Thursday, December 31, 2009
Demonstration at Egypt UN Mission to allow Gaza Freedom Marchers into Gaza
Songs, chanting, Dec. 31, 2009 urging Egypt to stop their blockading 1400 international marchers into Gaza. Then a surprisingly positive report from Abdeen Jabara after meeting with Egypt's ambassador,
followed by crowd marching over to demonstrate at Israeli UN Mission, as suggested by Egypt's Ambassador. Camera: Joe Friendly
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UN Special Rapporteur, Richard Falk Condemns US+Egyptian Iron Wall
The UN's Special Rapporteur, Richard Falk has condemned the US and Egyptian Iron Wall, which is being built by the Egyptians under the direction and supervision of the American Military Engineers Corp. Richard Falk also lashed out at the Zionist Entity, Israel, and called for Sanctions against Israel in order to improve and alleviate the plight of those in the prison called Gaza and the generally appalling treatment of Palestinians. Aired on December 31, 2009.
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Demo in Ramalah for Gaza 31 12 2009
Father Atallah Hannah, standing next to Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, addresses the crowds.
"Demonstration in Ramallah 31-12-2009 More than 250 Palestinians rallied in the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah on New Year's Eve Day in solidarity with the Gaza Freedom March during an event organized by the Palestinian Popular Committees of the West Bank."
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Egyptian police beat Gaza peace activists
SEVEN protestors were injured as Egyptian plain clothes police turned violent at a Cairo street demonstration organised by peace activists. Nearly a thousand Gaza Freedom Marchers, representing 42 different nationalities, brought the Egyptian capital to a standstill at one point when they sat down on a main road in Tahrir Square. The surprise demonstration took Cairo police by surprise after they blockaded a hotel nearby where nearly 30 of the GFM were staying. Around 700 maintained their sit-in for 20 minutes until police reinforcements arrived to remove the defiant peace activists who were chanting: "We want to march to Gaza." Mick Napier, the chair of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign said: "The police used excessive force and at one stage several female protestors were punched and kicked. A couple had their hijabs ripped away from their head. "Many of us were taken aback by the naked aggression of the police as this was a non-violent protest. Around 1400 of us arrived in Cairo a few days ago to go to Gaza but a travel ban was imposed and we've been stuck in the capital."
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Gaza Strip 31-12-09 - International demonstration from both sides of the barrier
Also see my previous post on the march here (3 videos)
"To mark a year to the war of Gaza and in the demand to remove the blockade from Gaza Strip
Thursday, 31 in December, opposite Erez Checkpoint
In the forum of the international day to break the siege, that mark throughout the world and in Gaza Strip
Year passed since the Israeli offensive on Gaza Strip inhabitants, in which were killed over 1,400 people, majority of them were citizens, about 5,000 additional were injured and ten thousand remained without shelter.
The siege on Gaza is continuous and tightens, and turn Gaza to enclave incommunicado that her residents secluded from their family, from possibilities of studies, livelihood, from lives of the culture, the society and the politics of their people.
Also the war crimes not yet were investigated, and no one gave the judgement."
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Israel's Anti-Apartheid prisoners
Jamal Juma the coordinator of Stop the Wall campaign was arrested by the Israeli security at midnight of December 15. After searching his house the parting words of the soldiers directed at his wife were you would only see you husband again through a prisoner exchange.
Since then, Juma has been detained. No explanation has been given for his arrest.
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March at Erez [Beit Hanoun] crossing to protest the Gaza siege
(NECN/AP Television) - Hundreds of protestors were marching on Thursday morning from both the Gaza and Israel sides towards the Erez crossing on the border between the Palestinian coastal strip and Israel, in a protest at the long-standing blockade imposed on the Gaza strip.
The protest, dubbed by organisers "the freedom march", took place at the same time on both sides of the border. Palestinians and international activists were marching from Jebaliya in northern Gaza strip towards the Palestinian side of the crossing while Israeli activists were marching from a near-by junction to the Israeli side of the crossing.
Protestors on both sides were waving Palestinian flags and calling on the Israeli government to stop the blockade and on the international community to put more pressure on Israel on the issue.
The coastal territory has been under a crippling Israeli blockade since 2006 when Hamas was democratically elected in a 2006 Palestinian parliament vote . Hamas then broke off with the government of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas following months of conflict over power-sharing with the new government.
The group eventually took control of the Gaza Strip in June 2007, leaving Abbas' government in nominal control of the occupied West Bank only. Israel - with Egypt on one border - then tightened the blockade even further on the 1.5 million people living in the 135 square mile poor and narrow enclave of the Gaza Strip.
The blockade,
according to a United Nations report on Palestine refugees, has seriously affected all aspects of Palestinian life, and has prevented Gazans from reconstructing their shattered infrastructure after Israel's fierce three week offensive a year ago.
