Monday, May 31, 2010
Naomi Klein on Israel's Freedom Flotilla Massacre
TVACdotCA — May 31, 2010 — Naomi Klein addresses a rally of hundreds and speaks out against the Israeli attack on Gaza Flotilla, at Dundas Square in Toronto, Canada on May 31, 2010.
As many as nineteen civilians (aid workers and peace activists) have been killed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in a deadly morning raid on a flotilla bound for Gaza to deliver aid and humanitarian supplies.
Protest organized by:
Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA)
Toronto Coalition to Stop the War
Gaza Freedom March Committee
Updates and info:
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New York Reacts to Israeli Massacre of Freedom Flotilla Activists
intifadasun — May 31, 2010 — Thousands of New Yorkers gathered in Times Square to protest the murder of human rights activist by Israel. These activists were on six ships called the Freedom Flotilla delivering medical aid, food and other supplies to Gaza when they were brutally attacked by Israeli soldiers. There are reports of up to 19 people dead. They were part of the international led effort to break the siege on Gaza, Palestine. Video by
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Gaza Freedom Flotilla Massacre - Protest in DC May 31 2010
CarlosDCblog — May 31, 2010 — RALLY AGAINST
White House
May 31, 2010
By May 30, 2010 the Israel Navy attacked the unarmed humanitarian Freedom Flotilla mission bringing 10 tons of supplies to the Palestinian people of Gaza, killing at least 19 people, injuring over 31 and detaining all the activists from around the world.
Carlos in DC
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San Francisco Protests Freedom Flotilla Massacre
TomVeeTV — May 31, 2010 — San Francisco demonstrates against Israeli Navy storming humanitarian aid ships headed for the besieged Gaza Strip killing at least 9 people. The ships were in international waters when they were attacked. Cities around the world hold similar demonstrations denouncing Israel's use of deadly force on practically unarmed civilians(sling shots, marbles, and a few metal rods were found).
Demonstrators march on the sidewalk and take the street at about 1:20 . I had advocated to take the streets earlier when a Code Pink activist got in my face and said "You got a problem?".
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Freedom Flotilla Massacre - London Demo (Martin Linton, Kate Hudson)
fourmanfilms — May 31, 2010 —
Freedom Flotilla Massacre protest | Kate Hudson (CND) | London 31 May 2010
adycousins — May 31, 2010 — More at
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Gaza Freedom Flotilla Massacre - London Demo (Jeremy Corbyn, Craig Murray)
Source: Stop the War Coalition
Monday 31 May 2010
The killing of at least 10 people and the injuring of many more on board the flotilla taking aid to Gaza is the latest in a series of crimes which should see Israel condemned under international law. The 600 protesters were on a peaceful mission and unarmed.
Israel has repeatedly flouted law and public opinion worldwide in its treatment of the Palestinians. Its bombing of Gaza in 2009 and its continued blockade has caused outrage round the world. The flotilla was an attempt to bring aid to the blockaded population of Gaza. It was supported by many organisations and individuals internationally.
The decision by Israel to attack the flotilla with such loss of human life shows its arrogant and deadly intent in opposing any aid to the Palestinians.
The British and EU governments should immediately condemn this act of terror and break all links with Israel.
The Stop the War Coalition will be joining other organisations at 2pm today to demonstrate outside Downing Street.
Emergency Demonstration
Demand British government breaks links with Israel
Protest today Monday 31 May 2.00PM
Downing Street London
Jeremy Corbyn Letter to the British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
Source: Stop the War Coalition
Rt Hon William Hague MP
Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
By email to
May 31st 2010
Dear William,
I am writing this urgently to express my shock and outrage at Israel’s behavior in attacking, boarding and killing people who are on the humanitarian flotilla to Gaza.
Apparently 20 people have been killed and I am concerned for the fate of all those involved including the British nationals on board. I know two of them very well, Sarah Colborne and Kevin Ovenden.
I hope that the UK Government has already protested in the strongest possible terms to Israel on this attack, in international waters, on a vessels carrying aid to the people of Gaza. I also hope that there will be an immediate suspension of the EU Trade Agreement, reference to the UN Security Council and appropriate and immediate sanctions made against Israel for this clearly illegal acts.
Additionally I hope we will put pressure on the USA to act accordingly and specifically revoke the planned further military aid of $150millions for a missile system.
I visited Gaza earlier this year as part of a pan European Parliamentary delegation and saw for ourselves the continuing destruction from “Operation Cast Lead”, the shortages of medicines and vital supplies and the isolation and imprisonment of the people. The continued blockade and under-supplying of Gaza is appalling and also illegal. Not surprisingly the people look to other countries to recognise their plight and put appropriate pressure on Israel.
I would be obliged if you could tell me what actions have been taken by the British Government in respect of the illegal attack and over the safety of British nationals on the vessels.
With thanks,
I await your response,
Jeremy Corbyn MP
Freedom Flotilla Massacre protest | Jeremy Corbyn MP | London 31 May 2010
adycousins — May 31, 2010 — More at
Freedom Flotilla Massacre protest | Craig Murray | London 31 May 2010
adycousins — May 31, 2010 — More at
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Freedom Flotilla Massacre - London Demo (John Rees, Swee Chai Ang, Salma Yaqoob)
Source: Stop the War Coalition
Monday 31 May 2010
The killing of at least 10 people and the injuring of many more on board the flotilla taking aid to Gaza is the latest in a series of crimes which should see Israel condemned under international law. The 600 protesters were on a peaceful mission and unarmed.
