Saturday, July 23, 2011

Lebanon holds "Right to Return" festival

PressTV - Lebanon holds "Right to Return" festival:

Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:29AM GMT
Elian el-Khamissi, Press TV, Beirut

"The Right to Return Committee in Lebanon hosted a campaign at the Mar Elias Palestinian Refugee Camp in Beirut devoted to the “Martyrs of Return”- the tens of martyrs who fell victims of Israeli violence near the occupied Palestinian borders on Nakba and Naksa Days.

Around 1500 people, including protesters who were wounded on those days, families of victims, Lebanese and Arab party leaders, supporters and activists attended the festival to ensure the inevitability of the right to return for palestinian refugees.

In addition to honoring the martyrs, Activists held the campaign as part of a series of events planned to raise awareness about and reinforce the right to return amongst Palestinian youngsters.

On the other hand, wounded protesters and parents of the martyrs came to carry on their loved ones' mission of demanding the right to reclaim their homeland that they were forcefully displaced out of in 1948. They see this mission as their patriotic obligation until Palestine is liberated, despite the bloodsheds Israelis leave behind.

Even though U.N. Resolution 194 clearly states the Palestinian refugees' right to return to their homeland, none of the articles of this resolution has been implemented since 1948. It is estimated that more than three million Palestinians live outside of Palestine today, two-hundred-twenty-five thousand of which live in Lebanon's twelve official camps.

This festival is only one of the occasions through which the Palestinians can express their silenced opinion. The Palestinian refugees here say they will continue to call for their sacred right to return to their homeland and remember the martyrs who have been killed by Israel for that cause.

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