Thursday, January 27, 2011

Arrests and confrontations continue in Silwan

By-standers seized by Israeli troops, elderly man beaten « Wadi Hilweh Information Center – Silwan, Jerusalem: "By-standers seized by Israeli troops, elderly man beaten
Monday, 24 January, 2011 | 16:37

Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) -- Israeli forces have arrested 4 Palestinians amidst violent clashes in Silwan, despite the uninvolvement of those taken. Mahmoud al-Razem, Ibrahim Deyab and Abu Naser Zidani were seized by Israeli forces from a shop in Bir Ayyub. Shop contents were said to be strewn and damaged by officers during the arrests.

Sheikh Musa Odeh, a member of Al-Bustan Popular Committee, was arrested on the street as he passed by the scene. Taleb Odeh, 70 years old, was beaten by Israeli troops, who also sprayed him in the face with tear gas at close range.

Sheikh Musa Odeh of Bustan Committee arrested, more injured as clashes escalate « Wadi Hilweh Information Center – Silwan, Jerusalem: "Sheikh Musa Odeh of Bustan Committee arrested, more injured as clashes escalate
Monday, 24 January, 2011 | 16:35

Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) -- Sheikh Musa Odeh of Al-Bustan Popular Committee was arrested by Israeli forces today. Violent clashes are currently underway in Bir Ayyub district of Silwan, with Israeli troops firing heavy amounts of tear gas at Palestinian residents. Witnesses report that several Palestinians have been physically beaten by Israeli troops and numerous injuries have been sustained.

Children seized for interrogation as clashes continue « Wadi Hilweh Information Center – Silwan, Jerusalem: "Children seized for interrogation as clashes continue
Monday, 24 January, 2011 | 16:33

Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) -- Israeli troops arrested 18 year old Abed Mohammed during a raid on his family’s home in Bir Ayyub this morning. A 14 year old child was seized from Baten al-Hawa neighborhood, while 2 other children, aged 11 and 12 years, have also been arrested in Silwan and are in police custody and awaiting interrogation. The day has been marked with sporadic clashes and confrontations throughout Silwan between Palestinian residents and Israeli forces.
The present atmosphere is extremely tense in Bir Ayyub, a district in the heart of Silwan, where a huge number of Israeli forces are amassing. Israeli special forces police erected a barrier at the Wadi Rababa entrance to Silwan this morning, causing traffic congestion.

7 children seized by Israeli military in Silwan
Monday, 24 January, 2011 | 15:54

Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) --

7 Palestinian children were arrested by Israeli troops in Silwan today. The children, aging from 11 to 18 years, were accused of throwing stones at settlers or military vehicles.

إعتقالات تطال أعضاء لجنة الدفاع عن حي البستان:

"silwannet | January 25, 2011

بالفيديو : قنابل حارقة على خيمة الاعتصام واعتقال أكبر أعضاء من لجنة الدفاع عن حي البستان
نشر موقع سلوان نت فيديو مصور تظهر فيه عملية اعتقال لرجل مسن وهو الحاج زياد زيداني 'أبو ناصر' كما ظهر في الفيديو ذاته محاولة إحراق لخيمة سلوان حي البستان قام بها جنود إسرائيليين، ويذكر أن السلطات الإسرائيلية اعتقلت أربعة مواطنين وسبعة أطفال الاثنين الماضي على أيدي قوات المستعربين ليصل عدد المعتقلين إلى 11مواطن، وكانت عملية الاعتقال قد نفذت بعد خروجهم للصلاة وذهابهم إلى البقالة للتبضع والمعتقلون هم الشيخ موسى عودة 53 عام والحاج زياد زيداني 62 عام من لجنة الدفاع عن حي والمواطنين محمود الرازم وإبراهيم أبو دياب . هذا ويذكر أن قوات الاحتلال شنت في الفترة الأخيرة حملة اعتقالات على المواطنين طالت المئات من

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