Israel has repeatedly flouted law and public opinion worldwide in its treatment of the Palestinians. Its bombing of Gaza in 2009 and its continued blockade has caused outrage round the world. The flotilla was an attempt to bring aid to the blockaded population of Gaza. It was supported by many organisations and individuals internationally.
The decision by Israel to attack the flotilla with such loss of human life shows its arrogant and deadly intent in opposing any aid to the Palestinians.
The British and EU governments should immediately condemn this act of terror and break all links with Israel.
The Stop the War Coalition will be joining other organisations at 2pm today to demonstrate outside Downing Street.
Emergency Demonstration
Demand British government breaks links with Israel
Protest today Monday 31 May 2.00PM
Downing Street London
John Rees - Israel Attacks International Aid Flotilla, London Emergency Protest 31.5.10
fourmanfilms — May 31, 2010 — Within a few hours of Israels attack of a Charitable Humanitarian aid convoy thousands gathered in London calling for sanctions divestment and condemnation of Israel for yet again showing barbarity and disreguard for the law. Up to 20 activist have been killed with 60 injured. Full Coverage
Freedom Flotilla Massacre protest | Dr Swee Chai Ang | London 31 May 2010
adycousins — May 31, 2010 — More at
Freedom Flotilla Massacre protest | Salma Yaqoob (Respect) | London 31 May 2010
adycousins — May 31, 2010 — More at
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Thousands protest Freedom Flotilla Massacre at Israeli embassy
Source: Socialist Worker Online
by Siân Ruddick
Thousands of people are protesting outside the Israeli embassy on Kensington High Street in London against the murder of peace activists on the humanitarian Freedom Flotilla. People are chanting, “Free Palestine” and “Shut down the embassy.”
Other protests are taking place across the world and Britain, with around 500 people demonstrating in Manchester.
The anger at Israel’s actions was palpable as a march of hundreds from Downing Street to the embassy swelled to become one of thousands. Hundreds of people were waiting to greet the march as it arrived after it had snaked through central London’s streets for one and a half hours. Many Muslims have joined the protest.
“The tragedy that Israel inflicts upon the people of Palestine is a disgrace,” Mark Watkins, a health worker in south London, told Socialist Worker. “Our government, and the ones before it, are complicit in the persecution of the Palestinians.
“If this government has learned anything from the last 13 years of New Labour it should be that it has to listen to the people it claims to represent. We have to protest until the siege of Gaza is ended.”
Many people who protested against Israel’s onslaught on Gaza 17 months ago came out onto the streets again today.
“I was here last January when the streets were full of people, just like today,” said Steve, a student. “I’d hoped that would be the last time I would have to protest against what Israel is doing.
“Demonstrations like this prove that we’re part of a much bigger movement.”
London Protest Against Israel 20 civilian killed by Israel in a flotilla carrying aid
tv786 — May 31, 2010 — London Protest Against Israel 20 civilian killed by Israeli commandos in a flotilla carrying humanitarian aid
London Protest Against Israel 20 civilian killed by Israel in a flotilla carrying aid
tv786 — May 31, 2010 — London Protest Against Israel 20 civilian killed by Israeli commandos in a flotilla carrying humanitarian aid
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Sinn Fein: Letter of Protest to Israeli embassy
sinnfeinireland — May 31, 2010 — Sinn Féin hands letter of protest to Israeli embassy in Dublin following Israel's murderous attack on humanitarian aid flotilla trying to makes it way to Gaza this morning.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Gaza Freedom Flotilla Massacre: London Demo (Lowkey)
thedashsauce — May 31, 2010 — Gaza protests in London
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Middle East Fury: Video of angry protests as Israel attacks Gaza Freedom Flotilla
RussiaToday — May 31, 2010 — Follow latest updates at and at
Turkish Protesters tried to storm the Israeli consulate in Istanbul on Monday, furious over the news that Israeli commandos had stormed six ships carrying pro-Palestinian activists on an aid mission to the blockaded Gaza Strip. Also, hundreds of protesters demonstrated in the Jordanian capital against the Israeli storming of a flotilla, demanding that their government breaks diplomatic relations with the Jewish state. Mass protests has also been held in West Bank, Lebanon and Gaza itself.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Gaza Freedom Flotilla Massacre: London Demo (Lindsey German, Betty Hunter, Tariq Ali)
Source: Stop the War Coalition
Monday 31 May 2010
The killing of at least 10 people and the injuring of many more on board the flotilla taking aid to Gaza is the latest in a series of crimes which should see Israel condemned under international law. The 600 protesters were on a peaceful mission and unarmed.
Israel has repeatedly flouted law and public opinion worldwide in its treatment of the Palestinians. Its bombing of Gaza in 2009 and its continued blockade has caused outrage round the world. The flotilla was an attempt to bring aid to the blockaded population of Gaza. It was supported by many organisations and individuals internationally.
The decision by Israel to attack the flotilla with such loss of human life shows its arrogant and deadly intent in opposing any aid to the Palestinians.
The British and EU governments should immediately condemn this act of terror and break all links with Israel.
The Stop the War Coalition will be joining other organisations at 2pm today to demonstrate outside Downing Street.
Emergency Demonstration
Demand British government breaks links with Israel
Protest today Monday 31 May 2.00PM
Downing Street London
Gaza Flotilla: Lindsey German
thedashsauce — May 31, 2010 — Protest against Israeli killings of Freedom Flotilla peace campaigners.
