Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Heavy military presence in Silwan sparks new clashes « Wadi Hilweh Information Center – Silwan, Jerusalem:
Friday, 28 January, 2011 | 15:32
"Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) -- Violent clashes erupted in al-Bustan neighborhood of Silwan today after the end of the Friday prayer held weekly in al-Bustan protest tent. Confrontations were sparked by a heavy amassing of Israeli troops, first at the entrances to the village and then closing in. Each Friday sees tensions raised in Silwan as Israeli forces tighten the military stranglehold over the area.
Barriers were erected at these entrances from early morning, with the Wadi Rababa entrance closed entirely by troops. Israeli forces have been firing tear gas and rubber bullets at crowds of Palestinian residents, with clashes centered around Samer Sarhan street on the outskirts of Wadi Hilweh, named after the martyr killed by a settler guard last September.
Violent clashes underway, several injured and arrested « Wadi Hilweh Information Center – Silwan, Jerusalem:
Friday, 28 January, 2011 | 15:39
"Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) -- Violent clashes are continuing in Silwan today, with several arrests, beatings and the use of rubber bullets on protesters. Undercover police arrested 4 Palestinians in Bir Ayyub district, 3 of them minors. 4 residents were beaten by Israeli forces and several injured by a rubber bullet.
Clashes currently remain underway with both Israeli military and police forces present in Silwan. Tear gas and rubber bullets is being fired wantonly throughout the village, with a vast number of residents suffering from asphyxiation due to gas.
Settlers join the fray as clashes intensify in Baten al-Hawa « Wadi Hilweh Information Center – Silwan, Jerusalem:
Friday, 28 January, 2011 | 15:43
"Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) -- Israeli settlers have joined Israeli forces in the clashes currently underway in Silwan. Residents of the illegal Beit Yonatan settlement in Baten al-Hawa have begun hurling stones at Palestinians from the 7-story building.
Clashes erupted today after the Friday prayers as a vast number of Israeli troops continued to amass in Silwan. Baten al-Hawa has witnessed heavy violence with much tear gas and rubber bullets fired on residents by Israeli troops. 4 Palestinians have been arrested, some of them minors.
Settlers who throw stones at Palestinians are never investigated by police for their actions, despite extensive photographic and video evidence of such actions, including both teenage and adult settlers. Palestinians accused of stone-throwing are arrested and generally sentenced to prison and/or house arrest and large fines.
Palestinian home set ablaze under volleys of tear gas « Wadi Hilweh Information Center – Silwan, Jerusalem:
Friday, 28 January, 2011 | 16:03
Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) -- A Palestinian home in Baten al-Hawa have been set ablaze from tear gas fired inside by Israeli troops. The house, located close to Beit Yonatan settlement, was fired upon by the military, the red-hot cannisters causing the contents of the home to catch alight. Three Palestinian residents of the home were injured and transferred to hospital.
Clashes in Baten al-Hawa between Israeli troops, police and settlers and Palestinian residents have intensified as a result. Eyewitnesses report that the fire has spread to a neighboring house. 12-year-old boy was injured by a rubber bullet in his face.
Clashes have spread to Al-Thouri and Ras al-Amoud district. Imams of this neighborhood are broadcasting messages through mosque speakers warning people to take care amidst the violence.
12-year old hit with rubber bullet « Wadi Hilweh Information Center – Silwan, Jerusalem:
Friday, 28 January, 2011 | 16:36
Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) -- A 12 year old child has been hit in the face with a rubber bullet in Baten al-Hawa. Troops are continuing to fire rubber bullets and tear gas at crowds of Palestinian residents as clashes intensify.
YouTube - إعتقال أربعة أطفال في سلوان 28 1 2011:
"silwannet | January 28, 2011
القدس / سلوان
الجمعة: 28/1/2011م
مستعربين ... شاب مقدسي يقفز فوق سيارة المستعربين و يرمي المستعرب بحجر ليحرر صديقة منه ويلوذ المستعرب بالفرار
اعتقلت قوة من المستعربين مدعمة بالجنود الإسرائيليين ثلاثة أطفال وشاب مقدسي بعد وقوعه على الأرض اثر إطلاق النار باتجاهه من قبل قوات المستعربين. هذا وأصيب عدد من المواطنين والأطفال والشبان بجروح وصفت بأنها طفيفة، كما تناقل بعض الأهالي أخبار عن عمليات إطلاق رصاص حي على بعض الشبان، حيث شوهدت آثار دماء في ذلك المكان، هذا وذكرت مصادر طبية بأن احد المواطنين أصيب بقنبلة غاز في رأسه، إضافة إلى إصابات العديد من المواطنين والأطفال جراء استنشاقهم للغاز. كان هذا بعد مواجهات عنيفة اندلعت بعد مرور جيب عسكري من أمام خيمة حي البستان بشكل استفزازي أثناء خطبة الجمعة، وتكثفت المواجهات بعد صلاة الجمعة بشكل ملفت للنظر وذلك بعد أيام قليلة من اعتقال احد أعضاء لجنة حي البستان 'الشيخ موسى عودة'، حيث أشعل الشبان الإطارات المطاطية، وأغلقوا الشوارع في وجه السيارات العسكرية التي تواجدت في المكان بشكل استفزازي،
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog. Activist and Other Videos on Palestine
Friday, January 28, 2011
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