeli military stepped up its use of violence against peaceful demonstrators and health workers at a non-violent demonstration against construction of the Apartheid Wall in Ni’lin village today.

Approximately 100 soldiers fired live and rubber-coated bullets as some 200 peaceful protestors attempted to reach the bulldozers that are stripping villagers’ olive groves of their trees in preparation for construction of the Wall. For the first time, the Israeli military also employed a new tear gas battery that can fire an estimated 80 tear gas canisters at once.

Some 17 Palestinians were injured – seven from rubber-coated bullet injuries – and three were taken to hospital. An Irish national was also wounded after he received a rubber-coated bullet to the leg.

The windows and body of an ambulance from the Palestinian Medical Relief Society were damaged when soldiers fired 17 live bullets at the vehicle while the ambulance team was inside. No one was injured in the attack, although one of the team members suffered from breathing difficulties after inhaling tear gas.

The Apartheid Wall is being built on 2,500 dunums of land belonging to Ni’lin villagers. When completed, the Wall, the encroaching settlements and the closure of the main entrance to the village will totally isolate Ni’lin from the surrounding area. Residents will be forced to exit and enter their villages via one strictly controlled access tunnel, severely impeding their access to their lands, and to workplaces, places of study, and health services in Ramallah.

Prior to 1948, the lands of Ni’lin amounted to some 58,000 dunums and stretched as far as the towns of Ramle and Lod, which now lie inside Israel. Following the Nakba, 40,000 dunums of this land were annexed to the newly-created Israeli state. Since 1982, the construction of the illegal Israeli settlements of Nili and Nala have eaten up a further 8,000 dunums of land belonging to the village.


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