The offensive left more than 1,400 Palestinians dead, including more than 900 civilians, amongst them scores of children, according to Palestinian officials and human rights groups. It also destroyed thousands of homes and heavily damaged Gaza's infrastructure. Israel claims the death toll was lower and that most of the dead were armed militants.
Let Gaza live: US rally in Washington
Hundreds of demonstrators have gathered in Washington calling for an end to Israel's blockade on Gaza. It comes after the first anniversary of the beginning of the war on Gaza.
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GFM Demonstrators being forcibly ejected from street in Cairo
Video clip from Thursday morning demonstration in Cairo, Egypt. Egyptians and internationals in the Gaza Freedom March assembled to protest Egypts crackdown on their freedom of movement. Police attempted to blockade some activists in their hotels, and allowed only a small number to travel to the border with Gaza. Video by Kayvan Farchadi with Sam Husseini.
More From Another Source: suleikajaouad
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Viva Palestina Update: Back On The Move Towards Gaza
Update on the Viva Palestina 3 Convoy that was stuck in Jordan due to Egyptian issues. Now back on the move and onwards to Gaza. Aired on December 31, 2009
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CAIR-NY Challenges Bill That Would Legalize Racial Profiling
Look who's behind the racial profiling bill, the pro-settlements likudnik hardline zionist Dov Hikind
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Viva Palestina Convoy AJE Report from Damascus
"Al Jazeera report. The Viva Palestina Convoy which had been trying to reach Gaza by way of Jordan's Red Sea port of Aqaba, has agreed to travel via Syria instead.
The Viva Palestina convoy, carrying 210 lorries full of humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza, crossed into Syria on Tuesday after spending five days in Jordan, negotiating with the Egyptian consul there.
It is now expected to set sail from the Syrian port of Latakia to the Egyptian port of El Arish on the Mediterranean, and then cross through Rafah into Gaza from there."
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Viva Palestina Convoy Returns to Syria En-Route to El-Arish
"The convoy, which departed from London on December 6, returned to Syria on Tuesday from the Jordanian port city of al-Aqaba after the Egyptian authorities refused it permission to enter the Gaza Strip through Nuweiba.
The convoy was scheduled to deliver medical, humanitarian and educational aid to Gazans on December 27, which marks the first anniversary of Israel's three-week war against the sliver.
Get News & Follow the convoy:
The Viva Palestina aid convoy to Gaza which left London on December 6th has been blocked from entering Egypt then held at the Jordanian port of Aqaba. The convoy, which is made up of more than 200+ vehicles, planned to reach Rafah on December 27th."
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Freedom For Gaza: Why We're Marching
"Activists for peace and justice in the Middle East discuss the events that first inspired them to get involved with the Gaza Freedom March."
more about "Freedom For Gaza: Why We're Marching", posted with vodpod
C.I.A. Linked to Abusive Palestinian Authority Agencies.m4v
"The London Guardian reports that Palestinian security agents who have been detaining and allegedly torturing supporters of Hamas in the West Bank have been working closely with the CIA. Less than a year after Barack Obama signed an executive order that prohibited torture and provided for the lawful interrogation of detainees in US custody, evidence is emerging the CIA is cooperating with security agents whose continuing use of torture has been widely documented by human rights groups."
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Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Gaza Now Exhibition in Glasgow
"Gaza Now exhibition in Glasgow, December 2009 to call on people for continued support Boycott, Divestment and Sanction one year on when Gaza is not even allowed to rebuild its homes, schools, hospitals, or lives and is still denied sufficient food energy and health care"
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ICRC Spokesman in Gaza Describes Glaring Lack of Medical Access During Israeli Assault
"Democracy Now! Tuesday, December 30, 2009
We look back at the glaring lack of access to emergency care for the thousands of people seeking urgent medical help during Israels three-week military operation one year ago. Iyad Nasr, the spokesperson for the International Committee of the Red Cross in the bombed-out Tel al-Hawa neighborhood of Gaza City, describes the ICRCs operations."
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Remember Palestine with Lauren Booth / Dec 29, 2009
the Weekly program from Press TV: Remember Palestine / December 29, 2009
The program deals with the day-to-day life of the Palestinian people under occupation. The show also tries to display the world’s sympathy with these people.
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Intl/Egyptian demonstration 29-12-2009مظاهرة دولية مصرية امام الصحفيين
An International & Egyptian demonstration in front of the Press Syndicate in Cairo protesting Egypts denial for all to enter Gaza.
