Wednesday, March 31, 2010
London supermarket occupied in Israel boycott
March 31, 2010 — Shoppers occupied Waitrose supermarket in London in protest over the support for illegal settlements in Israel. Much of the produce sold as 'Israel' actually comes from stolen lands in Palestine.
more info on
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2010 International BDS Day against Israel, Washington, DC
"2010 International Day of BDS against Israel. CodePink Women for Peace protesting against the Israeli cosmetic company AHAVA at the Lord and Taylors store in Washington DC.
AHAVA is made by Israeli Profiteers in Illegal Settlements in Occupied Palestine, using Palestinian resources stolen from the Dead Sea.
Don't buy AHAVA Cosmetics; Settlement Products Kill Hope for Peace; There is no love in Occupation."
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International BDS day. Utrecht, Netherlands - Flashmob Boycott Israel
"Follow Me, do as I do: Don't buy Israeli Apartheid
30th of March, International BDS day.
Utrecht, Netherlands
Boycott Israeli products as long as Israel doesn't comply with international law. Don't do business as usual with a country that commits the crime of Apartheid."
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Seattle activists: Boycott Israel (2 parts)
Seattle activists explain why people should boycott Israel.
Part 1
Part 2
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Palestinians mark 34th anniversary of Land Day
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Ush Ghrab - Land Day 2010
"Activities of the Land Day organized by the Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements in Beit Sahour and the General Union of Palestinian Women in in Osh Ghrab site, where settlers are planning to build an illegal Jewish settlement, and already the Israeli military has set up a watch tower to ensure a constant flow of settlers to the area. The Beit Sahour municipality built a public garden in the area called 'The Peace Park'."
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Dublin: IPSC commemorate Palestinian Land Day 2010 (3 parts)
A full report can be read here:"
Part 1 - Freda Hughes
Part 2 - Caoimhe Butterly & Ewa Jasiewicz
Part 3 - Ewa Jasiewicz
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Impact of the Gaza war on Israel - Norman Finkelstein
"Has there been a shift in Israel's ties with its allies since the Gaza war and how will that affect the peace process with the Palestinians? Is international support for Israel dwindling since the Gaza war and is it losing the battle for global public opinion?"
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Noam Chomsky at BU Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW)
"Noam Chomsky, Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and vocal critic of U.S. foreign policy, compares Israels actions against Palestinians in the West Bank to the treatment of the black majority in South Africa during the apartheid. The lecture is part of Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW), an annual series of events held in cities and college campuses around the world designed to reveal Israel as an apartheid state.
Hosted by Students for Justice in Palestine on March 2, 2010."
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Land Day in Gaza - Teen boy killed as Israeli forces fire at Gaza protesters.
"Teen boy killed as Israeli forces fire at Gaza protesters"
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Boycott Israel action, Montreal 2010-03-30
"A lively chant at the Montreal Land Day/BDS action, March 30, 2010 in front of 'The Bay' that carries Ahava products manufactured in the illegal settlements in the Palestinian West Bank."
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Israelis fire on Gaza protests
Agence France-Presse
Mar. 30, 2010. 11:14 AM EST
A Palestinian teenager was killed and several others were wounded on Tuesday as Israeli troops fired on demonstrators near the Gaza border while Israeli Arabs and Palestinians marked "Land Day", an annual commemoration of Israel's killing of six Arab citizens during a 1976 protest against land confiscations. Duration: 00:35
Gaza shooting:
"A Palestinian youth was shot and wounded by the Israeli army on March 30 in Gaza...."
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Boycott Israeli Products, BDS Day Of Action 2010
Ahava promises Beauty Secrets from the Dead Sea. But the real secrets it keeps are an ugly truth—its products actually come from stolen Palestinian natural resources in the Occupied Territory of the Palestinian West Bank, and are produced in the illegal settlement of Mitzpe Shalem."
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Palestinians mark "Land Day"
"Tuesday marks the 34th year since six Palestinian activists were tragically killed allegedly by Israeli troops during a demonstration against Israeli occupation. It is a day remembered annually as the Palestinian Land Day.
Palestinians around the world use the day to express their struggles against Israeli occupation through various activities such as special family gatherings and discussions on social activism.
Nour Odeh reports from the Palestinian town of Beit Sahoor, where many Palestinians plant olives as a symbolic statement of preserving their land.
[March 30, 2010]"
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Global Boycott Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) Day of Action against Israeli Apartheid
BDS Day of Action
In 2005, over 170 Palestinian civil society organizations called on people of conscience around the world to join a campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law. Over the past 5 years, the BDS campaign has become a global force, uniting student groups, trade unions, faith-based organizations and grassroots activists in the struggle against Israeli Apartheid.
Last year, in the wake of Israels brutal assault on Gaza, the BDS National Committee declared March 30th the Global BDS Day of Action. This day of action coincides with Palestinian Land Day, which symbolizes Palestinian resistance to Israels ongoing land expropriation, colonization, occupation and apartheid. On March 30th, BDS activists around the world engaged in demonstrations and creative actions to mark the day of action. In Toronto, CAIA focused on two Canadian BDS targets Chapters Indigo and Mountain Equipment Coop.
Boycott Chapters Indigo!
Since 2006, CAIA has called for a boycott of Chapters Indigo bookstores because of its ties to Israeli Apartheid. The owners of Chapters Indigo, Heather Reisman and Gerry Schwartz, are the founders of the Heseg Foundation. Heseg provides scholarships and other support to former lone soldiers in the Israeli military individuals from outside Israel with no family in the country who join the Israeli military and participate in all aspects of its repression of Palestinians. In January 2009 HESEG Representatives handed out $160,000 worth of thank you gifts to Israeli soldiers participating in the attacks on Gaza. People of conscience across Canada are boycotting Chapters Indigo until Reisman and Schwartz cut their ties to Heseg.
MEC Drop Israeli Products Now!
Mountain Equipment Coop (MEC) prides itself on its ethical sourcing policy. Many MEC members are committed to the environment and social justice and want their cooperative to behave in a responsible, ethical manner. Across the country, members were shocked and outraged to discover that MEC, despite its ethical sourcing policy, is doing business with Israeli Apartheid. They carry over 30 Israeli products, including equipment manufactured by Source Vagabond, an Israeli military contractor. The same hydration packs used by soldiers in Gaza are being sold at MEC stores in Canada. MEC members are demanding that MEC live up to its own policies and drop all Israeli products immediately.
Want to be part of the growing BDS movement?
The Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid is always looking for new activists who want to join the struggle to end apartheid.
Join us! or"
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Monday, March 29, 2010
Celebrations of Support for Hebron's Old City + Mentally Challenged 13 y.o. Detained, Blindfolded
AL-KHALIIL (HEBRON): Unrest continues in Hebron
19 March 2010
AL-KHALIIL (HEBRON): Unrest continues in Hebron
When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced three weeks ago that the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron and Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem would be included in a national heritage restoration plan, many Palestinians saw decision as an intentional provocation. Netanyahu chose the week of the sixteenth anniversary of Israeli settler Baruch Goldstein killing twenty-nine Palestinians as they prayed in the Il-Ibrahimi Mosque to make the announcement. Palestinian friends of CPT Hebron told team members they thought Netanyahu wished to incite anger and violence, which would in turn provide justification for military crackdowns and increased land seizures in the West Bank.
Israel also imposed closures throughout the Old City in Jerusalem this past week in preparation for an inauguration ceremony for the newly renovated Hurva synagogue. Palestinians see these renovations and future expansion as a serious threat to the neighboring Al Aqsa mosque. Clashes between Palestinian civilians and the Israeli military broke out in various areas around the Old City in Jerusalem. According to Ha'aretz newspaper, some forty Palestinian civilians and nine Israeli security officers were injured.
Anger spread throughout the West Bank and Hebron over Israeli actions in Jerusalem and Netanyahu's pronouncements about Hebron's Ibrahimi Mosque. On Tuesday, 16 March, Palestinian youth gathered in Hebron, shouting slogans and running down the main street leading into the Old City. The Palestinian Police attempted to disperse them but some youth began to throw stones in the direction of an Israeli military checkpoint. The Israeli military responded with percussion grenades and tear gas. Soldiers also arrested four boys, including a mentally challenged thirteen-year-old (see video clip [second video below, or] at: More Palestinian Authority and Israeli military youth arrests occurred during Wednesday's clashes. CPT received confirmation that most of the boys arrested were later released.
Some of CPT's partners in Hebron see hope in the amount of planning and preparation they are witnessing for nonviolent demonstrations in response to Israel's provocations. Responding to the issue of rising tensions throughout the West Bank, a Palestinian member of the CPT Al Khalil Advisory Council told CPT "We will resist Israeli attacks on our holy places. But we will resist peacefully, not with violence."
Celebrations of Support for Hebron's Old City
Al Khalil/Hebron: Palestinian boy detained, blindfolded. March 16, 2010
More from CPT
AT-TUWANI REFLECTION: Reading and writing, dignity and resistance
from CPTnet stories by kathy_kern
25 March 2010
AT-TUWANI REFLECTION: Reading and writing, dignity and resistance
by Joy Ellison
“They said there are twenty-one kids,” my teammate Jessica told me. She and I were sitting on Khoruba hill, waiting to finish what we call school patrol. She had just spoken on the phone with our fellow CPTers in the village of At-Tuwani. They were waiting for the Palestinian school children to gather after school ended, before the walk to their homes in Tuba and Maghayir al Abeed villages. Our teammates had called to let us know that the Israeli military had arrived to escort the school children past the Israeli settlement of Ma'on and Havat Ma'on settlement outpost. We could expect to see the children soon—all twenty-one of them.
“Twenty-one kids?” I asked, dumbfounded. “Where on earth did they come from?”
“They say that Mohammed* brought them,” Jessica replied. I shook my head, stunned. “Wow,” I said. Then we looked at each other and grinned.
That morning, my teammates and I had observed only five children from Tuba and Maghayir al Abeed arrive at school. A larger group of children had gathered at the appointed location and waited for the Israeli military to escort them to At-Tuwani. Every school day, these children walk between Ma'on settlement and Havat Ma'on settlement outpost and are regularly attacked by adult Israeli settlers. Because these attacks on the children have come to the attention of Israeli and international media, the Israeli military escorts the children and is supposed to ensure their safety.
My teammates and I monitor the escort. Usually that means calling the military and asking, entreating, and cajoling them to escort the children in a timely fashion. Too often, the army refuses to respond and the children are left to face the setters on their own.
That morning after my teammates made several calls to the military, the children were still waiting at 8:10 a.m. Since school had already begun, most of the children returned home, and five children decided to walk through the hills unescorted, on a path where settlers have frequent attacked and harassed them. Thankfully, no settlers approached the children, but my teammates and I felt deflated.
However, while we trudged back to the village of At-Tuwani, Mohammed, the father of some of the children, gathered the kids who had returned home. Abandoning his own plans for the morning, Mohammed walked with them through the hills along a safer path where settlers from Ma’on and Havat Ma’on could not see them. It must have taken them over an hour to reach the At-Tuwani school, but they did. Thanks to Mohammed, fourteen more children had the opportunity to learn that day.
The bravery and determination of the school children of Tuba and Magher Al Abeed and their parents always impresses me. But as I watched all twenty-one kids make their way home, I realized just how highly these families value education. When these children go to school, they're learning more than reading, writing, and math. They are learning what they have to do to live with dignity. They are learning the meaning of resistance.
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Beit Jala Protest against the Apartheid Wall
"Palestinian Christians and Muslims, along with Israelis and internationals, share their concerns about the illegal wall's destruction of Palestinian land and homes...and are met with violence from Israeli soldiers (under order)."
Part 1
Part 2
Comment: I must urge the video makers not to label Palestinians as Christians, Muslims, or otherwise in their videos. If Palestinians don't label themselves as such, why should others do it.
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Jerusalem Mayor greeted with protests in London
The Mayor of Jerusalem is in London this week where he's faced protests over the building of 1600 settler homes in East Jerusalem.
Also see Jerusalem Mayor Visit Protest - 22.03.10
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Gazans' pay with lives for work
Gaza has one of the poorest economies in the world and last year's Israeli offensive on the territory has made matters worse.
According to the United Nations, the offensive destroyed or damaged hundreds of factories, besides ruining Gaza's agriculture.
The UN puts the region's jobless rate at 45 per cent.
As a result, thousands of Gazans try to cross into Israel in desperate search for work. But in view of the siege imposed on the territory by Israel, it is a hazardous journey and many do not make it.
A Palestinian human rights group says about 60 Gazans have been killed trying to cross the border since 2000.
According to John Ging, the director of the UN Relief and Works Agency in Gaza, there is no legitimate economy in Gaza anymore.
"Eighty per cent of Gazans are dependent UN food handouts and the amount given is totally inadequate for a dignified existence," he says.
Barnaby Phillips reports from Gaza.
[March 29, 2010]
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Sunday, March 28, 2010
Israeli Army Assaults & Arrests Palestinians Protesting Restrictions on Worship in Occupied Jerusalem
Bethlehem – Ma'an – Israel detained 11 Palestinians in the West Bank city of Bethlehem on Sunday, amid protests over restrictions preventing Christians from performing religious rites in Jerusalem over Easter.
Dozens of protesters, joined by international peace activists and Muslim supporters, took to the streets after Sunday prayers held for the Christian holiday of Palm Sunday in the Nativity Church.
Participants performed the symbolic march of Jesus Christ to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, carrying palm branches and banners denouncing Israel's wall and continued settlement expansion...(read More)
Israel enforces Al-Aqsa restrictions
Jerusalem - Ma'an - Israeli forces imposed tightened entry restrictions for Palestinians into the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem, banning men under 50 from access.
The move follows an increase in security procedures on the even of the Jewish Passover. Residents living beside the compound, known in Arabic as Al-Haram Al-Sharif (the Noble Sanctuary) told Ma'an that Israeli border police shut down the gates leading into the compound...(read more)
Clashes at checkpoint near Jerusalem
Clashes between Israeli border police and Palestinian Christias and Muslism worshippers as they tried to pass a checkpoint to go to Jerusalem for Palm Sunday....
Holy Fire Saturday Demonstration in Bethlehem 28 March 2010
Palestinian Christians tried to celebrate the Holy Fire Saturday in Jerusalem by crossing the car gate of the checkpoint "300" in Bethlehem
Palm Sunday protest in Bethlehem 28.03.2010:
"Around 200 Palestinians, Israelis and internationals walk from the Nativity Square to the direction of Jerusalem, against the restrictions imposed by the Israelis especially restrictions on the right to worship and freedom of movement as many Christians will not be able to go to Jerusalem to celebrate Easter in Jerusalem. The crowd managed to outnumber and surprise the Israeli soldiers and security forces at Bethlehem checkpoint and managed to walk through. After having walked 300 meters on the road to Jerusalem, they were stopped by Israeli soldiers. After having declared the march over and as they were walking back to Bethlehem, Israeli soldiers attacked the crowd and violently arrested around 15 persons, among them a Palestinian cameran, an Israeli photographers, members of the popular committee from Al Ma'sara, and staff from Holy Trust."
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Saturday, March 27, 2010
GRITtv: Budrus
One Palestinian village provides a hopeful note for the conflict in this week's featured documentary, Budrus. An unlikely organizer unites Hamas and Fatah, Palestinian and Israeli, men and women in an nonviolent campaign of resistance to the construction of the separation wall.
The film is directed by award-winning filmmaker Julia Bacha (Control Room, Encounter Point), and produced by Bacha, Palestinian journalist Rula Salameh, and filmmaker and human rights advocate Ronit Avni (formerly of WITNESS, Director of Encounter Point).
Nearly Half of Israel Supports Settlement Freeze in East Jerusalem
A poll by the daily Yediot Ahronot says that 46 percent of respondents support a construction freeze in East Jerusalem, while the figure from a poll commissioned by Haaretz found support for a freeze at 41 percent.
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Syrians protest the Judaization & Colonization of Jerusalem
People demonstrate in Damascus in Syria to show their support of Palestinians in the East-Jerusalem crisis with Israel....
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PalestineCenter Video - By the Maps: Understanding Israel's Increasing Grip On Jerusalem
A video briefing explaining Israel's continued and expanding grip on Jerusalem since the occupation began in 1967.
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Helen Thomas on her one question for Obama
White House Press Corps longest-serving member says Obama lost credibility when he dodged her question on Israeli nukes.
For more visit:
Category: News & Politics
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Palestinians Kickstart Gaza Economy [Tunnel Exchange coming soon]
The US has been pressing Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, to make "gestures" towards the Palestinians as part of international efforts to get peace talks started again.
One of the concessions they want is an easing of the siege of the Gaza strip. The United Nations is also working towards the same goal and says that Israel has agreed to let in building materials to complete a UN housing project.
But as Jacky Rowland reports from Gaza, Palestinians are not counting on the international community or Israel when it comes to rebuilding their lives.
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Activists protest colonies in East Jerusalem 26-3-10
The settlement in east Jerusalem continues.
Another settlement in Sheikh Jarrah was granted a building permit. The settler organizations want to turn another site in the neighborhood, the Shepard Hotel, into a settlement.
The Israeli government is leading a violent and dangerous process of judaizing East Jerusalem whose only purpose is to prevent a future peace agreement.