Freedom Flotilla: Betty Hunter
thedashsauce — May 31, 2010 — PCS Betty Hunter
Gaza Flotilla: Tariq Ali
thedashsauce — May 31, 2010 — Gaza protest
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
The moment of the Attack on the freedom Flotilla in international waters
YouTube - 16 killed, Israel attacks Gaza aid fleet
SezdahBeDar — May 30, 2010 —
Israel 'attacks' Gaza aid fleet
Part 1
Part 2 Some english (Despite activists raising white Flags, Bullets kept raining on the activists)
mocksad — May 31, 2010 - Spreading this around, link this to your friends and family and spread the word.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
A Compilation - Israel attacks Freedom Flotilla to Gaza in international waters (10 videos)
YouTube - Over 16 killed, Israel attacks Gaza aid fleet
SezdahBeDar — May 30, 2010 — Israel attacks international Humanitarian aid convoy in international waters
kills 16 injures more than 50 ...
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Israeli troops storm Gaza flotilla
AlJazeeraEnglish — May 30, 2010 — Israeli forces have attacked aid ships attempting to break the blockade of Gaza.
Commandos lowered themselves from helicopters and onto the Mavi Marmara - the lead ship in a flotilla of six vessels which are carrying humanitarian aid for the Palestinian territory.
Israeli Army Radio said up to 16 people may have been killed in the operation.
Al Jazeera's Jamal Elshayyal on board the Mavi Marmara sent this report before communications were cut.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Irish Gaza Delegation blocked from joining flotilla
weegiebam — May 30, 2010 —
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Israel faces child abuse claims
AlJazeeraEnglish — May 30, 2010 — An international children's rights charity has said it has evidence that Palestinian children held in Israeli custody have been subjected to sexual abuse in an effort to extract confessions from them.
The Geneva-based Defence for Children International (DCI) has collected 100 sworn affadavits from Palestinian children who said they were mistreated by their Israeli captors.
Fourteen of the statements say they were sexually abused or threatened with sexual assault to pressure them into confessions.
Al Jazeera's Nour Odeh met with one of the children, identified only as N, who says he suffered sexual abuse at the hands of his interrogators.
[May, 30, 2010]
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Hell bent on provocation, IOF invades Bil'in 30-05-2010
planxtysumoud — May 30, 2010 — This afternoon, Bil'in suffered an incursion by five Israeli Occupation Forces soldiers, hell bent on provoking and trying the patience of the villagers, letting them know as if they already weren't aware, who's the tyrant in the area, a number of teenage shepherds were harassed in the process and relatives rushed to protect them until a number of angry shabab put the IOF on notice, via some vigorous rock throwing, that the village will no longer be invaded with impunity and immunity, After an hour of to-ing and fro-ing with the stone throwers in vain efforts to arrest them, the IOF retreated to the safety of the nearby Apartheid-Annexation Wall. So it goes in Bil'in. Another IOF invasion is expected tonight - this time in much stronger numbers.?
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Washington DC demands safe passage for the Gaza Freedom Flotilla
Taytaba2 — May 30, 2010 — May 27, 2010 Protest at Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC, Demanding that Israel allow safe passage for the Gaza Freedom Flotilla and allow the desperately needed aid to reach Gaza. Israel threatens to stop the flotilla at any price.
Unlike previous Free Gaza boats, this flotilla includes large vessels. 2 cargo and 6 passenger ships will be carrying substantial amounts of reconstruction supplies, medical supplies, and school supplies, and 600 passengers from 50 countries, including USA. It cannot afford to fail. End Israel's three year long siege and running.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
UN Conference resolves on a nuclear-free MidEast. Israel rejects it (2 videos)
I keep asking, why don't the Israelis want a nuclear free Middle East? Is Israel also God's chosen people for nuclear weapons?
UN supports nuclear-free MidEast | Video |
Israel complains it is singled out. Ah, maybe because its the only one in the Middle East that hasn't signed the NPT treaty
Israel rejects NPT resolution | Video |
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
On board Gaza's Freedom Flotilla
AlJazeeraEnglish — May 30, 2010 — A flotilla of aid ships left a port in Cyprus on Sunday afternoon bound for the Gaza Strip.
A total of six ships were expected to set sail carrying hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists destined for Gaza in defiance of an Israeli embargo on the Palestinian territory.
The flotilla from Turkey, the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Greece, Kuwait and Algeria is carrying roughly 10,000 tonnes of aid, including cement, water-purification systems and wheelchairs.
Al Jazeera's Jamal El-shayyal spent 24 hours on board the Mavi Marmara - the lead ship in the Freedom Flotilla.
In this video blog, he looks at what is on board and how the 600 passengers are coping with what is already proving to be a difficult mission. (30 May 2010)
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Opération Boycott Israel ,, Dijon 29/05/2010
harangue21 — May 29, 2010 — Dijon 29/05/2010 rue de la liberté opération "Boycott"
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Gaza: Laissez passer les bateaux pour Gaza
chrisdenhond — May 29, 2010 — Paris, 28 mai 2010: un bateau sur la Seine
pour soutenir la flottille qui essaie de briser le blocus de Gaza + interview audio avec Nicolas Shashahani depuis Chypre, vendredi 28 mai 2010 à 8h. du matin à l'embarquement à bord de la flottille qui essaie de briser le blocus de Gaza.
