Thursday, March 19, 2009

Stop The Beast Of Gaza And The World

Stop The Beast Of Gaza And The World:

"On Tuesday, March 17, 2009 at Waldorf Astoria (50th & Park), NYC The People
Stood outside in Solidarity with the Palestinian People of Gaza and in outrage against an elite fundraising dinner ($1,000 a plate) for the Israeli Occupation Forces.
Over 1,300 Palestinians were murdered in cold-blood in the recent attacks on Gaza, and thousands more have died before and since due to the IDF's genocidal blockade. This is the criminal behavior which the 'Friends' of the IDF want to raise more money to fund!
While New Yorkers lose their jobs and homes in increasing numbers every day, billions of our tax dollars go every year to fund murder and oppression of Palestinians--but for the super-rich dining at the Waldorf, even that's not enough!

While diners inside the Waldorf party to raise money for murderers, an American citizen, Tristan Anderson lies in critical condition from a tear gas canister (paid for with US tax dollars) fired at him during a peaceful protest Friday in the West Bank. A fellow protestor said 'He had a large hole in the front of his head, and his brain was visible.' (Ha'aretz, 3/14/2009).

This is the kind of cold-blooded murder Palestinians face every day, and which diners at this event want to raise more money for!"

Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog

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