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Friday, March 26, 2010
Two Israeli soldiers and four Palestinians killed in an Israeli raid on Gaza
Agence France-Presse
Mar. 26, 2010. 04:10 PM EST
Two Israeli soldiers have been killed in an explosion near the border with the Gaza Strip. Hamas forces have claimed responsibility for the blast, which happened east of the town of Khan Yunis. Four Palestinians were also killed in clashes which broke out following the attack.Duration: 00:35
Reports: Two Israeli Soldiers Killed In Gaza
Two Israeli soldiers have been killed and two others wounded in the Gaza Strip, according to the Israeli military. Two Palestinians were killed in the exchange of fire near the border, according to an army spokesman. Sky's Dominic Waghorn reports.
Two Israeli soldiers killed in Gaza 'ambush'
Also in the News:
Israeli fire injures child in northern Gaza
Gaza – Ma'an – A Palestinian child was injured on Friday when Israeli forces opened fire near the northern Gaza Strip's Erez crossing.
Saeed Abed Al-Aziz Hamdan, 15, was moderately injured after he sustained gunshot wounds, said Muawiya Hassanein, head of ambulance and emergency services in Gaza.
Onlookers told Ma'an that an Israeli watchtower installed near the Erez crossing opened fire at the child, who was collecting stones nearby.
An Israeli military spokeswoman had no immediate comment.
On Thursday, two Gaza residents were injured by Israeli fire in Beit Lahiya and Rafah, to the north and south of Gaza, respectively.
Teenager shot by Israeli forces in northern Gaza
from International Solidarity Movement
ISM Gaza
26 March 2010
Said Abdel Aziz Hamdan, 15, went for his first time to Gaza’s northern border area to try gathering scrap metal for re-sale. Although an area lined with Israeli military towers and notorious for Israeli soldier shooting, shelling and abductions of Palestinian workers and farmers, Hamdan did not feel he would be in danger.
“People go there everyday to gather bits of metal and concrete. The Israelis see us and know we are just working, it’s normal,” he said from his hospital bed in Jabaliya’s Kamal Adwan hospital.
Hamdan set out from home shortly after 10 am Friday, going with his younger brother Suleiman, 13, to earn whatever shekels they could. From a family of 7 brothers and 5 sisters and whose father is unemployed, Said Hamdan had no other options for employment.
“My friends go every Friday, so I decided to join them today, to try this work.”
The bullet which struck Said shortly before 2pm as he was leaving the area came from the direction of a nearby Israeli military tower. It pierced his upper left thigh, entering from outer thigh and exiting from inner thigh, leaving a 2 cm exit wound, his doctor said.
“The Israelis fired without warning,” said Hamdan.
“There were many people there, working like me,” he said of the area, a former Israeli settlement known as ‘Dugit’.
Still in high school, Hamdan is training as a mechanic and hopes to find work to supplement his family’s income. “My father used to work in Israel, but he’s been unemployed for years now.”
Said Hamdan’s injury is neither new nor surprising. Every week, Israeli soldiers shoot upon and abduct Palestinian workers in the border regions of Gaza.
Some of the recent IOF aggressions against Palestinians in the border regions include:
-Naji Abu Reeda, 35, shot in the leg on the morning of 25 March as he worked collecting rubble 500 metres from the border for re-sale.
-On 24 March, 7 am, Israeli soldiers invaded northern Gaza and arrested five Palestinians collecting rubble, including:
Mahmoud Ma’rouf, 18
Shadi Ma’rouf, 18
Mustafa Ghanim, 43
-On 20 March, around 2:30 pm, Israeli soldiers arrested 17 Palestinians collecting rubble in the Beit Hanoun industrial area approximately 900 metres from the border, including:
Mohanad Al Kafarna, 11
Khalid Mahdi Hamdien, 14
Ismail Mahdi Hamdien, 13
Mohammed Al Basioni, 22
Mohammed Salih Afana, 22
Tareq Zyiad Al Afifi, 20
Mohammed Zyiad Al Afifi, 18
Tawfeq Samir Sababa, 19
Usama Mhammaden, 19
Ali Jamal Akhrawat, 24
Kamal Jamal Akhrawat, 20
Anwar Mohammed Hamad, 51
Alaa Al Masri, 18
Diab Al Kafarna, 20
Attaf Rafeq Hamad, 25
Ibrahim Mahdi Hamdien, 16
Those venturing to the border regions to gather rubble and steel do so as a result of the siege on Gaza which, along with Israel’s 23 day winter war on Gaza, has decimated Gaza’s economy, including 95 percent of Gaza’s factories and businesses, according to the United Nations. Additionally, these recycled construction materials are vital in Gaza where the Israeli-led, internationally-complicit, siege bans all but under 40 items from entering.
The barbaric siege prevents vitally needed construction materials from entering Gaza, where over 6,400 houses were destroyed or severely damaged in the Israeli war on Gaza, and nearly 53,000 sustained lesser damages. Hospitals and medical centres, schools, kindergartens and mosques are among the other buildings destroyed and damaged during the Israeli war on Gaza.
Since Israel’s war on Gaza, only 0.05 percent of the monthly average prior to the siege had been allowed into Gaza as of December 2009
Related News:
Israeli troops killed in Gaza clash
Two Israeli soldiers and two Palestinians have been killed in a clash east of the Gaza Strip town of Khan Younis.
The Israeli military said on Friday that there was an exchange of fire on the border after soldiers challenged Palestinians planting bombs near the separation barrier.
The military said an officer and a soldier have been killed and two soldiers were injured.