Réalisation: l'équipe "Palestine Vivra"
Camera: salim bekioui, pedro osses, chris den hond
Durée: 3'30" (video) + 1'30" (audio)
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Convoy passengers in high spirits as flotilla floats towards Gaza
Hassan Ghani, Press TV, Mediterranean Sea
If foe some reason the above video doesn't show, you can see it below
readingpsc — May 29, 2010 — Press TV, Hassan Ghani - 29.05.10: Freedom flotilla will leave its rezendevous point in the sea near Cyprus in the next few hours, and will head for Gaza. Final stage in journey should take 18-22 hours.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Azam Tamimi Interviews Avi Shlaim
alhiwarchannel — May 29, 2010 — برنامج جسور يستضيف الكاتب اليهودي العراقي آفي شاليم
تاريخ البث 22.05.10
مقدم البرنامج: عزام التميمي
Jusoor with Avi Shlaim
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Jeff Halper: Israel keeps Palestinians a centimeter above the line of starvation
Israel’s policies in Gaza and the West Bank are an attempt to break Palestinians’ resistance, says author and activist Jeff Halper.
“It is simply not true that there is no humanitarian crisis. Actually two-thirds of the people of Gaza live in what the World Health Organization calls food insecurity,” Halper said. "More than 10 percent of the children suffer from chronic malnutrition. Goods like bananas, chocolate, beans and fresh meat are prohibited in Gaza. Each person in Gaza gets about half of the required calories for a normal life.”
“There are great problems with babies, iron deficiency with pregnant women. This is a controlled experiment in how to keep people hungry, to punish them, to keep them just a centimeter above the line of starvation,” the activist said.
“The thing behind it – and it’s true of the West Bank as well – that Israel is trying to impose a permanent occupation. Everything that Israel is doing is attempt to break the resistance and the will of Palestinian people, so in the end they give up and accept whatever Israel wants. But that is not succeeding,” he added.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Campagne voor Boycot, Desinvesteren en Sancties (BDS)
postbus1964 — May 28, 2010 — Met een campagne voor Boycot,
Desinvesteren en Sancties (BDS)
willen wij de Israëlische
regering onder druk zett en om:
* zich te houden aan het internati
onaal recht en om de legiti eme
rechten van het Palesti jnse volk
te erkennen;
* een einde te maken aan het
beleg van de Strook van Gaza en
de bezetti ng van de Westelijke Jordaanoever;
* de bouw van nederzetti ngen
en de onteigening van Palesti
jnse grond te staken;
* de bouw van de Muur op
de Westelijke Jordaanoever stop
te zett en en deze conform de uitspraak
van het Internati onaal Gerechtshof
in Den Haag te slopen;
een eind te maken aan de
verdrijving van de Palesti jnen, de
vluchtelingen terug te laten keren
en hen te compenseren voor geleden
* binnen Israël de discriminati
e van Palesti jnse burgers te staken
en hen in alle opzichten gelijkelijk
te behandelen;
* te stoppen met het aanvallen
van burgers in de in 1967 bezette
gebieden en met het verwoesten
van huizen en infrastructuur.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
EXCLUSIVE: PSC Interview with Dr Mustafa Barghouthi
PalestineCampaignUK — May 27, 2010 — 2010 Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Mustafa Barghouthi, tells Palestine Solidarity Campaign that an international campaign of boycott, sanctions and divestment on Israel is vital if Palestine is ever to be free of occupation. Dr Barghouthi, who heads the Palestinian National Initiative, also describes how the movement of non-violent resistance in the West Bank is challenging Israel's occupation, and explains why his Nobel Prize nomination is an important part of the Palestinian people's struggle for freedom.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Building with sand in Gaza
ChoiceJJ — May 28, 2010 — New TV 100527 [LinkTV/Mosaic]
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Torture in Israel - Ameer Makhoul and Omar Said briefly talk to the press
Torture in Israel
ChoiceJJ — May 28, 2010 — Al-Jazeera 100527 [LinkTV/Mosaic]
Israeli Human Rights Activist Tortured
by Jonathan Cook
Posted on Dissident Voice
A leading human rights activist from Israel’s Palestinian Arab minority was charged yesterday with the most serious security offences on Israel’s statute book, including espionage.
Prosecutors indicted Ameer Makhoul, the head of Ittijah, an umbrella organisation for Arab human rights groups in Israel, with spying on security facilities on behalf of Hizbollah after an alleged meeting with one of its agents in Denmark in 2008.
Mr Makhoul, who had been held incommunicado by Israel’s secret police, the Shin Bet, for much of the time since his arrest three weeks ago, appeared in court and pleaded not guilty. In his first public statement, he told the court: “The Shin Bet controls the Israeli justice system.”
As a gag order was lifted on the case, his lawyers said Mr Makhoul had been tortured during his detention, including being told by interrogators that they would leave him “disabled”. The three lawyers said he had been forced to make a false confession, which they would argue was inadmissible.
Mr Makhoul’s arrest had angered many in Israel’s Palestinian minority, nearly a fifth of the population, who suspect he is being persecuted for his leading role in promoting internationally the boycott movement against Israel and his prominent opposition to Israel’s attack on Gaza nearly 18 months ago.
He has been backed by human rights groups abroad, including Amnesty International, which declared him a prisoner of conscience and accused Israel of “pure harassment”.
Mr Makhoul’s brother, Issam, a former MP for a joint Jewish-Arab party, told Israel Radio yesterday that Mr Makhoul had been threatened by the Shin Bet back in January 2009, shortly after he organised protests against the Gaza attack. The Shin Bet had told him that they would frame him and “make him disappear”, Issam Makhoul said.
