Monday, June 21, 2010

ILWU Explains Why they've refused to unload Israeli ship

ILWU Explains Why they've refused to unload Israeli ship

TheNewsViddies June 20, 2010 — The union workers of the ILWU explain their decision to not unload Israeli goods in the Oakland port, citing past decisions to unload the goods of other countries that violate human rights on a massive scale with U.S tax dollars and heeding the call of Palestinian civil society which has called on the world to apply boycott divestment and sanctions akin to the actions that brought down apartheid south Africa until Israel ends it's brutal military occupation of the Palestinian people, ends the siege on gaza, and grants equal rights and respects the human rights of all people living under Israeli jurisdiction

Note: Please read & watch related post Don't cross the picket line - Protesters Picket Israeli Cargo Ship

Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog