Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Postcard to U.S. President: Gaza

Postcard to U.S. President: Gaza: "People in Gaza send first wishes to new U.S. President-elect Barak Obama.

Palestinian residents of Gaza ask U.S. President-Elect Barack Obama to work for peace, and to improve the situation in Gaza.

1. (Arabic) ABDEL-HAMID FAYYAD, 72-YEAR-OLD GAZA RESIDENT, SAYING: 'By the name of the Palestinian nation, I ask Obama to find a just solution for the Palestinian cause. I hope that he will be better than the ones before.'

2. (English) 49-YEAR-OLD GAZA RESIDENT, ADAM HAMDAN, SAYING: 'The most important thing politically, how can Obama push the wheel of the peace, not only the negotiations but the triggers on the ground?'

3. (Arabic) 50-YEARS-OLD GAZA RESIDENT, MOHAMMED ABU AWDA, SAYING: '(Obama), We hope that he will help us to find a solution for the Palestinian case, and to end the siege because we are really suffering, I hope he will find a solution for the Palestinian case and everybody will live in peace.'"

Palestine Video - A Palestine Vlog

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