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The Doha Debate - Fatah vs Hamas debate
Doha Debates features Fatah and Hamas debating reconciliation and the future of the resistance
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Irish Activists: Expel the Israeli ambassador
Organiser of today's action in Shop street, Galway, Niall Farrell, PRO of Galway Alliance Against War states: The integrity of the Irish passport has been seriously damaged by the criminal act carried out by agents of the Israeli state in January. Those who counterfeited our states passports went on to commit murder and therefore put all of us who travel abroad bearing an Irish passport in danger. In our passport it states that the Minister of Foreign Affairs requests all whom it may concern to allow the bearer to pass freely and without hindrance and to afford the bearer all necessary assistance and protection. Why would any other state want to respect the Irish passport if our government fails to react to this crime in a forthright fashion? Our governments failure to act would suggest it is condoning this criminal activity and it will almost certainly mean this activity will be repeated putting every Irish passport holder in even more danger. We believe the Irish government must declare the forging of Irish passports as an unfriendly act and expel the Israeli ambassador. We are asking people to contact the Department of Foreign Affairs to demand that this action against Israel happens now.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog US-Israel diplomatic fiction
"Senior Journalist Sukumar Muralidharan talks about the the tensions between U.S and Israel over the issue of the illegal settelments Israel is building in the West Bank and East Jerusalem."
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Weekly demo against the Apartheid Wall Ni'lin
YouTube - Ni'ilin
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Michael Warschawski - U.S.-Israel Crisis
The Israeli press reports that the strife between Israel and the United States concerns something far bigger than the proximity talks with the Palestinians. As far as President Barack Obama and his senior advisers are concerned, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is to blame for nothing less than damaging the standing of the the Middle East and the Muslim world.
However, Michael Warschaeski, an author and political analyst with the Alternative Information Center, claims that the U.S. aims to manage the crisis with Israel so that a real crisis that will imply sanctions on the Zionist state will be avoided.
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Gazans lack access to adequate water supplies
Al-Jazeera 100322
- Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip has brought immense sufferings to Palestinians living in the coastal territory. The siege even impedes the supply of water, the most basic need for human survival. Now 80 per cent of Gazans lack access to clean water.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
CrossTalk on Lobbying: Who really rules America?
In this edition of the CrossTalk, Peter Lavelle asks his guests if the power of lobbies have hi-jacked public and foreign policies and what happen when a country does not have a powerful voice to have its interests heard.
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Episode 25 of Sleepless in Gaza and Jerusalem
"Day 25 (March 25, 2010): Did King David walk with his lover thousands of years ago in Al Bustan neighborhood? Does this justify the demolition of the homes of 1500 Palestinians? Walk with Ashira through the neighborhood and meet its worried people including 10-Year-Old Moslem who was arrested twice! In Gaza after Israel started measures against fishermen, Ziyad smuggled 100 fish bought from Norway and Turkey, only 30 arrived alive, with which he started a fish farm that has produced and sold 35 tons in two years! Meet the fish that scared Nagham!"
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Episode 24 of Sleepless in Gaza and Jerusalem
"Day 24: Join Ashira in Jerusalem's Selwan are and learn about Israeli schemes there. Meet Ahmad who got shot by settlers in the thigh and knee after he asked them why they were beating on kids. Nagham gets a shock while working on a story on the effect of electricity cut-offs on Gaza hospitals when a woman dies before her own eyes!"
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Thursday, March 25, 2010
American Perceptions of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Just one week after General David Petraeus reemphasized the centrality of resolving the Israeli-Arab conflict to US national security interests and in the aftermath of a marked cooling of relations between the two erstwhile allies since Joe Biden's visit to Israel two weeks ago, a new poll conducted by Zogby International shows significant American support for the Obama administration's policies.
Among other things, the poll finds that while Americans retain strong levels of support for Israel, a great majority view the continued lack of resolution to the conflict to be harmful to U.S interests in the regions. A plurality of those questioned further oppose Israeli settlement construction and believe they weaken American leverage and credibility in the the world. Reflecting a trend that crosses into domestic issues, there is an increasing partisan divide with democrats overwhelmingly more favorable to the President's tactics towards ending the conflict.
Zogby International President and CEO John Zogby will be presenting the findings, as Arab American Institute President Dr. James Zogby and the Middle East Task Force's Amjad Atallah will provide analysis of this poll and others released this week. Steve Clemons will moderate the discussion.
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Dispatches - Children Of Gaza (2010)
Gaza begins clear up of deadly Israeli UXO containing White Phosphorus.
Agence France-Presse
Mar. 25, 2010. 05:59 AM EST
More than a year after the Gaza War that claimed 1,400 lives, the enclave is still littered with bombs. But the task of disposing of the munitions, many of them containing highly toxic white phosphorus, is finally underway. Duration: 01:28
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French BDS Protestors: Shame, Shame on H&M (English subtitles)
Depuis le mardi 16 mars 2010, ce sont plus dune centaine de palestiniens qui ont été blessés par la police israélienne à Jérusalem-Est et en différents endroits de Cisjordanie occupée.
Israël proclame il y a deux semaines la construction de 1600 logements supplémentaires dans la partie orientale de Jérusalem occupée depuis 1967, continuant à coloniser et à expulser des familles palestiniennes, en violation totale de la résolution onusienne 242.
Mais quimporte ! Après Tel-Aviv, la société suédoise de mode H&M a décidé douvrir un second magasin à Jérusalem, sur les lieux même dun ancien village palestinien détruit en 1948, Malha, et dont les anciens habitants et leurs descendants sont encore aujourdhui réfugiés. Le profit et les droits de lhomme ne font pas toujours bon ménage.
La société H&M dit pourtant adhérer au « Pacte mondial de lONU » (UN Global Compact), un groupement informel de multinationales et dassociations sous légide des Nations Unies.
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TRNN: Palestinian teens killed as tensions rise
Four Palestinian youth were killed this weekend in the West Bank. Army denied live ammo despite evidence
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
DN!: Norman Finkelstein Responds to Clinton, Netanyahu AIPAC Comments
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told attendees at the AIPAC conference on Monday that the US commitment to Israel is “rock-solid,” but Clinton did criticize Israel for continuing to build settlements in occupied East Jerusalem. In a defiant speech hours after Clinton’s address, Netanyahu rejected US criticism and vowed to continue building settlements. We speak with Norman Finkelstein, author of the new book, This Time We Went Too Far: Truth and Consequences of the Gaza Invasion. [includes rush transcript]
Norman Finkelstein, author of several books on the Israel-Palestine conflict. His latest is This Time We Went Too Far: Truth and Consequences of the Gaza Invasion. It’s available only at He is also the subject of a new documentary titled American Radical: The Trials of Norman Finkelstein.