مظاهرة حاشدة امام الصحفيين احياء لذكرى حرب غزة و استنكارا لرفض مصر دخول الوفود الاجنبية للتضامن مع غزة
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TRNN: Gaza Freedom March
Paul Jay talks to Sam Husseini in Cairo, Egypt
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Viva Palestina Update: Deal Reached, Galloway's Statement
George Galloway gives a statement explaining a deal that has been reached between the Turkish side of the Viva Palestina Convoy the Egyptian Government allowing the convoy to proceed to Gaza. Aired on December 30, 2009
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Netanyahu and Mubarak Meet to Conspire, Egyptian Opposition request the arrest of Netanyahu
Aired on December 30, 2009
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Hamas has Not rejected Prisoner Swap Deal but continues to study it
Special report on the Hamas meeting in Damascus. Hamas insists it has NOT rejected the peace deal as has been reported by many in the western media; rather it is still discussing and contemplating. Aired on December 30, 2009
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Riz Khan - Holding Israel to account - 29 Dec 09 (2 Parts)
In the year since the Gaza war, activists have stepped up their calls for sanctions on Israel. These include appeals to withdraw investments in Israel (divestment); to boycott Israeli goods and services, cultural institutions and universities; and to prosecute the top political and military leaders behind the war. But generally the diplomatic fallout of the war has been manageable for Israel, so what do the supporters of BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction) hope to achieve?
Part 1
Part 2
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EXCLUSIVE...Pink Floyd's Roger Waters Speaks Out in Support of GFM March, Blasts Israeli-Egyptian "Siege" of Gaza
In a Democracy Now! exclusive interview, British musician Roger Waters of the iconic rock band Pink Floyd speaks out about the Gaza Freedom March. “I actually would be very interested to hear what the President of the United States has to say about this nonviolent, democratic demonstration of ordinary people from forty-two countries all over the world,” says Waters. “They feel solidarity with their brothers and sisters, other human beings who are living in conditions that none of us would stand for, for a single second, in any of our countries.” [includes rush transcript]
Roger Waters, Pink Floyd band member. Recorded by Miguel Nogueira of Multimind inc
AMY GOODMAN: We turn now to the world famous British musician Roger Waters. He’s best known as a founding member, bassist, singer, songwriter for the iconic rock band called Pink Floyd. The band is perhaps best known for their record The Wall.
Well, Roger Waters is also a supporter of the Gaza Freedom March and an outspoken critic of Israel’s separation wall with the West Bank and the underground wall Egypt’s building with Gaza that Ali Abunimah was just talking about.
Democracy Now!’s Miguel Nogueira spoke with Roger Waters this weekend and asked him about Gaza.
ROGER WATERS: We implore the Egyptian government to allow this peaceful, nonviolent protest at the siege of this country to proceed. I have a feeling they will. This again points to the power, or the potential power, of this demonstration. I think the Egyptian government may find that if they deny this due process of the rights of human beings to peacefully protest when they see a crime being committed, then they will find themselves on very dangerous shifting sands and put into a very difficult position themselves. So this again speaks to the fact that the organizing committee of the Freedom March on Gaza have already achieved—even before they start, they’ve achieved, to some extent, their aim, because this is becoming big news around the world, and it will become bigger and bigger news.
And if, as we all hope, they actually make it across the border and they meet with Palestinians, I think it’s hard to imagine what an amazing surge of hope that could engender in the hearts of the Palestinian people who actually meet with them and get to talk to people from the outside, and so on and so forth, and for them to understand that we have not forgotten them.
We saw a year ago, when the Israelis invaded and razed Gaza practically to the ground, although I know what happened there, as well as it is possible, because I pay attention, most of the media in the US and in the UK really played it down. Otherwise, if they hadn’t played it down, it seems impossible that the uprising of shock and horror at what was done to the Palestinians in Gaza a year ago would have entirely demanded that the US government and the UK government take action and impose some kind of sanctions on the Israelis, or something, or at least say something, deplore the action, or do something. What actually happened, of course, is that when the Goldstone report came out, they sort of went, “Oh, well, maybe this guy is a bit strange, and we don’t”—you know? There is a huge and unfathomable tendency to want this problem to go away. And this is too difficult for us to deal with, and it would mean us actually confronting our Israeli allies.
I actually would be very interested to hear what the President of the United States has to say about this nonviolent, democratic demonstration of ordinary people from forty-two countries all over the world marching into a very uncomfortable place because they feel solidarity with their brothers and sisters, other human beings who are living in conditions that none of us would stand for, for a single second, in any of our countries. So I hope Barack Obama will respond to this, and I hope he makes a statement about it. And I hope he will come out and support this march. And I hope he will come out and say, “Listen, this siege of this country is illegal, and we must support—we must support the law. We must support the rights that human beings have under the law.”
AMY GOODMAN: Roger Waters of Pink Floyd.
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GFM Protests Continue in Cairo, Organizers Say Egypt Offer to Allow 100 into Gaza Not Sufficient
Hundreds of activists with the Gaza Freedom March are staging continued demonstrations and sit-ins in Cairo to protest the Egyptian government’s refusal to allow them to cross the border into Gaza.
