Masked settlers attack international peace activists in Hebron | International Solidarity Movement:
6 August 2010
Al-Buwayra, HEBRON - This morning, in a second day of violence in the village of Al-Buwayra, near Hebron, two international peace activists were attacked by three Israeli settlers wearing black masks.
Both were left seriously injured and have been hospitalized following the unprovoked attack.
The settlers knocked Canadian Peter Cunliffe (pseudonym), 26, to the ground then beat him in the face and body using metal poles and wooden sticks. He is being treated for a probable broken nose and serious back injuries.
Danish peace activist Koba Soernesen. 23, is currently having his left foot examined as he is unable to stand.
He said: “We were sitting under a fig tree where we often sit, when they appeared out of nowhere, from the direction of the settlers’ area. Peter had his back to them and didn’t see them coming. They continued to beat him when he was on the floor, but I was able to fend them off a bit with my leg.
“They also stole my bag with my passport and camera in it.”
Both are currently receiving treatment in Hebron hospital.
The attack comes after violence erupted in Al Buwayra yesterday following the evacuation by Israeli authorities of an illegal Israeli outpost near the Kiyrat Arba settlement. Peace activists based in the area have been trying to prevent settlers setting fire to olive trees and documenting cases of attacks on Palestinians by settlers.
On 25th July two other peace activists, from the Christian Peacemaker Team, were attacked by settlers in Al Buwayra during a massive settler gathering at an illegal Israeli outpost.
Assaulted by Masked Jewish Settlers - Peter 9 Aug:
"HebronVoices | August 15, 2010
On 6 Aug 2010 Peter and Coba, international peace activists were sitting under a fig tree. Three masked Jewish settlers with heavy sticks caught them by surprise and beat them badly. They stole passport, camera and rucksack and fled back towards Harzina settlement, Hebron. Soldiers arrived soon after and must have met them on the way. Police took reports but have said they will not follow up the complaints. Peter had to have surgery on his broken nose in Ahlia hospital, Hebron, Palestine.
Coba Assaulted by Israeli Settlers - Interview:
"HebronVoices | August 07, 2010
6 Aug 10 Coba assaulted by 3 masked Jewish settlers from Harzina illegal settlement near Hebron Palestine
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
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Sunday, August 15, 2010
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