Saturday, July 9, 2011

‪Irish Ship to Gaza: Dublin rally 9-7-2011‬‏

Irish Ship to Gaza: Dublin rally 9-7-2011‬‏:

"planxtysumoud on Jul 9, 2011

At today's Irish Ship to Gaza rally at the Central Bank Plaza, Dublin, three of the passengers aboard MV Saoirse addressed the attendees; Fintan Lane, Trevor Hogan and Mags O'Brien with three other passengers present; Zoe Lawlor, Hugh Lewis and Jim Roche. The Greek government's complicity in enforcing the criminal Israeli siege of Gaza was witheringly condemned: this government has agreed to become complicit in the illegal siege of Gaza. They have refused to allow the remaining boats from 'Freedom Flotilla 2 -- Stay Human' to sail on their humanitarian mission to Gaza -- even forcing both the US and Canadian ships back to port at gunpoint. This comes on top of the identical sabotage of both the Irish and Scandinavian / Greek boats as they were docked hundreds of miles from each other. In a Press Release, Jim Roche Irish Anti-War Movement PRO and one of the passengers on board the MV Saoirse said: 'It seems the illegal and immoral siege of Gaza now extends across the Mediterranean Sea from the shores of Gaza to the shores of Greece. It is appalling that Governments around the world are willing to be so complicit in the subjugation of the Palestinian people and in the denial of their basic civil and human rights. This includes the Irish Government who has treated the Israeli Government with kid gloves in relation to not demanding safe passage for the flotilla and in not sanctioning Israel for its obvious dangerous and life threatening sabotage of the MV Saoirse.'

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