Update: third video added on top
Dozens injured in al-Quds fresh clashes
Shireen Yassin, Press TV, al-Quds
17-Year-Old Seriously Injured During Clashes Yesterday
Monday, 28 June, 2010
Yesterday, during the clashes in Silwan, Muhannad Mahmoud al-Qawasmi, 17, was seriously injured. Muhannad was shot in his right eye from a rubber bullet by a soldier that aimed his weapon directly at him from a short distance. Muhannad was on his way to assist a medical crew that evacuated residents who were injured by inhaling tear gas.
Muhannad was hospitalized in St. John hospital in Jerusalem. The doctors could not save his eye, and had to remove it during the surgery.
Clashes in Baten el-Hawa, Silwan
Sunday, 27 June, 2010
Around midnight, clashes broke out in Baten el-Hawa neighborhood in Silwan between Silwan residents and private security guards of the “City of David” settlement, after provocation by the security guards. The incident took place next to “Beit Yonathan” settlement house. Large forces of army and border police have arrived and are using live bullets. 12 people have been reported to be injured by tear gas which entered the residents’ homes. Two pregnant women were treated by medical staff who arrived in ambulances.
Violent Clashes Continue – Watch Video « Wadi Hilweh Information Center – Silwan
Sunday, 27 June, 2010
Violent clashes continue today, for the 7th day, in the village of Silwan. The clashes take place in Baten el-Hawa and al-Bustan neighborhoods. 50 people have been reported to be injured, most of them by tear gas. Mouhaned el Kawasmi, a 16 year old boy, has been shot in the eye by a rubber bullet. There are also reports about an attack on the house of Abdalla Abu Nab by settlers. The house of more than 40 people, was once a synagogue of the old Yemen Jewish community of Silwan, and the settlers threatened they would try to take the residents out of the house by force.
[Commentary - P.V.: Let's not forget that over 500 Palestinian villages were destroyed in 1948, each one of them had a Muslim Mosque and/or a Christian Church destroyed or taken over by Israel, some of these religious sites have been turned into strip joints, bars, night clubs or even animal barns in desecration of these other religions. Such sites must be returned to Muslims and/or Christians. The refugees who were dispossessed and kicked out from their land must also be returned, repatriated and compensated.
It seems, however, that the zionist settlers can only conveniently remember Jewish sites which, in any case, pertained to the Palestinian Nation and not the colonizing entity that ethnically cleansed the absolute majority of the land of its native inhabitants and is trying to carry out the same crime of ethnic cleansing once more.]
A Pregnant Palestinian Woman Injured During Clashes in Silwan
Friday, 25 June, 2010
Violent confrontations erupted again between IDF forces and Palestinian youth in Silwan. A pregnant woman was injured, when a jeep of Israeli army hit a Palestinian car. The nature and severity of the woman’s injury is not yet known. And there were no other reports of injuries.
Video footage showing settler guards attacking the photographer of the Wadi Hilweh- Silwan Information Center
Friday, 11 June, 2010
The following video footage shows settlers’ guards attacking Ahmed Siyam, photographer of the Wadi Hilweh- Silwan Information Center, during clashes on June 2nd in Silwan.
The settlement of Ir David, the City of David in Silwan, East Jerusalem, has an armed militia, of private guards, funded by the Ministry of Housing,
In recent incidense in Silwan, the private guards, seem to act independetly, while incrising the tension and friction.
Here's the latest video of the clashes on June 27
Police in Silwan East Jerusalem, 27/6/10
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Monday, June 28, 2010
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