Friday, April 16, 2010

Bil'in weklly demo 16-4-2010 By Haitham Al Katib

bilin weklly demo 16-4-2010 By Haitham Al Katib

haithmkatib April 16, 2010 — Friday 16th of April 2010-Exactly one year ago today, Bassem Abu Rahmah got killed in Bil`in when he was hit with a tear gas canister. A lot of Palestinians, internationals and Israeli activists came to the village to remember Bassem and to participate in the weekly demonstration. Around 1 PM some Palestinian leaders and the family and ...friends of Bassem held speeches about his life and the way he got killed by the Israeli army last year. They also talked about how they want to continue the good work Bassem was doing in the nonviolent struggle. Later on, the group walked to the wall while singing for Bassem. Arriving there, they asked the Israeli army for justice and peace. The army was not in for a conversation and shot teargas canisters, bullets and sound bombs between the mass of demonstrators. Smoke bombs were also used, so the army could go into the group and arrest people but they didn`t succeed in that. Quite a lot of people got inhalation problems, so after half an hour they needed to return to the village. You can watch the movie about the life of Basem and the way he got killed. ‎

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