Organizers say an offer by Egyptian authorities this morning to allow just 100 members of the group to go to Gaza was not sufficient. More than 1,300 people from over 40 countries are in Cairo as part of the Gaza Freedom March. They were planning to cross the border last Sunday to commemorate the first anniversary of Israel’s assault on Gaza that killed 1,400 Palestinians and thirteen Israelis. Around 50 to 80 people with the group did take up the deal and boarded a bus to Gaza this morning. Egypt’s border crossing point at Rafah is the only entrance point into the Gaza Strip not controlled by Israel.
Egypt’s Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit had hash words for the marchers saying, “Those who tried to conspire against us, and they are more than a thousand, we will leave them in the street.”
Meanwhile the demonstrations continue. On Tuesday, 40 US citizens marched to the American embassy in downtown Cairo but were quickly met by riot police who cordoned them into smaller groups. Earlier in the day, members of the Gaza Freedom March joined with Egyptian activists in a protest against Israel’s prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s one-day visit to Cairo for talks with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.
We go now to Cairo where we are joined on the telephone by Ali Abunimah, he is the co-founder of Eletronic Intifada and is taking part in the Gaza Freedom March. He is author of “One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse.”
Ali Abunimah, co-founder of Electronic Intifada and is taking part in the Gaza Freedom March. He is author of One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse. His updates on the Gaza Freedom March are at
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Gaza Freedom March Activists leave the bus in Cairo - All or None 12-30-09
Activists from the Gaza Freedom March reject Egypt's offer to allow only 100 of the delegates through the border to Gaza. Their decision is cheered by the other delegates who were not allowed to go to Gaza, and they chant "All or none!"
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Egyptian Pro-Palestine demonstraion in Cairo
Egyptian Demonstrators in Cairo call for the Fall of Dictator Husni Mubarak on the anniversary of the Gaza Massacre
"Pro-Palestinian demonstrators anti-Israel protest in Cairo Dec. 29, 2009, to mark the first anniversary of Israel's offensive on the Gaza Strip."
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A clear message to CODE PINK: NO negotations with the oppressors (Cairo, 30 dec 2009)
Today a sad, bad day for the solidarity and Struggle with GAZA
video by Claudia Milani
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Gaza: Mahmoud's story
Mahmoud lives in Beit Hanoun in the north part of Gaza, where most people rely on farming. Mahmoud takes us to his farm and shows us how he helps his parents grow onions, garlic, potatoes and other vegetables. He also helps look after his family's animals. During the Israeli attack in January 2009 many families such as Mahmoud's lost their farms.
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Gaza: Safad's story
Safad talks about the effect the blockade has had on her life and on her family. Before the blockade Palestinians could work in Israel but now it's forbidden. There is no trade and they have no access to medicine or medical treatment in Israel. Safad's uncle has been unable to see his sons for 13 years due to the blockade. Watch this video to find out how children in Gaza live with the blockade.
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Gaza: Samar's story
Samar lives in Beit Hanoun in the north of Gaza. Her brother Mohammed was 20 when a rocket killed him in 2008. Samar's neighbour Wa'ad also lost her three-year-old sister when their house was bombed. Watch Samar's story to find out how young people recover from the trauma caused by war.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Freedom For Gaza: Why We're Marching
Activists for peace and justice in the Middle East discuss the events that first inspired them to get involved with the Gaza Freedom March.
more about "Freedom For Gaza: Why We're Marching", posted with vodpod
Gaza Freedom March in Cairo
Gaza Freedom March participants confronted by Egyptian security on the banks of the Nile. International Gaza Activists have been denied access to the Erez border crossing, and some groups have been confined to their lodgings, bus stations and embassies under threat of deportation. Thanks to Konda Mason for this footage.
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Remembering Gaza Massacre Dec 08 - Jan 09 - by Sabbah
One year later, the Israeli deadly attacks which targeted an already suffering Gaza Strip have become yet another chapter in the epic tragedy that is the Palestinian struggle for freedom.
After 22 days, more than 1,400 Palestinians were killed. The majority of these casualties were civilians, over 300 of them children and over 100 more were woman. Countless more were injured or maimed in a walled off prison with inadequate medical care.
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Viva Palestina Report on Al Jazeera English
"1617GMT: AJE's Sohail Rahman reports and discusses Egypt's decision to block the Viva Palestina Convoy from entering Egypt at Nuweiba. Includes commentary from Institute of Palestinian Studies' Mouin Rabbanu and a live(ly!) phone interview with George Galloway at the Jordan/Syria Jaber border crossing.
