Monday, August 30, 2010

Young Gaza Inventor Changes Lives of the Disabled (2 video reports}

The First Video was posted here at Palestine Video on May 19, 2010, I thought it should be added to the new report by Ma'an News Agency Video to shed further light on the story of Mundhar Al-Qassas.

Young Gazan inventor eases lives of disabled.wmv

Palgaz May 19, 2010

Hay Baladna - Mundhar supports disabled in Gaza:

"maannewsagency | August 25, 2010

A taxi driver by day, Mundhar never finished school, but works on projects to assist the lives of two friends who do not have the use of their arms and legs. Basic parts cobbled together allow Mundhar's friends to surf the internet, read books and navigate wheelchairs.

In Gaza City, where there are few resources available to assist the disabled, Mundhar's inventions give new power to those in need.

Hay Baladna (This is our country) highlights the stories of Palestinians from Gaza City to Jerusalem to Nablus and Hebron, bringing the successes of the people to the world on Mix Satellite TV, broadcast throughout the month of Ramadan.

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