Labor and Community Picket Israeli Zim Line Ship
Sun Jun 20 2010 Anti-Apartheid Picket at Oakland Docks Stops Unloading of Israeli Zim Line Ship
Unions, labor federations and other organizations around the world have condemned Israel’s deadly attack against the Gaza Freedom Flotilla on May 31. Nine people were killed and dozens seriously injured in the Israeli commando attack in international waters on ships attempting to bring humanitarian cargo to the suffering and blockaded people of Gaza. Six people aboard the ships are still missing and presumed dead.
In response on June 20th, a labor and community picket of an Israeli Zim Lines ship was called for the Port of Oakland. In San Francisco in 1984, a picket line and refusal to unload cargo of a ship carrying South African cargo was a key event in mobilizing the anti-apartheid movement worldwide. The Oakland picket has already succeeded in shutting down the port for the morning shift, after the ILWU refused to cross the picket line. Activists have promised to return today at 4:30pm to stop the next shift from unloading the Zim lines ship when it arrives from Monterey this afternoon.
The picket is sponsored by the Labor / Community Committee in Solidarity with the People of Palestine: Arab American Union Members Council, ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism), Palestine Youth Network, US Palestine Community Network, Al Awda- Right to Return Coalition, Arab Youth Organization, MECA-Middle East Children’s Alliance, Students for Justice in Palestine, Arab Resource and Organizing Center, International Solidarity Movement, San Jose Peace and Justice Center, International Socialist Organization, Peace and Freedom Party - SF, Transport Workers Solidarity Committee and many labor activists in the Bay Area.
Morning Picket Shuts Down Israeli Zim Lin Line at the Port of Oakland, 6/20/10: video
by dave id
Sunday Jun 20th, 2010 2:01 PM
In protest of the Israeli's embargo of Gaza, their recent attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, and other human rights abuses, hundreds and hundreds of labor and community activists picketed three gates at the Port of Oakland in order to shut down unloading of an Israeli Zim Line ship. In the morning when it was official that the ILWU would not cross the picket line, activists set their sights on the evening shift and have issued a call to return to the docks for another picket at 4:30pm in order to effect a 24-hour shutdown of the Zim Line ship, which is expected to arrive from Monterey this afternoon (after being delayed from its scheduled morning arrival). The blockade represents the first time in U.S. history that a protest has stopped an Israeli ship from unloading.
First time in U.S. history an Israeli ship stopped from unloading
by dave id Sunday Jun 20th, 2010 2:23 PM
Protesters Picket Israeli Cargo Ship
TomVeeTV — June 20, 2010 — In Oakland, California an Israeli ship was blocked by protesters for the first time in history. 700-1000 protesters blocked three different gates at 5:30 A.M. keeping dockworkers from unloading the Israeli cargo.
ILWU members refused to cross picketline - citing "health & safety" provisions of their contract. Management demanded "instant arbitration." The arbitrator took a look at the picketlines at each gate to the SSA Terminal and ruled that ILWU members were justified in refusing to cross.
All dockworkers were sent home with FULL PAY.
Special thanks to the Brass Liberation Orchestra for their performances today.
Note: also see this post ILWU Explains Why they've refused to unload Israeli ship
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Sunday, June 20, 2010
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