Mr Makhoul’s wife, Janan, who saw her husband in court for the first time since he had been arrested, said he was in constant pain and had impaired vision. She added: “He is very exhausted and he told me about the torture he underwent in his interrogation. Thirty-six hours without sleep tied to a chair stuck to the floor.”
Mr Makhoul, 52, is charged with assistance to the enemy in a time of war, conspiracy to assist an enemy, aggravated espionage and contact with a foreign agent. According to the indictment, he passed on “strategic intelligence” to Hizbollah agents on at least 10 occasions via encrypted e-mails.
The militant Lebanese group is said to have used Mr Makhoul, whose organisation is based in the northern city of Haifa, to provide information on security installations in the north. Mr Makhoul is alleged to have provided details of the locations of two Shin Bet facilities, a Mossad office, a military base and a Rafael armaments factory, as well as trying unsuccessfully to gather information on the security arrangements of Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister, and Ehud Barak, the defence minister.
A senior Shin Bet officer told the liberal Haaretz newspaper: “Part of the information that Makhoul transferred could be delivered by anyone with a pair of eyes and Google Earth [a computer program providing satellite images]. But Makhoul, as an Israeli Arab, has freedom of movement and access across Israel.” Prosecutors also accused him of passing on the names of six Israelis as potential spies and providing analysis of trends in Israeli politics and society.
Hizbullah, prosecutors suggested, was especially keen to learn about its success in hitting Israeli security installations with rockets during its military confrontation with Israel in 2006.
In a related case, Omar Said, 50, a pharmacologist and political activist, was charged yesterday in a Nazareth court with contacting and transferring information to Hizbollah after meeting an agent in the Sinai resort of Sharm El Sheikh. He denied the allegations and said he too had been forced into making a confession.
Hassan Jaja, a Lebanese businessman living in Jordan, is alleged to have initiated contacts between Hizbollah and Mr Said and Mr Makhoul.
The Adalah legal centre, which represents Mr Makhoul, said his indictment was based on a confession extracted during nearly two weeks in which he was denied a lawyer, kept in a small isolation cell, deprived of sleep and food, and shackled in a painful position to a small chair.
The combination of methods, known in Hebrew as the “Shabeh”, created high levels of mental stress and acute, continuous physical pain, said Abir Baker, a lawyer with Adalah. The interrogation method violates international law and was banned by Israel’s supreme court in 1999.
Hasan Jabareen, head of Adalah, said that, when Mr Makhoul complained of serious pain, the interrogators tied him even tighter, threatening that he would be “left disabled”.
Issam Makhoul said the family was concerned that the court had denied his lawyers the right to see a medical report from a state physician who visited him twice during his interrogation.
Ms Baker said recent amendments to Israel’s security laws had given the Shin Bet “dangerous powers” to deny suspects the right to see a lawyer for up to 21 days, with limited judicial oversight.
Such powers were being used almost exclusively against Palestinian citizens held in detention, she said, though the state had refused to provide figures on how frequently the law was being employed.
She said, during periods when suspects could not see a lawyer, interrogators were more likely to use illegal torture methods. A report by the Abu Dhabi-based National newspaper in January 2009 supports Issam Makhoul’s claim that his brother was threatened in an earlier Shin Bet interrogation. Mr Makhoul told the paper at the time that a Shin Bet officer “called me a rebel threatening the security of the state during time of war and said he would be happy to transfer me to Gaza”.
Mr Makhoul’s case, said Mohammed Zeidan, head of the Human Rights Association in Nazareth, had left everyone in Israel’s human rights community “afraid”. “The Shin Bet wanted to take him out of the game and they have succeeded,” he said. “Ameer has been disappeared.”
Mr Zeidan added that the case had strong echoes of what he called recent “unwarranted legal assaults” by the Shin Bet on two other Palestinian leaders in Israel.
Sheikh Raed Salah, of the popular Islamic Movement, was arrested in 2003 and spent two years in jail awaiting trial on charges of assisting a terror organisation before he was released in a plea bargain in which he admtted only financial misdemeanours.
Since 2007 Azmi Bishara, the leader of the Balad party, has been in exile after he was accused of espionage while out of the country. Critics say the Shin Bet effectively silenced him without having to produce evidence.
“It has become clear over the past few years that this could happen to any of us,” he said.
On Wednesday, in a related development, the parliament passed the first reading of a “loyalty bill”, introduced by the far-right Yisrael Beiteinu party, that would strip anyone found guilty of espionage of their citizenship.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
QuAIA's Tim McCaskell: Pride Toronto's censorship is making "Israeli Apartheid" household words
rabbletv — May 28, 2010 — Pride Toronto's censorship is making "Israeli Apartheid" household words: interview with QuAIA's Tim McCaskell
After extensive lobbying of Pride Toronto, corporate sponsors and city officials by Martin Gladstone and right-wing Jewish groups, Pride Toronto's Board decided, by a vote of 4 - 3, to disallow the use of the term "Israeli Apartheid" at the 2010 Pride festivities. At a press conference in Toronto on May 25, 2010, Pride Toronto's Executive Director and several Board members were met by 150 outraged protesters chanting "Hey, hey! Ho, ho! Censorship has got to go!", "Politics are what makes pride, we won't run, we won't hide", "Whose pride? Our pride! Queers against Apartheid!", and "Resign!"
