Bil'in Protest In Solidarity Protest With The Gaza Flotilla 04-06-2010 By Haitham Al Katib
haithmkatib — June 04, 2010 — The Israeli military forces attack
freedom Flotilla ship for the second time
in the village of Bil'in
Abig number of Israeli occupatin army (IOF)attack again the freedom Flotilla in the village of Bil'in, seven people, including three jounalists injured , three activests arrested and dozens of cases of suffocation as a result of inhalation of tear gas, during the weekly mach .
Before the start of the march Participants held a minute of silence and mourning, and read verses from the souls of the martyrs of Freedom Flotilla of break the siege on Gaza, " Dr. Rateb Abu Rahmeh media coordinator of the Popular Committee Against the Wall and settlements said in his speech to attend," We stand today in honor of the martyrs of Freedom Flotilla and send salutations to all who participated and organized and funded the Freedom Flotilla, and singled out Erdogan and Turkey, Kuwait, Ireland, Sweden, Algeria, Greece, and we demand more participation of Arab and international official and popular for the wider of Freedom Flotilla 2.
The Popular Committee Against the Wall and settlements, condemns Israeli aggression, brutal of freedom Flotilla which shows the Israeli state terrorism, as a crime and a clear violation of international and humanitarian law,and call for to conseder Israelis responsible for the massacre freedom Flotilla as war criminals should be prosecuted internationally, and aseked the United Nations and all organizations International moving and effectively to end the occupation and the protection of the Palestinian allowing themall ther rights for the establishment of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.
The Palestinian activest Howeyda Arraf who was involved in freedom Flotilla and Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi, Secretary General of the Palestinian National Initiative, Jamil Barghouti, deputy secretary of Fateh of ramallah participated in the march called by the Popular Committee against the wall in Bil'in, ,beside a lot of members of the Palestinian Nationaln Parties and the inhabitants of the village of Bil'in together withInternational and Israeli activests
The demonstrators marched in the village chanting national calling for unity and rejection of differences, and chanting slogans in support freedom Flotilla, Turkey and the countries that participated in and funded the freedom Flotilla, as well as slogans against the occupation and the wall and the settlements.
The march are united around a 9 meter ship made as asympole of freedom Flotilla walked ahead towards the wall, where the Israeli military forces occupation prepared behind concrete blocks behind the wall, and start fired stun grenades and metal-coated rubber bullets and tear gas canisters when demonstrators
try to cross towards the land behind the wall owned by the townspeople, , the IOF attack the sempolic ship and chase the protesters among the olive groves to the outskirts of the village,
Fadi Jayyousi (30 years) cameraman Palestine TV was injured seriously in all parts of his body and the army broke his cameras in full, a Norwegian journalist called Karina Lapua (42 year), the cameraman of Popular Committee Haitham Al-Khatib (34 years) and who works for B'Tselem, George Khoury (year 32) photographer Arabiyya TV, Jabber Abo Rahma (22 year), Jadallah al-Khatib (50 year) gas, and Soleyman khattab (20 year) also wonded by tear gaz canisters directed towards them, and dozens of cases of suffocation,
Three actevists are arrested : Howeyda Arraf who was on board of freedom Flotilla, the activist from Bilin Ashraf Abo Rahma (29 year), and an Israile activist Ilan Shelef (72 year)
A large farming areas belonging to a lot of people of the village of Bil'in is also burned as a result of firing tear gas against demonstrators.
A delegation from Brazil included 12 combined, visited the village of Bil'in and participated in the weekly march, and they have a meeting, at the headquarters of the International Solidarity Movement in Bil'in with the Popular Committee Against the Wall and settlement, given explanation of the experience of Bil'in Popular Resistance over the past five years past and the achievements and the effective of the international solidarity.
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Friday, June 4, 2010
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