Rush Transcript
SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: Healthcare is not the only issue on President Obama’s agenda today. He’s also scheduled to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House.
Last night Netanyahu delivered a defiant speech before an AIPAC conference. That’s the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Netanyahu vowed to continue expanding settlements in occupied East Jerusalem despite criticism from the Obama White House.
PRIME MINISTER BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: Ladies and gentlemen, the connection between the Jewish people and the land of Israel cannot be denied. The connection between the Jewish people and Jerusalem cannot be denied. The Jewish people were building Jerusalem 3,000 years ago, and the Jewish people are building Jerusalem today. Jerusalem is not a settlement. It’s our capital.
SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: Hours before Netanyahu spoke at the AIPAC conference, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told AIPAC attendees that the US commitment to Israel’s security and Israel’s future is rock-solid. But Clinton did criticize Israel for continuing to build settlements in occupied East Jerusalem.
HILLARY CLINTON: New construction in East Jerusalem or the West Bank undermines that mutual trust and endangers the proximity talks that are the first step toward the full negotiations that both sides say they want and need. And it exposes daylight between Israel and the United States that others in the region hope to exploit. It undermines America’s unique ability to play a role, an essential role, in the peace process. Our credibility in this process depends in part on our willingness to praise both sides when they’re courageous and when we don’t agree to say so and say so unequivocally.
AMY GOODMAN: We’re joined now here in studio by scholar and writer Norman Finkelstein. He’s author of a number of books on the Israel-Palestine conflict. His latest is being released this week. It’s called This Time We Went Too Far: Truth and Consequences of the Gaza Invasion. Norman Finkelstein is also the subject of a new documentary called American Radical: The Trials of Norman Finkelstein.
Norman, welcome to Democracy Now!
AMY GOODMAN: First, respond to what, well, both Secretary of State Clinton and the Israeli Prime Minister said, Secretary of State Clinton actually criticizing Israel. Did that surprise you?
NORMAN FINKELSTEIN: It didn’t really surprise me. I think one has to look at the framework of the criticism. There is an international law ruling or opinion on the question of East Jerusalem. In July 2004, the highest judicial body in the world, the International Court of Justice, it rendered what it called its advisory opinion, and it stated unequivocally that East Jerusalem is—and I’m using its words—“occupied Palestinian territory.” It’s not a question here of conflicting claims to Jerusalem, let alone an Israeli exclusive right to the East Jerusalem. The law is clear: it’s occupied Palestinian territory, because it was acquired in the course of a war, in the course of the June 1967 war. And under international law, it’s inadmissible to acquire territory by war.
I would want to add that’s the position of all human rights organizations, and it was the position of the Goldstone report. The Goldstone report repeatedly refers to East Jerusalem as occupied Palestinian territory. And Mr. Goldstone, by his own reckoning, is a Zionist, a lover of Israel. But he also respects the law, and the law is clear.
SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: Well, let’s talk about the Goldstone report. You write about this extensively in the epilogue of your book. Israel and the US have both rejected that the war crimes allegations in the report. Talk about what the report is, who put together, Judge Goldstone, and what the reaction from the US and Israel has been.
NORMAN FINKELSTEIN: The Goldstone report was mandated by the United Nations Human Rights Council. Richard Goldstone, the distinguished international jurist, led the mission. And he—at the end, they published a quite substantial report that ran to some 500 pages, 550 pages. It covered a lot of ground. And it has to be said, it was quite devastating in its indictment of Israel. It concluded that Israel used a disproportionate force to punish, humiliate and terrorize a civilian population.
Well, Israel was outraged by the report, across the spectrum, not just the right wing, but people like Shimon Peres, who’s said to be a dove. He called Richard Goldstone a “small man” who knows nothing about international law. Michael Oren, the Israeli ambassador to the United States, said the Goldstone report is worse than the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and worse than Ahmadinejad. And the reaction was quite similar in the United States.
And Goldstein replied after the criticism in the US. He said, “OK, you say the report is deeply flawed. Show me where.” And to this day—and I’ve read all the critiques. There have been three major ones, one by this Israeli and American professor Moshe Halbertal, there was one by Professor Dershowitz of Harvard, and the Israelis put out just last week a 500-page rebuttal. And I tried honestly to look at it objectively, but they were very insubstantial responses. I was quite impressed by how well Goldstone has held up to the criticism. It was a very careful, cautious and judicious report.
AMY GOODMAN: And its conclusion?
NORMAN FINKELSTEIN: Its conclusion was that both Israel and Hamas were guilty of war crimes and possible crimes against humanity, that Israel has now an obligation to investigate, in an independent investigation of what happened, and if they don’t conduct an independent investigation, they have to go before the International Criminal Court.
AMY GOODMAN: And Obama’s response to this?
NORMAN FINKELSTEIN: The Obama administration has called the report deeply flawed, but not provided any substantive evidence to support that claim.
SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: And this latest flap between the US and Israel about the expanding Jewish housing in East Jerusalem, it’s been a lot about diplomatic ties, but they have not talked at all about holding any US military aid or economic aid to Israel. Talk about the level of aid to Israel. In fact, Hillary Clinton extolled the fact that it’s increased in 2010 military aid to Israel.
NORMAN FINKELSTEIN: Well, I’m sure all of your listeners and your viewers are familiar with the magnitude of US aid to Israel. I think the important development is what Amnesty International said after the invasion of Gaza. It put out a very substantial report called “Fueling Conflict.” And it said that transferring weapons to a consistent violator of human rights is illegal under international law. Israel is a consistent violator of human rights, and therefore there has to be a comprehensive arms embargo on Israel. And the report went into each country in the world, how it supplies and transfers weapons to Israel. But it has to be said, the focus was on the United States.
