2 Videos
Israel shells kill 1, wound 4 in Gaza
Source: Press TV
Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:43PM
At least one Palestinian is reportedly killed and four more injured by Israeli fire in the Gaza Strip two days after the troops claim the lives of three Gazans.
Israeli forces targeted the victims with tank shells and gun fire in the north of Gaza on Tuesday, claiming they were returning an attack by the victims, Israeli newspaper The Jerusalem Post wrote.
A higher number of those wounded could be reported as the medics scramble to access the area.
The incident comes only hours after Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the acting Palestinian Authority (PA) Chief Mahmoud Abbas came out of a second round of renewed direct talks in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.
PA left the talks in protest at Israel's war on Gaza at the turn of 2009, which killed more than 1,400 Palestinians, most of them civilians and inflicted a damage of $1.6 billion on the enclave's economy. Gaza is far from recovering from the attacks.
On Sunday, the Israeli military killed three people, including a 91-year-old man and his grandson in the town of Beit Hanoun close to the coastal sliver's border with Israel.
The attacks are in violation of a Palestinian demand for Israel's complete withdrawal behind the borders of 1967. The year saw Israeli forces capturing Gaza, the West Bank and the promised capital of any potential Palestinian state, East al-Quds (Jerusalem).
The strip's 1.5 million residents have also been enduring more than three years of an all-out Israeli siege. The blockade has deprived them of food, fuel and other necessities.
israel shells Gaza again.:
"otraverdad1 | September 14, 2010
[Press TV News] Israel Soldiers Open Fire On International and Palestinian Activists In Gaza:
"shabbirh | September 14, 2010
Israeli Soldiers have opened fire on International and Palestinian Activits in Gaza - Footage and Report.
Recorded September 14, 2010 at 1900bst
In other News:
Israel admits killing civilians in Gaza.
Source: Press TV
Wed Sep 15, 2010 10:23AM
The Israeli army has admitted that three Palestinian men killed in a shelling strike in the northern Gaza Strip over the weekend were civilians.
On Sunday afternoon, Israeli troops fired five tank shells into the coastal sliver's northern city of Beit Hanoun, near the Erez checkpoint.
The attack killed a 91-year-old man identified as Ibrahim Abu Said and his 21-year-old grandson, Ismail. The body of Hosam Khaled Ibrahim Abu Es'ayed, 16, was later found and handed over to hospital officials, according to Ma'an news agency.
The Israeli army initially accused the men of being involved in armed activities and claimed they were preparing to launch rockets at Israeli posts near the separation fence.
But a report on Tuesday acknowledged that the men were attending to their farmland and cattle near what Israel has declared as a "no-go zone" along the de-facto border when they came under Israeli tank fire.
The report claims the 21-year-old Palestinian was seen lifting a loaded rocket-propelled-grenade launcher seemingly aiming it at Israeli forces at the border.
The Israeli commander of the Gaza division, Brigadier General Eyal Eisenberg, told Israel's Army Radio on Tuesday that an initial probe found that the three civilians found a rocket launcher and innocently picked it up.
Israeli tanks opened tank and machine gun fire on the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, killing one Palestinian and wounding four others.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
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