The introduction I added below is from an Information Brief posted at the Palestine Center
'The Environmental Impact of the Israeli Occupation,' by Jad Isaac
Relocation of Israeli Industries:
Israel has moved many of its polluting industries from Israel to the Occupied Territories. For example, Geshuri Industries, a manufacturer of pesticides and fertilizers originally located in Kfar Saba in Israel, was closed down by Israeli court order in 1982 for pollution violations. In 1987, it relocated to an area adjacent to Tulkarm inside the West Bank, where its waste has damaged citrus trees, polluted the soil, and possibly poisoned the groundwater. The Dixon industrial gas factory, formerly located in Netanya inside Israel, has also moved into the same area.
Geshuri Chemical Factories on Vimeo:
"by Al-Haq - Human Rights
Sat, Jun 26, 2010
Geshuri Chemical Factories from Al-Haq - Human Rights on Vimeo.
Updated: September 11, 2010
The same above video clip was posted on YouTube, I am adding it for those that can't stream the video from Vimeo
Toxic Apartheid Israel in the West Bank city of Tulkarem
category galway | rights and freedoms | news report Tuesday March 23, 2010 23:41
Spreading like the cancer that the output from the factory induces
Toxic Apartheid Israel : Specialising in the manufacture of pesticides, fertilisers and other chemicals, the Israeli company, Geshuri, forced to leave the Israeli coastal city of Netanyana on account of its plants toxic emissions simply relocated to land, stolen for the purpose, on the outskirts of the Palestinian city of Tulkarem in the north-east of the West Bank where the pollution, unabated and continues apace.
Following a court case in Israel, it was moved to Tulkarem in the mid-eighties. The Geshuri complex of factories sited in the shadow of the Apartheid-Annexation Wall has been expanding ever since, spreading like the cancer that the output from the factory induces. In addition to the land confiscation, the factory has a severe deleterious effect on the health of the local community. 2.5 dunums in the immediate vicinity of the factory have been polluted to the point where they are no longer agriculturally viable. Trees in the area are decaying; those that remain alive exhibit stunted growth. Pollution from the factory also widely affects other agricultural land in Tulkarem and has seeped into underground water sources in the area. Noxious carcinogenic fumes from the Geshuri factory have also adversely affected the health of the population. Respiratory problems and eye infections, which are most likely to afflict the very young and elderly, are the most commonly reported problems. It is also believed by medical experts that the pollution caused by the plant has led to cancer cases, although to confirm this no studies have been carried out to date. With the processing of household waste in the Geshuri Industrial Park there are attendant rat infestations.
The chemical complex is beyond the control and power of the PA as the Israeli occupying "Civil Administration" watch over and protect it - where for 11 months of the year the prevailing west to east winds blow the emissions into Tulkakem and in the one month when the winds shift direction and blow from east to west into Israel the factories cease their carcinogenic activities.
Tulkarem activist Faiz Al Tanib spearheads the campaign against the Geshuri complex and the Apartheid-Annexation Wall.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Monday, August 30, 2010
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