And Amnesty International said three main things: number one, that the US is by far the biggest supplier of weapons to Israel; number two, supplying those weapons to Israel is not only illegal under international law, it’s illegal under domestic US law; and number three, it said—and I think it’s important for your viewers to hear it—Amnesty International said what happened in Gaza could—and they describe what happened in Gaza as twenty-two days of death and destruction—what happened in Gaza could not have happened were it not for US taxpayer money. If you’re appalled by what happened in Gaza, you’re appalled by the death, the destruction, the systematic attack on mosques, the systematic attack on ambulances, the systematic attack on hospitals, on schools—
SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: And these were detailed in the Goldstone report?
NORMAN FINKELSTEIN: Yes. The 6,000 homes which were all either completely or nearly completely destroyed, Amnesty International says all of that was paid for with US taxpayer money.
And now along comes Hillary Clinton, and she’s extolling US military aid to Israel. The part that she left out is, number one, it’s all illegal under international and domestic US law, and number two, it was that US aid that made possible—you have to bear in mind—I know your program chronicled the use of the white phosphorus—every white phosphorus shell they found—you can see it in the Human Rights Watch report on the white phosphorus—every one was made in the United States. We are responsible for that war. It’s not just a cliché. It’s a factual matter. We made that massacre happen.
AMY GOODMAN: This Time We Went Too Far is the name of your new book out this week.
NORMAN FINKELSTEIN: Yeah, the quote comes from the Israeli columnist Gideon Levy, and I think it captured the essence of the book, namely that Israel crossed a threshold with what it did in Gaza, because it was actually—in the past, you can say Israeli conflicts with its neighbors had both a military component and a component that targeted civilians. Usually the target—the component that targeted civilians was on par or even larger than the component of military engagement. But Gaza was not about a—it’s not a war, because there was no military engagement. As one of Israel’s strategic analysts said, there was no war in Gaza. There were no battles in Gaza. And Israel conducted or executed a massacre against a defenseless civilian population, and it became indefensible.
And that’s why, to this day—quite a lot of time has already elapsed, and you would think people had forgotten about the Gaza massacre. It’s already a year and a half. People’s memories are short. But they can’t—Israel has been unable to escape the shadow, the ghost of Gaza, in part because they went too far and in part because of the Goldstone report, because typically Israel uses the slurs of anti-Semite, Holocaust denier, self-hating Jew, in order to discredit the critics of its policies. But with Richard Goldstone, given his background—a Zionist, a lover of Israel, sits on the Board of Governors of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, his mother was an activist in the Zionist movement, his daughter did Aliyah to Israel—those slurs just didn’t—
AMY GOODMAN: Moved to Israel.
NORMAN FINKELSTEIN: Yeah—those slurs just didn’t stick with Goldstone. And actually, Netanyahu, in one of his speeches, he said one of our three biggest challenges—he listed first the threat posed by Iran, and the second biggest challenge that he listed was the Goldstone report.
SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: Well, Norman, speaking of criticism of people who criticize Israeli foreign policy, there’s a new documentary about you called American Radical: The Trials of Norman Finkelstein. I want to turn to a clip of it. This bit talks about how the Israeli-Palestinian conflict first piqued your interest.
NORMAN FINKELSTEIN: My first involvement publicly and politically with the Israel-Palestine conflict was the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in June 1982. The estimates are, you know, somewhere around 20,000 Palestinian Lebanese, overwhelmingly civilians, were killed. Immediately as the war began, I started to demonstrate outside the Israeli consulate right off 42nd Street. I was out there every day, every night, and I had a big poster which read, “This son of survivors of the Warsaw Ghetto, Auschwitz and Majdanek will not be silent. Israeli Nazis, stop the Holocaust in Lebanon.” I did manage to get all of that on one poster. And so, I started to read voraciously on the Israel-Palestine conflict.
SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: That’s an excerpt of the new documentary American Radical: The Trials of Norman Finkelstein. Norman, your thoughts about this movie? And also, talk about your own family’s history. It’s very interesting. It goes through, talks about your parents, both Holocaust survivors. And also, if you can talk about Benjamin Netanyahu referencing the Holocaust yesterday in his speech to AIPAC?
NORMAN FINKELSTEIN: Well, I’ve not actually seen the movie, but those who are close friends of mine and did see it—most of them, not all, but most of them—thought it was an accurate depiction of me, for better or for worse. It’s like the Chinese proverb: now you live in interesting times. I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not, but they say it’s accurate.
My parents obviously had a huge impact on me, especially morally. My mother was very smart, but she did not like to discuss war in intellectual terms, because she felt to intellectualize it was somehow to not capture the horror of what war was. So during, let’s say, the Vietnam War, when we used to watch Firing Line and there would be debates between William Buckley and John Kenneth Galbraith or William Buckley and—well, the fellow’s name just slips my mind, but—and then they would, at the end of the debate, they would get up and shake hands and pat each other on the back, and it was like—for my mother, it was so appalling. You’re debating life and death and dropping napalm on kids, and then at the end you just get up and shake hands like it’s not serious.
So, at that point in my life, I found it very hard to talk rationally about war. And I felt it was a betrayal of my parents to have intellectual debates about it. And I think until I started to read Professor Chomsky’s writings and I found that you can have a reasoned—you can make a reasoned argument and still preserve the moral force behind your feelings, until I read him, I was not very articulate in talking about it. Now I feel pretty able to.
AMY GOODMAN: Norman, we just have, oh, less than a minute to go. You end This Time We Went Too Far by mentioning Gandhi.