The Viva Palestina aid convoy to Gaza which left London on December 6th has been blocked from entering Egypt, they were held at the Jordanian port of Aqaba. The Convoy, which is made up of more than 200+ vehicles, planned to reach Rafah on December 27th but has now re-routed back to the Syrian port of Lattakia and will sail to Egypt's Mediterranean port of El-Arish.
Get News & Follow the convoy:"
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Israel Seeks Tenders for Settlement Exapnsion in Occupied East Jerusalem (al-Quds)
"Special Report on more Zionist Annexation of the Holy City of Jerusalem. More Zionist theft and plunder. Aired 29th December 2009."
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CIA Says Britain and Israel Fabricated Report on Iran's Nuclear Triggers
"The CIA has said that a report published in The Times (and other Murdoch properties) was a complete and utter fabrication that bore the fingerprints of either the British MI5 or the Israeli Mossad (or possibly a collaboration of both). He said that the Murdoch 'News' properties - such as Sky, Fox, The Times, etc have been used in the past by MI5 and Mossad to disseminate fabrications amongst the population. The fabricated report was published in The Times on December 14th 2009, and was a complete lie and untruth. Aired on 29th December 2009."
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Ni'lin Weekly Demo Against the Israeli Apartheid Wall 25.12.2009
"Protest by villagers of Ni'ilin, international and Israeli activists against the separation fence cutting through the village's land, on Friday, the 25th of December 2009"
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Egypt Denies Gaza Freedom March Access to Border, Hundreds Protest in Cairo
"In Egypt, hundreds of solidarity activists from around the world are being prevented by the Egyptian government from entering Gaza. Dubbed the Gaza Freedom March, organizers were planning to cross the border last Sunday to commemorate the first anniversary of Israel’s assault on Gaza that killed 1,400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis. We get a report."
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Video: Attacked by an Israeli drone | World news |
"In a short film by Medical Aid for Palestinians, Wafa al-Radia tells how she and her sister were attacked by an Israeli drone last year during the Gaza conflict"
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Israel remains immune to war crimes tribunal - RT - 091228
" "
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US congressmen fighting for Gaza - 29 Dec 09
In the weeks after the offensive, politicians from around the world visited the Strip and made promises to help.
But it appears many of those pledges have not been delivered.
Al Jazeera's Todd Baer caught up with two US Democratic congressmen whose efforts to lift the Israeli blockade on Gaza are being met with stiff resistance."
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Horrors of war linger in the minds of Gaza residents - PressTV 091228
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Marche pour Gaza Bruxelles un an après partie 1
"Marche et commémoration pour Gaza dans les rues de Bruxelles.
Solidarité avec le peuple palestinien.
Soutien à la résistance du peuple palestinien.
La 'Gaza Freedom March', coalition internationale initiée aux Etats-Unis et visant à réunir des milliers de volontaires pour dire NON AU BLOCUS DE GAZA, est désormais lancée ! De tous les pays, des femmes et des hommes sinscrivent pour participer à cette très belle aventure, qui les amènera à célébrer le changement dannée en montrant attachement aux droits de lHomme et au droit international.
Lopération débutera le 27 décembre 2009, un an jour pour jour après le début des bombardements israéliens à la sortie des écoles de la bande de Gaza.
Dans le cadre dune action citoyenne et pacifique, nous organisons une marche symbolique et une veillée de commémoration à Bruxelles, pour :
- La levée du blocus de Gaza;
- Larrêt de la politique sioniste de colonisation et doccupation de la Palestine;
- Le soutien à la résistance du peuple palestinien;
- La libération de tous les prisonniers palestiniens;
- Le soutien à la campagne « Boycott Désinvestissement et Sanctions ».
Le départ de la Marche se fera au croisement de lavenue de Stalingrad et du boulevard du Midi (statue mégaphone) à 13h30, et nous achèverons cette marche sur la Place de lAlbertine vers 15h30.
La Marche rejoindra en fin de parcours la Veillée commémorative sur la Place de la Monnaie, à partir de 16h00.
Nous lançons un appel à tous et toutes : citoyens, mouvements sociaux, mouvements syndicaux, ONG, comités de solidarité, représentants politiques à manifester avec nous, massivement, le 27 décembre 2009 à Bruxelles.
Premiers signataires :
MOUVEMENT CITOYEN PALESTINE, COFECI (coordination des femmes citoyenne), intal, VPK (Vlaams Palestinakomitee), ABP, GPOS (Groupe Proche Orient Santé), CODIP vzw, MCP (Mouvement chrétien pour la paix), Comac Quartiers, Vrede vzw, EGALITE, LCR, PTB,
N'oubliez pas Gaza !!!!
Le 27 décembre 2008, lentité sioniste lançait un déluge de feu contre la bande de Gaza afin de briser lesprit de résistance du peuple palestinien. Après vingt-deux jours de bombardements par ciel, terre et mer, le sinistre bilan des criminels sionistes se chiffrait à plus de 1.350 morts et 5.450 blessés.