Tim McCaskell of QuAIA ( says that Pride Toronto's "attempt to ban the speaking of the words 'Israeli Apartheid' has meant that the term 'Israeli Apartheid' has been in every newspaper, in every newscast, on everybody's lips." Pride Toronto has "made 'Israeli Apartheid' a household term... they have pulled people who didn't know anything about the situation in the Middle East but who hold very clear principles around free speech and freedom of the press... into our movement and therefore those people are beginning to understand the real gravity of the situation in Israel and Palestine and how Apartheid is a completely apt term to describe the situation."
Will QuAIA violate the ban on the terms 'Israeli Apartheid'? Tim McCaskell says, "The term 'Israeli Apartheid' will be front and centre in this year's Pride Parade. I'm told [Toronto Councillor] Kyle Rae threatened to start arresting people... Being arrested to talk about my politics in my community is something that I'm quite willing to envisage.... Not everybody would want to be arrested and they might want to protest in other ways. I think what we'll see is a real diversity of tactics around this around the parade. But you can be very certain that 'Israeli Apartheid' will be communicated to all those people who are coming to participate in and watch the parade this year. It will not go away!"
Video Production: Anita Krajnc, rabbletv
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Al Ma'asara Weekly Demo 28-5-10
yisraelpnm — May 28, 2010 — Today at the demonstration in Maa'sara there were about 70 demonstrators - Palestinians, Israelis, some Italians and many French people.
The demonstrators marched towards the entrance of the village which was blocked by solders and surrounded by scooters that were staring at from the village roofs. About 30 solders prevented the demonstratorsfrom continuing marching on the villages land.
Same as every week, there were speeches in Arabic and in English that today also mention the siege on Gaza. Today there were also songs - With the sounds of drums that added a lot of action. In French there was a partisan song. Very dramatic.
The solders didn't really like the fact that the demonstrators are so close to their Jeeps and decided to push them towards the village. They held hands, put there weapon on there elbows, pushed toward the village until they stand. A few more speeches and some more drumming and slogans until the closing speech.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
A Free Gaza vigil at Harvard
hubris4444 — May 28, 2010 — a vigil to support a free Gaza, Harvard graduation, May 2010, a video by Skip Schiel
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Paris activists demo in support of Freedom Flotilla to Gaza
otraverdad — May 28, 2010 — Paris: Pro-Palestinian activists demo in support of Gaza flotilla
Palestinian sympathizers demonstrate on a boat denouncing the Gaza Strip embargo on May 28, 2010 on the Seine river in Paris. ships boats Cyprus Palestinian territory.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Friday, May 28, 2010
Israeli Occupation Army violently Assaults Civilians and Journalists at Bil'in Weekly Demo
haithmkatib — May 28, 2010 — Two injured, three arrested, dozens suffer tear gas inhalation in weekly Bil'in demonstration against the Separation Wall
After the Friday prayer, dozens of Israeli, international, and Palestinian demonstrators marched toward the site of the Separation Wall. Upon reaching the gate, the Israeli army responded almost immediately by firing tear gas canisters directly into the crowd. They also fired sound bombs and rubber bullets at the demonstrators. Two were injured as a result: Mustafa al-Khateeb of Bil'in was skimmed on his side by a bullet, and 28-year-old Israeli photographer Edo was injured on his left leg. They were treated on the spot.
Three Israeli demonstrators were arrested when the army entered the gate and grabbed them from the crowd. Haitham al-Khateeb, videographer from Bil'in, was also detained but quickly released after he informed the soldiers that he was filming for B'Tselem.
The rest of the demonstrators were pushed back toward the town and suffered from tear gas inhalation. It is important to note that the army has begun firing tear gas rockets that can reach a distance of 550 meters and were responsible for the death last year of Bassem Abu Rahme.
Today's demonstration lasted approximately an hour. It was attended by a group of Belgian activists whom the Popular Committee will take on a tour of nearby villages that are affected by the construction of the Separation Wall.
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This is it, Direzione Gaza - Flottiglia della libertà [Freedom Flotilla]
perilbenecomuneTV — May 27, 2010 — Una flotta internazionale di nove navi è in rotta verso Gaza con l'obiettivo di rompere l'assedio e consegnare beni di prima necessità. A bordo ci sono circa cinquemila tonellate di merci e ottocento persone provenienti da tutto il mondo.
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Gaza pottery handicraft industry going extinct due to Israeli siege
Ashraf Shannon, Press TV, Gaza
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Pro-Palestinian protestors urge British government to pressure Israel
presstvlondon — May 28, 2010 — Hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators have urged the new British government to pressure Israel to end its human rights violatons. However, the protestors, who included MPs and academics, expressed frustration that Prime Minsirter David Cameron has allied himself so closely with Tel Aviv. Roshan Muhammed Salih reports from London.
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Radio contact with Cyprus Police/Challenger 1 28th May 2010
gazafriends — May 28, 2010 — The Challenger 1, Free Gaza passenger boat among the Freedom Flotilla, while holding for the other boats to join, close to Cyprus waters, has been contacted via radio by a Cipriot Police Helicopter. This video is recording the converstation. May 28th, 2010
Shane Dillon (Mate on Challenger 1 commented :
"it is rather shocking that an EU Country refused to let members of another EU Country's Parliament into its port on a humanitarian mission."
images by Scott Hamann, passenger and Fiachra O Luain, crew on board.