NORMAN FINKELSTEIN: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I spent the last year reading through about 25,000 pages of Gandhi, which is about half his collected works. I found him a deeply inspiring figure, both personally and politically. And I think his approach can work in the Israel-Palestine conflict. It would take me some time to go through it, because Gandhi is not nearly as obvious as people think. They just think Gandhi, nonviolence. No, there was a quite subtle, nuanced theory there. But I think what he has to say is relevant to the Israel-Palestine conflict. And I think the strategy that’s now being used by Palestinians around the wall and in East Jerusalem, the kinds of tactics that Gandhi pioneered, I think those have the best chances for success.
AMY GOODMAN: Norman Finkelstein, his book out this week, This Time We Went Too Far: Truth and Consequences of the Gaza Invasion. The film is also out; it’s called American Radical: The Trials of Norman Finkelstein.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Israeli Troops Release A Community Organizer After Weeklong Detention And Torture
March 23, 2010 — The Israeli military released on Tuesday at dawn Omer Aladdin from the village of Al Massara, near the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem. Aladdin was detained by Israeli troops last week while passing thought a military checkpoint near Bethlehem.
After hours of his release Aladdin had to be taken to hospital after suffering health complications. He was tortured by the military during weeklong detention.
Aladdin participates and helps organizing the weekly anti wall nonviolent protests at the village of Al Masara every Friday. For three years now, Al Masara villagers stage a weekly anti wall protest every Friday.
Doctors at a Hospital in the southern West Bank city of Hebron diagnosed Omer Aladdin with cuts and broses due torture by the military. Aladdin was admitted to the hospital for 24 hours.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Beit Ommar PSP martyr funeral rally
PalestineSolidarity — March 23, 2010 — Around 8,000 residents of Beit Ommar take to the streets to honour the martyrdom of Mhde abu Ayyash who was killed by live ammunition fired by Israeli Occupation Forces.
His only crime was to be a Palestinian youth on the streets of his town.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Lunatic Colonists - Israeli Settler Hits Sheep with his Rifle near At-Tuwani (CPT)
AtTuwaniProject — March 24, 2010 — On 18 March 2010, an Israeli settlement security guard from the South Hebron Hills settlement of Ma'on kicked and hit sheep with his rifle near the village of At-Tuwani. Israeli settlers in the South Hebron Hills routinely chase Palestinian shepherds off of their land through the use of intimidation and force. This area has seen shepherds beaten and arrested and livestock poisoned and shot, in an attempt to keep Palestinians shepherds off the land. These attacks are most often carried out on land that is privately-owned Palestinian land.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Protest at AIPAC: Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Urged Against Israel
On Monday, March 22, 2010, activists from Code Pink, a peace and justice group, staged a demonstration in front of the Washington, D.C. Convention Center. Their purpose: Protesting AIPAC!
One of the speakers at the event was Mai Abdul-Rahman. She is with the Washington Interfaith Alliance for Middle East Peace (WIAMEP). She urged "a boycott, divestment and sanctions" against Israel. Code Pink's Medea Benjamin served as the moderator for the rally.
To view the latest on Gaza, go to: For an analysis on the enormous power of the Israel Lobby, see: To check out the global actions which are being undertaken to end the Israeli occupation, go to:
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Rabbi Weiss Slams AIPAC!
On March 22, 2010, a protest demonstration against AIPAC was held outside the Convention Center, where it was meeting in Washington, D.C. The mega-Israel Lobby convenes annually in this city. One of those speaking out at the anti-AIPAC rally was Orthodox Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss. He is associated with "Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism," and he is a member of "Neturei Karta International." See: Rabbi Weiss was sharply critical in his remarks of AIPAC, Zionist Israel and the ideology of Zionism.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Israel-U.S. Theatrics Over Colonies in Jerusalem + Israeli Airstrike In Gaza City
March 23, 2010 BBC World News
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
UK To Expel low-level Israeli Diplomat Over Dubai Assassination! March 23, 2010 BBC World News
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
UNRWA: Um Al Khayr, a community in crisis
Um al Khayr is a community in crisis. Like many Bedouin and herding communities living in the West Bank their way of life is under threat. They face closures and demolitions imposed by Israeli authorities, land expropriation, intimidation and violence from neighbouring Israeli settlements. Moreover, the effects of an ongoing drought are compounded by unequal water distribution.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Jerusalem Mayor Visit Protest - 22.03.10
Despite international pressure, the Israeli government continues its persecution of the Palestinians, making a mockery of any talk of a peace process. Not only did they announce a huge new settlement in East Jerusalem last week, but the Israeli police have been brutally attacking people protesting against plans for a new synagogue right next to the Al Aqsa Mosque. In addition, four Palestinian youths have been shot dead by Israeli soldiers in the last few days.
On Monday 22 march, Nir Barkat -- the Mayor of Jerusalem directly responsible for the new settlements -- is visiting London. We are urging all our supporters in London to join the
protest outside Chatham House, where he is speaking.
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Questions over deadly West Bank shooting
"The Israeli government denies its soldiers used live ammunition during a demonstration in the occupied West Bank on Saturday.
The army issued a statement saying its soldiers only fired rubber coated steel bullets against what they described as a 'violent and illegal riot' in the village.
However, men died when they were hit by what doctors say were live rounds.
Israel reportedly plans to launch an investigation.
Al Jazeera's Nour Odeh reports from Iraq Burin, in the occupied West Bank (23 Mar 2010)."
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Code Pink Rips AIPAC! + Theyre Back! AIPAC Confab Returns
To view the latest on the grim Israel/Palestine situation, go to: For an insightful analysis on the enormous and growing power of the Israel Lobby, check out:"
Theyre Back! AIPAC Confab Returns to D.C.:
"Like a bad penny, on March 22, 2010, the AIPAC annual confab has returned to the Convention Center in Washington, D.C. Not everyone was happy to see them. On this video, four Human Rights activists at a press conference called by Code Pink, a peace and justice group, share their views of AIPAC and the deepening humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Code Pink served as the moderator for the demonstration.
For the latest on Gaza, go to: For an insightful analysis on the enormous and growing power of the Israel Lobby, check out:"
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
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