Pourtant, déjouant les funestes desseins des stratèges de «Tel-Aviv», lesprit de résistance du peuple palestinien ne sest pas consumé sous le feu des hélicoptères Apache et des avions F-16. Au contraire, lagression sioniste a renforcé la résistance du peuple palestinien malgré le blocus imposé à la bande Gaza depuis juin 2007.
Les massacres de lhiver 2008-2009 ne peuvent pas être séparés de la politique menée par les sionistes contre le peuple palestinien depuis plus de 60 ans. En 1948, pour pouvoir créer lentité usurpatrice, les colonisateurs sionistes ont expulsé 900.000 Palestiniens de leurs terres et de leurs demeures. Ils ont également détruit 531 villages et 300 hameaux pour empêcher le retour des Palestiniens et entériner leur politique de purification ethnique.
Depuis plus de soixante ans, lentité coloniales sioniste na jamais cessé de commettre crimes et massacres à lencontre du peuple palestinien et arabe, en vue de le chasser de ses terres et dy implanter létat colonial sioniste dans une Palestine débarrassée de sa population. Cette guerre a commencé et se poursuit toujours avec le soutien indéfectible des puissances occidentales.
Dans le même temps, les classes dirigeantes de certains pays arabes collaborateurs, semploient à détruire ou à instrumentaliser la cause palestinienne et à soutenir lentité usurpatrice. Le soutien actif au blocus de Gaza de la part de lEgypte, de lArabie Saoudite, de la Jordanie et des pays du Golfe, a révélé le degré de trahison régnant chez les laquais de lOccident dans la région. Les crimes, qui ont été commis à Gaza, sont en grande partie dus à la complicité active des régimes arabes réactionnaires.
- MCP :
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- Facebook :"
marche pour Gaza Bruxelles un an après (égalité)
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Riz Khan - Gaza's Open Wounds - 28 Dec 2009
Riz Khan - Gaza's Open Wounds - 28 Dec 2009 - Pt 2:
"A year after Israel's crushing offensive on Gaza, Riz Khan looks at the human cost of the war"
more about "Riz Khan - Gaza's Open Wounds - 28 De...", posted with vodpod
Bil'in invaded, two arrests. 29.12.2009
"Tuesday 29/12/2009
Village Stormed and Two Boys Arrested
At dawn today the Israeli occupation army raided the village of Bil'in, At
2am a military force composed of a number of military jeeps and
approximately 50 soldiers on foot abducted Hamouda Imad Yassin (16) and
Ibrahim Khalil Yassin (16). After searching their homes they were taken to
an unknown destination. It has only been one month since Hamouda and
Khalil were released from prison where they had been held for five months.
This is the latest in a series of raids and arrests that have continued in
Bil'in for the last six months. Just as they try to stop the march on
Gaza, they also try to stop the weekly demonstrations in Bilin."
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Inside Story - Gaza Under Siege - 28 Dec 2009
"For over two years Israel has imposed a blockade on Gaza's 1.5 million inhabitants. The blockade includes bans on materials needed to reconstruct the region after the israeli bombing of 2008-9. 80% of the population of Gaza survives on food aid. Inside story asks what motives are behind the restrictions? And what is the human cost?"
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Houston Demo One Year On the Gaza Massacre
"Houston, TX
Organized by the Houston Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine"
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Monday, December 28, 2009
Prime Minister Haniyyah calls on Egypt to open the Rafah Border
"Speech by the Prime Minister of the Palestinians, Ismail Haniyyah on the first anniversary of the 22 day Gaza War, where the Zionists murdered more then 1400 people; most of them women and children. Aired on 28th December 2009"
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Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah condemns US role in Israel's crimes
"Summary of the Speech of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah(HA), Secretary General of Hizbullah on the Ashura Commemorations on 27th December 2009. Aired on 28th December 2009"
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Tenders for Settlement Exapnsion in East Jerusalem
"Special Report, includes a piece by Norman Finkelstien. Aired on 28th December 2009."
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Connecticut Opposes the Siege of Gaza
"March in Hartford, CT Dec.27, 2009 to protest the siege of Gaza and the collaboration of the Egyptian and Obama regimes. Action taken in support of the Gaza Freedom March and Viva Palestina convoy, but which are being harassed on orders of President for Life Mubarak"
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Hamas refuses to comment on Beiruit blast - PressTV 091228
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Protests in Turkey on 1st Anniversary of Israel's Gaza Massacre
"Protests in Turkey commemorating the first anniversary of the 22 day Gaza War where the weak and cowardly Zionist Stormtroopers murdered over 1400 innocents, many of them women and children. The protests were also in solidarity with the Palestinians. Aired on 28th December 2009"
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Palestinian Journalist Remembers Israel's Assault on Gaza
"One year ago this weekend, Israel began its 22-day assault on the Gaza strip. Dubbed “Operation Cast Lead,” 1,400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis were killed in what was Israel’s deadliest attack on Palestinians. We look back on Operation Cast Lead with Palestinian journalist Sami Abu Salem who was in Gaza during the assault."
