Friday, December 25, 2009

Empire - What future for 'Greater Israel'? - 23 Dec 09 - (2 Parts)

Empire - What future for 'Greater Israel'? - 23 Dec 09 - Part 1:

"The Middle East 'peace process' is seriously deadlocked. Israel is determined to press ahead with the expansion of settlements. Palestinians refuse to accept anything less than their total freeze, but they are divided on the best way forward - diplomacy or resistance. The diplomatic vacuum leads to more unilateral policies and radicalisation. So how can the international community help? Is a two-state solution still possible, or one state or no state?"

Part 1

Part 2

Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog

1 comment:

Noor al Haqiqa said...

That was a great way to start Christmas day. Wrapping last minute gifts and watching this excellent little set of videos.

Although there were things I felt left unsaid, on the whole it was impartial and well presented but of course, no final resolve could be the result.

This settlement issue is one that will not go away until the bestial types are reined in. Thanks for the post.