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Gaza Freedom Flotilla Show Down: Unarmed Civilians vs. Israel's Navy
RussiaToday — May 28, 2010 — Gaza could be set for its latest humanitarian, and possibly military, confrontation. An international flotilla carrying aid is heading there, in defiance of a blockade imposed by Israel. Tel Aviv is preparing to block the effort at all costs.
[Comment: although the term "military confrontation" is always used to describe a clash between two armed groups, and there is only one armed force here; Israel, we can accept the term in the knowledge that mass media reporters are breast-fed on Israeli propaganda, plenty of it in this video, and that Israel has always used military force against unarmed civilians]
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Congressmen Brian Baird and Keith Ellison Discuss Life in Gaza with Residents (unedited)
Repbrianbaird — May 26, 2010 — As Brian and Congressman Ellison were seeing the destruction, these men invited them into their makeshift house for tea. The shelter was built out of the rubble of the neighborhood.
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Rep. Brian Baird (D. Washington) Discusses the Situation in Israel and Gaza
Repbrianbaird — May 27, 2010 — Brian calls on Members of Congress to read the Goldstone report which accurately details situation in Israel and Gaza, instead of voting for H. Res 867
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Interview: Dr. Arafat Shoukri, European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza
perilbenecomuneTV — May 27, 2010 — A poche ore dalla partenza, il Dott. Arafat Shoukri della European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza ci parla della Freedom Flotilla e lancia un appello a tutto il mondo
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Thursday, May 27, 2010
Israel's Gaza PR offensive
AlJazeeraEnglish — May 27, 2010 — While boats battle to get through the siege of Gaza, Gazans can eat out in fancy restaurants and have no need of aid. That's what Israel has been telling journalists, at least. Sherine Tadros picks apart the media campaign.
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Gaza Freedom Flotilla due to leave southern Turkey
AlJazeeraEnglish — May 27, 2010 — Three boats that will form part of a flotilla hoping to break the siege of Gaza are due to leave a port in southern Turkey.
They are to link up with six other vessels off the coast of Cyprus, before heading to the Gaza Strip. But Israel says it will stop the flotilla before it reaches its destination - and arrest all on board.
Al Jazeera's Mohamed Vall reports from Antalya. [27 May 10]
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One Loony Blogger - NYC Woman's Ad Crusade
CAIRtv — May 27, 2010 — Backgrounder: Who is Behind the NY Anti-Islam Campaign?
Extremist anti-Islam blogger Pamela Geller is head of the hate group Stop the Islamization of America (SIOA).
[NOTE: The United States Patent and Trademark Office recently refused to grant SOIA a trademark because: "The applied-for mark refers to Muslims in a disparaging manner because by definition it implies that conversion or conformity to Islam is something that needs to be stopped or caused to cease."]
Geller has posted images on her blog purporting to depict Islam's Prophet Muhammad. Several of those images show the prophet as a pig. Another image, headlined "Piss Be Upon Him," shows one of the controversial Danish cartoons of the prophet covered in urine. ("Piss Be Upon Him" is designed to mock the traditional phrase "Peace Be Upon Him" that Muslims use when mentioning any prophet of God.)
Geller has in the past referred to President Obama as a "ball s**ker" and posted a photoshopped image of him urinating on an American flag.
On her personal blog, Geller has written of President Obama: "[O]ne thing is for sure: Hussein is a muhammadan [sic]." Geller also wrote: "[I]t is well known that Obama allegedly was involved with a crack whore in his youth."
Geller has been vocal in her criticism of the black population in South Africa and seemingly supportive of the slain South African apartheid leader Eugene Terre'blanche. Following Terre'blanche's recent murder, Geller wrote: "All I see in South Africa is Black supremacism. Terreblanche [sic] may have been a white supremacist, but he's the dead one."
Her blog has in the past featured categories such as "Advancing Islamic Lies" and "Islam 2008: Religion of Barbarism." She was recently involved in a Florida conference that invited extremist anti-Islam Dutch politician Geert Wilders to speak.
In one 2009 blog post, Geller wrote in reference to Islam's Prophet Muhammad: "And frankly I find the whole new 'Abrahamic' narrative really galling. 1,400 years ago some maniaic [sic] decided to spin the origin of a 5,767 year old religion to advance their own evil end and said it was Ishmael that Abraham was to kill and now it's taken as.....gospel? Puhleeeze."
She also claims Muslim groups "control information and how it is processed at senior levels of the CIA, the FBI, the Pentagon, and the various branches of the military."
Geller once called for the destruction of Islam's Dome of Rock in Jerusalem. She wrote: "The dome has got to go. It is sitting atop the great Jewish temple. The dome has got to go."
Recently, Geller and the deputy head of SOIA, anti-Islam blogger Robert Spencer, offered support for a call to wipe the nation of Pakistan off the map using India's nuclear weapons. They both used their blogs to promote a video urging the mass killing of all Pakistanis.
Geller wrote of the girl featured in that video making the call to genocide: "Perhaps with an online Colb. (collaboration) we can run her for president in '16. She gets it."
Spencer wrote: "The girl is right: do not fear. Fight back against the jihad. Fear hands the jihadis a weapon."
SEE: Pamela Geller: The Looniest Blogger Ever
Geller has even been criticized by other Islamophobes for her extremism and for supporting far-right fascist groups in Europe. In fact, SIOA is an outgrowth of a similar group in Europe that seeks to block the construction of mosques on that continent. That group, Stop the Islamization of Europe, also "considers Islamophobia to be the height of common sense" and, like Geller, claims that Islam "considers lying to be not only acceptable, but obligatory."
