At least four houses in Minneapolis raided, other houses in Michigan, NC, Chicago targeted | Twin Cities Indymedia | Movement Media for Minneapolis-St. Paul: "At least four houses in Minneapolis raided, other houses in Michigan, NC, Chicago targeted
Submitted by smiley on Fri, 09/24/2010 - 09:20
Latest Update with videos - 9/25 a.m.
See TCIMC afternoon update -- At least four known houses were raided this morning including another location at Stevens Square. There were also at least two subpoenas served on activists. Keep on alert! Know your rights! Don't talk to the FBI!
Community Meeting tonight! 5:30 pm Walker Church - Video [24m via]
On Friday morning, three houses in the Minneapolis area are believed to have been raided by SWAT Teams. While we have few details right now, the F.B.I. appears to be targeting people associated with the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Besides the raids in Minneapolis, houses in Michigan, North Carolina and Chicago were also targeted.
Raids occurred at 1823 Riverside, above the Hard Times Cafe, and the 2900 block of Park Ave. One other raid is reported, as well. Outside Hard Times Cafe, three unmarked black SUVs (one with an Illinois license plate) sat in the parking area as of 10am, when a lawyer observed 8 FBI agents sitting in the residence examining materials. Otherwise the scene was calm. [Video: FBI at Hard Times -]
Agents had broken in the door there at 7am Friday morning, breaking an aquarium in the process.
The Federal search warrants appear to be focusing on seizing electronic devices, international travel, and alleging 'co-conspirators.' They do not authorize arrests.
The search warrant for 1823 Riverside, the residence of activist Mick Kelly, sought information 'regarding ability to pay for his own travel' to Palestine and Columbia from 2000 to today. The warrant hyped potential documents indicating any contacts/facilitation with FARC, PFLP, and Hezbollah - what it called 'FTOs' or 'foreign terrorist organizations'. It mentioned seeking information on the alleged 'facilitation of other individuals in the US to travel to Colombia, Palestine and any other foreign location in support of foreign terrorist organizations including but not limited to FARC, PFLP and Hezbollah'.
The wording of the warrant appears to indicate the government seeks to create divisions among social justice and international solidarity activists by hyping alleged connections to what they call 'foreign terrorist organizations.'
The warrant also sought information on 'Kelly's travel to and from and presence in MN, and other foreign countries [sic] to which Kelly has travelled as part of his work in FRSO [Freedom Road Socialist Organization', as well as materials related to his finances and the finances of FRSO, and all computer and electronic devices.
The federal warrant was signed by Federal Minnesota District Magistrate Judge Susan Nelson at 3:30pm yesterday, September 23.
[Afternoon TCIMC update] More information as this story breaks. If you have info, please publish it to TCIMC as a comment or a new story.
Guns drawn, FBI raids peace activist's apartment
As part of a sting against anti-war activists suspected of connections to terrorism, on September 24 the FBI raided six homes in Minneapolis-St. Paul and elsewhere in the country. At the Hard Times Cafe in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, we interviewed peace activist Mick Kelly while the FBI searched his apartment above the cafe.
FBI agents confiscate materials from activist's apartment
As part of a sting against anti-war activists suspected of connections to terrorism, on September 24 the FBI raided six homes in Minneapolis-St. Paul and elsewhere in the country. At the Hard Times Cafe in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, FBI agents hauled boxes of confiscated materials away from activist Mick Kelly's apartment.
Minneapolis Peace Activists Condemn FBI Raids
Minneapolis Peace Activists including Jessica Sundin, Meredith Aby and Mick Kelly held a press conference at 4 p.m. yesterday outside Sundin's Park Avenue home in Minneapolis, which was raided at 7 a.m. by the FBI. The activists, who likely drew the FBI's attention for their solidarity work in Palestine and Columbia, were surrounded by dozens of supporters and fellow peace demonstrators. On Monday they will hold a rally outside the Minneapolis FBI office.
"Don't F*** With Our Activists" - Mobilizing Against FBI Rai:
"UpTakeVideo | September 24, 2010
Minneapolis, September 24, 2010. The many faceted local peace community rallied quickly to protest and to act against the FBI search and seizure of 6 homes of peace activists and a local peace office. Computers, cell phones, files and records, passports were among items swept up in the early morning raid. This action came a few days after the FBI's Inspector General criticized the FBI for lying to Justice Department about raids and surveillence of peace groups after 9/11. Washington Post ( 5:30 rally turned out several hundred concerned citizens who heard the first-person stories of the searches. There was a concern that the FBI motivation covered support of Palestinians and Colombian activists. Targets were ordered to report to a Chicago Grand Jury in the future. There will be continued action against the FBI actions including protests to the FBI IG, and local members of Congress. There will be a rally Monday, 9/27 in front of the Minneapolis FBI office.
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Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Sunday, September 26, 2010
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