Sunday, November 1, 2009

The problem with governments and NGOs following israeli policy

The problem with governments and NGOs following israeli policy:

"Fathy Khdeirat from Jordan Valley Solidarity Project discusses the problem with governments and NGOs following Israeli policy, particularly in regard to water supply.

Fathy focuses on how Israel is preventing water supply to almost all of the Jordan Valley - with the exception of Jericho and five small areas where Israel is permitting Palestinians to live as day laborers for the illegal Israeli colonies exporting water-intensive agricultural products to Europe - and how governments and NGOs are facilitating Israel's policy of ethnic cleansing from the rest of the Jordan Valley to clear the way for the Israeli agricultural colonies by failing to uphold their human rights and humanitarian mandates and provide water for Palestinians struggling to stay on their land despite the criminal Israeli policies preventing all development in the 61% of the West Bank Israel is determined to control in violation of international law.

Given that the UN and international NGOs clearly need support to uphold their human rights and humanitarian mandates, the movement for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions of Israel seems a natural way for each and everyone of us to support human rights and water justice in Palestine."

Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog

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