Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Former CIA Analyst McGovern Returns From Stalled Gaza Flotilla

Former CIA Analyst McGovern Returns From Stalled Gaza Flotilla - Part 1‬‏:

"UpTakeVideo on Jul 12, 2011

As a senior CIA analyst, Ray McGovern was in charge of preparing daily security briefs for President Reagan and later for President George H.W. Bush. Since retiring, he has became a vocal peace advocate. He came to Peacestock 2011 at a farm near Hager City, Wis., from the Gaza Flotilla, which has been detained by Greek authorities in Athens. About two-thirds of the planned group has returned, but one-third still remain and hope to succeed.

On Feb. 15, as U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke on issues of free speech at George Washington University, 71-year-old McGovern was assaulted, dragged from the room and double handcuffed, causing profuse bleeding. What had he done to elicit this treatment? He stood in 'silent witness.' McGovern offered a grim view of the outlook for the American Empire and the results of current attacks on U.S. civil liberties, but he also described positive actions that are needed and possible.

Part 1

Part 2

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