One year ago this weekend Israel began its 22-day assault on the Gaza strip. Dubbed “Operation Cast Lead,” 1,400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis were killed in what was Israel’s deadliest attack on Palestinians. As protests were held around the world to mark the first anniversary of the assault, the Egyptian government is blocking solidarity activists from entering Gaza to take part in the Gaza Freedom March.
On Sunday Egyptian security forces detained two groups of international activists who were preparing to join the march. Meanwhile Egyptian authorities have also held up a humanitarian aid convoy led by British lawmaker George Galloway.
As we look back on Operation Cast Lead, we turn to Palestinian journalist Sami Abu Salem who was in Gaza during the assault. With the borders sealed, international journalists could not enter Gaza and the world relied on the work of Palestinian journalists like Sami and Al Jazeera, the only international network that was already in Gaza before the military operation began. Democracy Now! producer Anjali Kamat traveled to Gaza in March of this year. She met Sami Abu Salem at his home in Jabalia refugee camp. He recalled the first day of the bombings, which began with coordinated airstrikes by 60 war planes across the Gaza strip, killing over 300 people, including 238 police officers, in a single day.
Sami Abu Salem, Palestinian journalist in Gaza. Special thanks to Jacquie Soohen of Big Noise Films
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Two Hamas Members Killed in Beirut Bombing
"A powerful bomb went off in Beirut's Southern Suburbs on Saturday night near a Hizbullah building has resulted in the murder of two Hamas Members. Report. Aired on 28th December 2009"
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More from the London Protest at the Ongoing Gaza Siege
"Demonstration Sunday evening 27/12/2009 in Kensington by Palace Gate opposite Israel's embassy in protest at the ongoing siege of Gaza and against the indifference displayed by leaders in the West to the plight of the imprisoned Palestinian people."
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George Galloway - Gaza Aid Convoy/12/25/2009
Talk with George Galloway, Khalid Amayreh and Franklin Lamb
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Fears remain after Gaza war - 28 Dec 09
"One year after the start of Israel's war on Gaza, Al Jazeera's Sherine Tadros revisits a family she met during the assault.
Rima Abid, the mother, says that even though the bombings have stopped, reminders of the war are still present in the family's daily life.
Her children are afraid to sleep alone, fearing there might be another attack.
Together with other mothers, Rima has started a group for kids with side effects from the war.
Category: News & Politics"
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First Anniversary of the 22 Day Israeli Onslaught on Gaza
"Report on the First Anniversary of the 22 Day Israeli Onslaught on Gaza which resulted in the death of over 1400 people - mainly women and children and the use of illegal and banned weapons by the Israeli Regime led by Ehud Olmert and Tzipi Livni and supported by the American Administration. Aired 27th December 2009."
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Interview with Marco Benvento, Forum Palestina: Anti-Zionism Anti-Fascism in Italy
Click the stop button on the video at the bottom if you wish to see the YouTube video showing only part of the program
"Face to Face with Marco Benvento" You can see the full program at programs
see the whole program below
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News Analysis - Israeli Organ Theft 12/23/2009
Short interviews with Journalists Khalid Amayreh & Donald Bostrom, as well as human rights lawyer Amjad Salfitl
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Times Square Demo - Gaza Genocide one year
"demonstration in Times Square commemorating the genocidal bombing of Gaza last year. Communication with the Viva Palestina convoy on hunger strike in Aqaba to bring aid to Gaza. Expression of international Solidarity from many support groups."
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Eyes of a Child - West Bank
"From Jordan to Jerusalem 2009
A cycle ride across Occupied Palestine, where Alex Booth saw life in the West Bank through a child's eyes."
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Talk to Al Jazeera - Richard Falk - 27 Dec 09
"Professor Richard Falk describes himself as an American Jew, but it is his support of Palestinian rights that has earned him the profile and abuse that is threatening to overshadow five decades of achievements as a lawyer, an academic and an author. One year after Israel's war on Gaza, Al Jazeera talks to the UN special rapporteur on Palestine and asks him about his views on that war, the impact of the Obama presidency and the future of the peace process."
Part 1
Part 2
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Gaza: The War of Words - 28 Dec 09
"A year on from Israel's offensive in Gaza, another battle is still being played out. The war of words between Israel and opponents of last year's war continues, with the latest flare up centred on the UN's Goldstone report. But while everyone is busy apportioning blame, there is little chance of developments to the peace process and hopes for justice are fading. Gaza: The War of Words explores the various claims and counter-claims against Israel and Hamas that have been made in the past year and looks at the international community's rol in that war of words."