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Apartheid, Demolitions and Traffic lights that Never Go Green for Jerusalem Palestinians
ChoiceJJ — May 27, 2010 — Al-Arabiya 100526 [LinkTV/Mosaic] - Arabs seeing red.
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"Jews who themselves suffered are now causing suffering to Palestinians" - RT Top Stories
“Jews who themselves suffered are now causing suffering to Palestinians" - RT Top Stories
Edited 27 May, 2010, 16:09
Hedy Epstein lost her parents in Auschwitz and now extends a helping hand to Gaza.
Hedy Epstein is 86. She was born in 1924 in a small German village.
She was 15 when her parents sent her off to London together with other Jewish children.
“My parents realized that something was about to happen. They would’ve liked to go with me but Jewish organizations were inviting children under 17 only. We were separated. Thus, in May 1939 I ended up in London, and they stayed back there. And on September 1, the war began. In 1942, both of my parents were arrested and sent to Auschwitz, as well as all their neighbors who hadn’t left by then. I never saw them again. Later, they were separated and sent to different camps. They died apart from each other. And they have no graves. Ibelieve their names are written in the Israeli museum. Names of all deceased are written there.”
After the war, she moved to America. She got married and had a son. She was involved in public activities, like other numerous happy and non-indifferent Americans.
“I didn’t know anything about Palestinians. I wasn’t even thinking about this issue until I read by chance about what happened in the Palestinian refugee camps in Sabra and Shatila. This was 2 years after they had been killed there. I was really stricken when I realized this was performed by Jews. I started reading and learning. The more I learned about the way the Palestinians were treated, the less I felt I could stay away from this issue. It really hurts to realize that Jews who themselves suffered so much are now causing cruel suffering to Palestinians. Didn’t we learn that lesson from our history? I can see that we didn’t. This hurts me excruciatingly.”
Hedy is willing to understand those who remain ignorant, but she finds it hard to accept the reasoning of those who consciously perform injustice against Palestinians and present it as their obligation in the name of the nation.
“In 2003, I arrived in the West Bank for the first time, and I saw many things with my own eyes. Since then, I’ve been there 5 times. And I see that each year things have been just getting worse. Palestinians tell me: ‘Go back and tell all Americans and whoever you can, as they do know what fairness means; it’s not their fault that media has been keeping quiet about us.’ Universities, churches and mosques have all been asking me to tell about Palestine. It’s only the synagogues that never ask me to speak there.’
She has many friends in St. Louis, Missouri, where she lives. Many of those friends are her neighbors, including Jews. Upon her return, they always ask her with great sympathy to tell them everything. “Israel was the only place that called me a self-hating Jew. In 2004, I was held at the airport for 5 hours while they were interrogating and searching me. They called me a terrorist. That’s exactly what they said: ‘You’re a terrorist.’ Because I talked to Palestinian women and children. You know, I talked to many Palestinians. These people amaze me with their endurance and their openness at the same time. Whenever I introduce myself I tell people that I’m Jewish. Not even once have Palestinians said anything hurtful to me. I never experienced anti-Semitism or a racist attitude from them. Israel calls me – a Jew whose parents died in the concentration camps – a ‘threat to their national security.’”
She is convinced that the problem is not as hopeless as it’s usually described.
“Israelis talk a lot about peace, about negotiations – but they only talk; they’re not interested in peace. They want to achieve everything for Jews only. They forgot their experience, even though there have been so many words about it. I see that Palestinians have a broader view of the world; they don’t pursue their interests only. They will make it, because different people support them all over the world.
Israel is supported by particular politicians, whereas Palestinians are supported by people.” She explains the difference.
“Obama had been involved in this issue many years ago. He knew the situation that Palestinians were in. Now he is a politician and he is limited in his actions. Oh well, that’s alright, with help of such people as those of the Free Gaza movement, Palestinians will survive.”
According to her, the offer of Israel to forward cargos to Palestinians shouldn’t be accepted.
“I don’t believe them. After the war, Israel hasn’t allowed any shipments to Gaza. They made a list of 200 banned items. It’s often prohibited to bring small parts for modern medical equipment without which this equipment is no good. Meanwhile, people are dying, because doctors are powerless to help them. People are dying without medicines and without equipment. This is a slow genocide.”
Hedy has worked in the US human rights area for many years. She knows the laws. “We are forced to act, because governments are idle. We are operating within the law, we don’t go into their waters; we are not going to Israel. We want to deal with people from Gaza, not from Israel, and our cargos are legal.’
Does she understand why delivery of medicines and notebooks to Palestinians is interpreted by Israel as displays of anti-Semitism?
“As little as saying ‘It’s raining in Israel, it’s bad for tourists’ makes one an anti-Semite. Recently, Israel has been debasing its image all the time: the Goldstone report, a Palestinian murdered in Dubai, the last war of 2009. It’s time to stop. But they have been running like a wounded wild animal crushing everything they come across, unable to stop, even though it goes against their own interests.”
Fragile and absolutely unwarlike, Hedy is coughing a lot. “Usually I don’t sound like this,” she says smiling. “But that’s alright, Gaza will heal me!”
She is one of 750 volunteers accompanying 9 cargo ships in the “Freedom Flotilla,” which is going to Gaza with medicines, construction materials and other legal goods. 60 countries participated in its formation.
Representatives of 50 countries will follow the flotilla. They include members of European parliaments, lawyers, writers, two deputies of the Israeli parliament and journalists.
Nadezhda Kevorkova, Larnaca
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