Note: the original video was removed and Al Jazeera produced the following ones instead
Gaza's war of words - 28 December 2009 - part 1
A year has passed since Israel's 22 day war on Gaza, but the war of words continues.
Both sides have sophisticated media strategies, and as the message is ever more muddied, distilling the truth becomes yet more difficult.
Al-Jazeera looks at how the War of words between Israel and Hamas is waged.
Part 1
Part 2
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Locked in: Life in Gaza - 25 Dec 09
I believe Aljazeera published this before, but I'm reposting it in case they deleted the old one.
"Munzer al-Dayyeh is a mechanic living in Gaza. In a land of ruin and disrepair, Munzer is kept busy fixing generators and repairing motorbikes. In June 2007, Israel placed Gaza under siege and imposed an unprecedented blockade on nearly all movement and supplies in and out of the Gaza Strip. Munzer is a traditional man from a conservative society where inter-marriage is common. In Munzer's case, inter-breeding has brought hereditary problems most of his children are either visually impaired or physically handicapped. But, Munzer can not find any way to get his children out of Gaza to get medical treatment. This film offers an insight into an everyday man struggling to make a living and to find a solution for his family in the unique difficulties of the Gaza Strip."
Part 1
Part 2
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Gaza Lift the Seige - 27th December 2009 - Israeli Embassy London
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Israeli Demonstrators try to break the blockade on Gaza - 27-12-09
Israeli Demonstrators try to Break the Siege on Gaza
Source: yisraelpnm
Sunday December 27, 2009 demonstration by Anarchists Against the wall near Gaza border against the Israeli siege of Gaza
Source: davidreeb
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Sunday, December 27, 2009
Gaza Rally in Toronto Dec 27 2009
"Rally for the rights and lives of Palestinians, one of many on this day around the world
video, by Robin Gordon December 27, 2009, Toronto"
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London Demo - JEREMY CORBYN, MP: Stop GAZA Siege, let VIVA PALESTINA Convoy in
"Today, 27th Decembre outside the Israeli Embassy, at Kensington High Street London.
JEREMY CORBYN,Member of the British Parlament."
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New York City March in Solidarity with Gaza - Dec 27, 2009
"One year after the massacre in Gaza. This was filmed today, December 27, 2009 in New York City."
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Viva Palestina remains stuck in Jordan
"Viva Palestina aid convoy carrying humanitarian supplies to the besieged Gaza Strip remains stuck in Jordan while the medicines onboard are being spoiled in the desert heat.
The convoy of 250 vehicles is stuck in the Jordanian port city of Aqaba awaiting a resolution to be passed between Viva Palestina organizers and Egyptian authorities that would allow the convoy enter the Gaza Strip, Press TV reported Sunday.
Get News & Follow the convoy:
The Viva Palestina aid convoy to Gaza which left London on December 6th has been blocked from entering Egypt, they are held at the Jordanian port of Aqaba. The convoy, which is made up of more than 200+ vehicles, planned to reach Rafah on December 27th."
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The Children of Gaza share their experiences of "Cast Lead" - 27 Dec 09
"The first Israeli airstrikes of 'Operation Cast Lead' took the people of Gaza by surprise.
School children were among those going about their ordinary lives on the day of the attack. Their world was flung quickly into chaos.
Some of them told Al Jazeera their recollections of the horror."
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Police recruits retell their experiences of "Cast Lead" - 27 Dec 2009
"One year ago the unsuspecting people of Gaza had their lives torn apart by the military offensive that Israel dubbed 'Operation Cast Lead'.
When the first attack struck, police officers were training on their parade ground in Gaza City. Within seconds, dozens of them friends lay dead or severely injured.
Three of them told Al Jazeera their recollections of that day."
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
Israeli ammunition 'causes birth defects' - 27 Dec 09
"Israeli bombings of the Gaza Strip in 2006 and in the war this year have left a high concentration of toxic metals in its soil, according to the findings of a study by a weapons research group made up of independent doctors and scientists based in Italy.
Doctors in Gaza believe the toxic waste, along with the trauma of war, is the reason they're seeing a high number of babies with birth defects.
Sherine Tadros reports from Gaza."
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
One Year On, Gaza Resistance Factions Regroup and Rearm - 27 Dec 09
"It's one year to the day since Israel unleashed a military camapign on the Gaza strip.
The stated goal of the action was to stop rocket attacks from the strip into southern Israel. There has been a dramatic decrease over the previous year, but Palestinian factions claim this is a result of the ceasefire, rather than decreased ability.
As Al Jazeera's Ayman Mohyeldin reports from Gaza, factions remain adamant that their capabilities have only improved."
Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog
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